Who is this?

At this moment, Luke, had decided to take a break at a village he found along the way.

However, just as he was walking along the path towards the inn that the village guard had told him about, he noticed a certain shop.

'Is that….'

"Hehe, Jon, come along now. I finally have some more use for you." Luke dragged Jon along with him towards that shop with a rather distinctly metallic sign-board reading "The Legendary Mechanic"


The bell on the inside of the door rang as Jon and Luke entered the shop, only to be drowned out by the noise of two quarrelling children.

"You did this!"

"No! Dad! He did this!"

"Stop lying!"

"I'm not lying!"

"Liar! Liar! Liar!"

"I'm not lying! Daaaad!"

One of the kids burst out into tears, and ran towards their dad, while the other one remained where he was, with his head held high in the sweet joy of victory.

" ---------! Stop bullying your brother!" A sharp and piercing voice boomed out from deeper inside the house. [1]

Hearing this voice, Luke broke out into an even greater smile.

'What kind of God-given luck to I have for me to find him here? Oh right! It is not God-given, but me bringing luck along with me'

Luke gave a strange look [2] to Jon, before his attention was brought back to the argument by the shrill voice of the second child that was celebrating his victory.

"Dad! I was not bullying him!"

"Shut it! ---------, and Nero, both of you, go back to your rooms. Customers have finally come!" reprimanded the sharp voice.

The two children, obediently did not say another word and simply nodded and left. Not long after…



"Why did you hit me?"

"I did not!"

"You did!"

"Stop lying!"

"I'm not lying!"

"Liar, liar, liar!"


The two had begun quarrelling once more, and one was already crying.

This time, a person appeared in Luke's view, who looked towards the door where the two kids ran off to, sighed and shook his head before turning to the two strangers in front of him.

Luke's heart skipped a beat as he instantly recognised this person.

He did not say much, but just nodded at this person and began looking around the shop. This was a rather modern shop, with lights and a running AC. On the shelves were all kinds of gadgets. Naturally, these gadgets were only everyday gadgets, like shovels, spoons, wood, etc.

This was basically a hardware shop in a time-displacement device, confused whether it belonged to the medieval or modern times.

Luke spent some time to look through the items and bought a knife as a gesture, to prevent the shop-owner from throwing him out.

After spending nearly 3 hour just looking, making Jon already dose off into deep slumber, Luke turned towards the person in front of him, and spoke slowly and softly, annunciating each and every word.

"I forgot to introduce myself, I am the Sage."

"Ah! I am Black Phantom."

[1] OMG OMG OMG! Haha, I finally did it! I brought in something that is bound to get my novel copyrighted sooner or later. Hopefully, it won't… XD

[2] Luke gave a look… XDXD

[3] Also, you must be wondering why one of the children do not have a name? And just -------. That is simple. Because she truly does not have a name. This information is not revealed even when TLM ends. I will not speak more, since spoilers might come out about the plot that has not even been translated yet. Enjoy the chaos that I have created from this chapter, and especially this Foot Note. XDXD.