(Let's meet again in our next life. I'll always be waiting for you)
"Augustine, wake up. The breakfast is ready and also hurry up. We are running late from school," I yelled as he was still sleeping in his room.
There is still this feeling lingering inside me that someone is watching us from afar. But the only solution I can think of is that my mind is playing games with me.
Augustine headed to the dining room because I prepared breakfast for us before we head to school. However, I don't know what to think, but the feeling is still there. The feeling that someone is watching.
I started feeling uncomfortable, so I tried to sneak a peek in the window to look for someone that is keeping an eye on the house. But I failed to see anyone watching us. It was the first time that this kind of thing happened to me.
Because of my powerful senses, I can feel if someone is watching me. However, it might be just as Augustine said. When I return to finish my breakfast, Augustine asked me what is going on.
"Remember what I told you last night, that I had a feeling that someone was following me. I can still sense it even though it has already been a night," I explained while being wary of the surroundings.
"Bro, ever since you started working and head home late at night. You suddenly experienced things like this. Are you sure you are okay?" He replied.
"Yeah, maybe my mind is playing games with me," I replied while laughing happily.
"Hey, look at the time. Hurry up were running a bit late," I chipped in as we finish our breakfast.
Before we head out, I cleaned the dishes first. And then we dashed towards the school because there's only a matter of time before the school closes the gates.
Hopefully, we arrived in time just before the teacher closes the gate. While we head to our locker inside to get our indoor shoes, the feeling that someone is watching me got intense.
When I looked at my surroundings, I can see students at the same school looking at me again as if they fear me. However, I just thought it was just an ordinary day where they looked at everyone with a glaring look.
I don't know what's happening, so I just let them again and attended classes like an ordinary school guy. Throughout the entire period, I saw Augustine sleeping right beside the door near the exit.
I was sitting beside the window, so it is easy for me to notice anyone sleeping. But when I look at everyone, it shocked me when I felt fear in the eyes directed to me.
Everyone still avoided having direct contact with me. And that made me uncomfortable, because how can a guy like me who never fought with anyone be a subject of fear.
As the period ended, it was time for break time. I asked Augustine to accompany me to buy in the canteen.
"Sure thing, but let's head first to the restroom quickly," he requested before we head to the canteen.
"Yeah, let's go but hurry up cause I'm starving," I responded.
Walking in the hallway was like a battlefield in my eyes. Because having to cope up with angry stares and fearful gaze is something you wouldn't want for the rest of your life.
I may have overreacted, but never did I expect to receive this kind of treatment once in my life. When we enter the restroom people, inside started to leave as if they saw a monster enter.
(I am so confused. What the hell did I do to deserve this?)
After Augustine finished what he was doing, we then headed to the canteen to buy food. In the hallway, many have obstructed our way and did not allow us to enter the canteen.
When we arrived at last at the canteen, the bell already rang, and we needed to return to the room before five minutes. Without any choice, I ran inside the canteen and asked for a piece of bread, then paid without getting the change.
I was able to eat, but Augustine wasn't, so I gave him the half. And we returned to our room. It's our last period, so I slept for the remaining time because I still have to work in the store later.
In my sleep, I dreamt of a place where it was somehow old-fashioned. And people are wearing traditional clothes, I don't know what it is, but it looked like the clothes mentioned in the history books of Japan.
But my dream was interrupted when Augustine woke me up.
(What place could that be? It was so wonderful and beautiful)
"Hey, wake up. It's already dismissal time," Augustine yelled near my ear because I was still sleeping at my desk.
"What time is it?" I responded.
"It's already five 'o clock in the afternoon. You still have thirty minutes before your shift," Augustine added as I fixed all my things and ran to arrive at the store before the time of my shift.
I was able to arrive a minute left before my shift, and I hurriedly entered the store because it's only my second day. I dont want my boss to think of me as someone not punctual, but as I enter the store.
I felt again that someone is watching me, my boss saw me at the entrance, and she went out to ask me whats the problem.
"Sorry, Boss, it was nothing," I responded, then ran to the locker room to change into the store's uniform.
While changing, I thought of people that are possibly holding a grudge against me. And the only people I can think of are my so-called family. But they are not that stupid to follow me everywhere I go.
After I finished preparing, I head out to the counter then started working. It was only my second day, but I am glad that many customers started coming. Then a random woman complimented me and said that she likes how I happily serve the customers.
I think it was the first time someone complimented me that way, but that's not all. The woman also added that I look handsome, and that's the reason most of the customers visiting the store are mostly girls.
After listening to what she said, it is only natural for a person to deny every compliment because he was flustered. She left me flustered and made me smile. So left with nothing to say, I responded with a nod and an innocent smile.
(Well, that was unexpected, but she made me feel more comfortable)
It's been almost three hours since my shift started, so I took a quick break since no customers are entering. Thankfully, my boss didn't get mad and told me to close the shop for thirty minutes so I can take a break.
Then a sudden thought came to my mind, that I didn't notice that the feeling that someone is watching me is gone. And I thought that maybe because I was so focused on serving the customers that I forgot about it.
Before my break ends, I decided to clean the store first, then open it after I finished cleaning it up. The only thought that was running in my mind is, my goal for the day is to make my boss proud.
When I looked at the store, I was so proud of myself because I was able to make it clean like it was a brand new store.
(Did I do this? Well, it's unexpected, but it looks so much better)
There are only five minutes left till the end of my break time, so I spent it eating some of the bread that my boss gave me as a welcome gift yesterday.
After I finish eating, and my break time is over, I opened the store again. But when I was about to put the sign to open, I saw a silhouette meters away from the store.
I ignored it, but the feeling came back, and it is uncomfortable. Then customers started to arrive again, and that made me a bit relieved because if I focus on serving the customers. That will make me forget this uncomfortable feeling.
However, instead of forgetting, I was alarmed when I saw some of my classmates entering the store. Nevertheless, I need to serve them wholeheartedly because my boss told me that everyone who enters the store is a precious customer.
When they were about to pay for the items, I was surprised by their reaction when they saw me behind the counter. They looked at me with fear again in their eyes.
After I bagged their orders, they hurriedly left the store. It was so weird that I didn't even do anything because I am confused about why will they look at me with fear inside their eyes.