The Last Day of Freedom

It is now the time for the moment of truth, the last trial of the case filed against the suspect Xavier Carter.

I filed a request to the judge to hold the last trial today. Which is the reason why I called Augustine yesterday and told him to meet up with me. After calling him and requested him to meet up today last night.

Well, it is because I wanted to tell him the truth about what happened yesterday afternoon. And today, this morning, Augustine visited the station to talk with me. He was worried sick because of how I sounded while being on a phone call with him yesterday.

But I cut straight to the point and told him that we should cut our ties with each other. Of course, Augustine would be shocked to hear this kind of news so suddenly. However, the longer I tried to keep it between myself.

He keeps on insisting on knowing why I would decide to do such a thing.

"Augustine, I dont want to tell you the details. Please dont make this harder for me because this is the most difficult decision I need to face after everything that you have done for me," I answered his questions.

"No, Xavier. What the hell are you talking about, bro? This decision of yours is too sudden. You never decide to do this kind of thing, not unless something important to you is in danger. So if you really treat me as a brother, tell me what problem it is that you're having that you're willing to cut ties with me," He responded.

"You wanna know why? My goddamn siblings are targeting you and my boss. Do you know how hard it is for me to decide what to do? I cannot protect the both of you while I'm here. And the two of us both know what those bastards are capable of doing for the sake of their greed," I replied as tears slowly drip into my eyes.

"We can protect ourselves, Xavier. We are not some kids who always need your protection, and for crying out loud. Did you really think that we dont have what it takes to protect ourselves from your selfish siblings?" He responded, trying to convince me not to cut ties with him.

"You're missing the point, Augustine. The deeper your connection with me, the harder it will be for you to live an ordinary life. I dont want to see that my bestfriend and my boss would suffer because of a quarrel between us siblings," I answered to his response holding back my tears.

It is already harder to see that my bestfriend is crying because of what is happening right now. But then my boss showed up at the most inconvenient time. When I asked why she was here, the one who answered was Augustine.

He was on the phone with her in the midst of our conversation, and she heard everything that I wanted to do. The two of them kept on insisting that this isn't the only solution that we have because there is still that huge possibility of me winning the case.

And when they heard what I said, they bellowed with anger.

"I won't push through with the trial, so please just leave me alone because what I'm doing is for your own good," I calmly replied to the both of them.

"Why would you do that? First, you wanted to break the connection that you have with us. And now, you want to give up the trial, which the three of us know that you have a high chance of winning. You only need to win this last trial, and you can have your freedom again. Why are you wasting such a thing?" both of them responded to what I have stated.

"The result of this trial would still be the same, whether I kept on fighting or not. We cannot win this fight, Augustine. This will be temporary, and everything will be back to normal after they release me," I explained the situation that will happen in the court.

"Also, the reason that I want to cut off our friendship is that they threatened to make both of you suffer if I dont comply with their wishes. And as I told you earlier, there is nothing impossible when those freaks decide to interfere. Now that does answer your question or not?" I added to my response.

From the looks of their faces, it seems that what I have just explained to both of them isn't satisfying. However, when I told them to keep on thinking about what will happen if ever I was proved innocent, but my brothers kept on ruining my life.

With that in mind, they saw the reason why I had to decide such a thing. And I told them the last request I have before we part with each other.

"File a request to the judge to hold the last trial this afternoon, well then till the next time we meet my friends," the last request I have then bid farewell.

That's what happened during the conversation that the three of us had.

Let us now go back to the trial that is happening right now. What will happen today is the moment of truth, or must I say the moment of doom. My last day of being free from the outside world will be determined today.

The same scenario as what happened to the first two trials, the only difference is that this time everything will end. The judge entered and walked towards his desk on the elevated platform. Stated his opening remarks to mark the start of the last trial of the case filed against me.

To be honest, I am kinda having second thoughts on my decision. Do I really want to sacrifice my freedom because of a little threat they gave me? Or fight for the justice that is rightfully mine. Suddenly, I thought of the guy whom the resemblance with me is very uncanny.

What he offered still lingers on my mind. Everything that I planned was going well until my half-siblings interfered with the process. I wanted to ask someone for advice, but I just remembered that I cut the ties binding the three of us.

So I was hoping to see a brief appearance or a single sign from the woman in my dreams. Sadly, that's not how it works. So here I am, sitting all alone with no one to support me but the attorney that I hired to help me. Finally, I came to conclude that I won't let those petty threats bother me and protect my freedom.

The questioning of the witnesses is currently being held right now. So I tried to get the attention of the judge, but when I took a glance at my brother's. They were showing me an android tablet, which shows the convenience store and the house of Augustine.

I tried so hard to conceal my anger, but I had no choice. I raised my hand and made an announcement inside the courtroom.

"Please excuse my interruption of the questioning. But I plead guilty to the case of attempted murder that was filed against me," everyone was shocked to hear the sudden confession that I made.

"Are you sure that what you are saying is the truth and nothing but the truth? Are there no threats that made you reach this kind of decision? Because I want to remind you that if you are proven guilty, you will spend ten to fifteen years in prison. So I am asking you now? Is what you are saying right now is true?" The judge responded to my confession and asked a few questions.

"Yes, your honor. My decision is final," I replied to the response of the judge.

"Very well then, Xavier Carter. We, the jury, unanimously find the defendant (Xavier Carter) has pleaded guilty to attempting to murder the victim. The defendant will receive a sentence of 10 to 15 years of imprisonment," Those were the exact words of the judge that will change my life for a long time.

I had no choice, but I dont regret my decision because, at the very least, I was able to prevent the suffering of my friends. However, when I looked at how my brothers smiled and looked at me with pity. The hatred that I felt was extraordinary that the only thing my mind processes are the wrath and revenge I wanted to have.

(Remember this day, my so-called family, from this day onwards, I will no longer consider you as my family. Mark my words, I will make your life miserable as soon as I leave here. I will make you all pay for this injustice. Remember this)

So this is where everything ends, a poor boy who struggled to survive the mistreatment of his siblings. Imprisoned at the age of eighteen without the justice he deserved. This proves that the world is nothing but a place where peace doesn't exist.