Han Xiao (2)

While there was a chaotic scene in the void, Luke and Han Xiao were having an intense stand-off.

Han Xiao had his gun pointed straight at Luke, and Luke also had a fire-bullet; a spell that was a more accurate, single target, compressed version of the AoE spell: fireball.

Naturally, would he be a magician without having all kinds of back-ups and preparations?

He had already put up a magic and a physical damage nullification spell on himself that would withstand any attack that was below 10 points of attack of their respective kind. For reference, the fireball did 5 impact damage and a continuous 0.5 burn damage until the fire is but out, while the fire bullet did 7 damage, with almost no burn damage.

"Now, now, calm down." Luke said while maintaining his menial smile.

"Who are you? How much do you know. What do you want from me?"

"There we go. See, isn't it better to talk things through. Now, let me answer the first question with a simple question."

"I am the Sage. Also known as Lucas in the game… Lucas the NPC."

Hearing the words so clearly from an NPC's mouth was a first for Han Xiao. He had often tried explaining to his children, that they were in a game, but all they heard was gibberish.

When he first appeared in this body, he did not know it was a game.

He tried his best and survived for many years in world that was incredibly close to the game, had a wife, and had two wonderful kids. Then suddenly, when he woke up, it was there; the system, handing him countless quests just like a player would receive, only without having to go anywhere to complete them, and also giving him a time for when the Beta test would begin.

It was only then that he got to know that he was actually an NPC in the game, and had not been transmigrated into a fantasy world that looked just like the game.

With the system, he quickly gained strength, and quickly reached the level cap of 40 for Version 1 even before Version 1 began. However, the price he had to pay for that was his wife; Ames.

Unfortunately, she passed away in a sneak attack by some of his enemies who he later took revenge on, completely destroying them. After that, however, he only felt empty, emptiness, hat was filled by his goal to protect his children, which was the dying wish of his wife.

During the beta test, he did not see a single player, and being an NPC, he could not access the forums or any other form of contact with them. What made it even harder was that he did not start off in this server, so he did not know the spawn point during the beta testing.

However, after Version 1 came, players spawned everywhere, and he even met a few.

After finding the players, he thought about telling them everything, but he felt it was too risky for obvious reasons. Firstly, he felt that most would just ignore it as part of the lore or something, while those few who did not out-right ignore him would either swarm him for quests, or complain to the developers, who might just delete him.

Therefore, he was stuck in an awkward situation, where he was stuck in the game, but could not do anything about it, only following the method of grinding to level-up and become strong enough to survive along with his children.

It was during such a time, that a pebble was thrown into this calm lake called his new life. This small pebble, that had just appeared in front of him, was creating waves in his heart of myriad emotions. Confusion, Fear, Anger, and Hope.

"Y- You… are you from…"

"Yes. From the real world. I believe we have a lot to talk about. Why don't we put down our weapons.?" Luke spoke, as calmly as before.

PS. I'm sorry this conversation is going on for so long, but I needed to explain his backstory, since it is not the same as TLM, it is more of utter obliteration of the future plot of TLM, mixed in with some random bullshit I made up, to prevent too many spoilers, and allow you guys to still enjoy TLM. XD.

Also, let's see for how long this can go on before I get taken down… XD