Unbelievable Strength

'This guy is weaker than I thought, Xavier. I wonder what would he do if I break his legs and make him unable to stand up again.'

He was a complete freak, and I can't believe that I have fallen for his words. The truth was revealed because of what he did. He doesn't want to help me but rather satisfy his thirst for violence. I was a fool for ever believing that this guy would help me.

How can smashing a six-foot-three man in the walls of the comfort room then following up with a lot of strong body blow help with increasing my survival rate. Everything he did just made my life here in jail much worse than I thought because I mean, why would you involve violence when you can have a peaceful talk.

Like leaving a half beaten guy inside the comfort room would help with everything.

'Look at this big guy, Xavier. They let this bastard handle everything in here, why because he has a muscular body and a height advantage, does it mean that no one can beat him?'

'Well, sucks for him. He met the two of us. But just for assurance, I should beat him more so that he wouldn't bother you anymore.'

(Enough! You have done quite the damage, so stop with this nonsense and give me my body back)

'See, that is the very reason that everyone you have cant be safe around you. Because you're naive, you dont use your head, and out of all, that you are just a coward hiding in my presence.'

(Point taken, but you tend to overdo everything. Yes, I admit that I am naive just as you say, but you shall follow what I say. If I ordered you to stop, then stop)

'Oh, why dont you make me? Honestly, I'm having fun messing around with this guy. So if you really want to take control, make me stop."

Both of us struggled to figure out who should be the one taking control of the body. What he showed me was shocking because, with a body like mine, I thought that protecting myself from someone that big would be pointless because of the difference in size.

However, he showed me that I can have the strength to defend myself if I just hand over the authority to him. After what happened inside the restroom, he left then went back to my holding cell. We stayed inside for about three days, and then after three days had passed.

I was able to gain back my place in controlling my own body. It was the weirdest experience I had. Imagine having consciousness but doesn't have control over your body. And all you can do is watch yourself beat up someone eventhough you want to stop everything from happening.

The horror you saw from the strength that he has made you feel like a child without anything to defend yourself. Stuck in a place, you just wondered what could I have possibly done if it was you who has control over your own body that time.

Will I be able to be as strong as him? As strong as my alternate personality? Shall I just disappear and give him full control of my consciousness? Slowly, I started to lose confidence in my self, it hasn't even been a month since I was brought here, but here I am sulking.

How can I even go out of my cell again if there will be countless inmates who'll be hunting me because of the incident that happened in the east wing restroom. I can't even head to the canteen just to eat a single meal because I can sense that the person who was beaten up by my alternate will be waiting there.

Staying here is the most possible way to get away from troubles that might happen to me outside of these bars.

"Inmate 1229, you have a visitor." the guard suddenly informed me of my visitor.

I dont remember anyone who'll still visit me after everything that happened that day. On the day where I was convicted of attempted murder, I pushed everyone who supported me from the start away from me.

The remaining two people who gave me the strength to carry on, I also pushed them away. And then everyone who remembers my name will remember as the one who was arrested for something that I didn't do. So who might that person be? That person who'll risk his life just to have a small talk with me.

Because no matter what I do, everyone who'll try to be close with me will suffer the same faith as me. My siblings won't ever let them have a peaceful life if they somehow get involved with me again.

"Inmate 1229, will you accept the visitation request?" the guard who informed me asked.

"Before I accept the visitation request, may I know first the name of the one requesting?" I responded.

"The visitor requested not to tell you his name and insisted only on visiting you. So will you accept the visitation request?" the guard responded.

"Tell him that I refuse to answer his request if he doesn't want to make himself known," I requested and answered the guard's response.

The guard went back to his station to inform the visitor who was requesting my presence that I didn't accept his request. And here I am again, sitting in this steel bed with a ragged cushion gazing upon the colorless ceiling of the cell.

When suddenly, the guard returned and informed me about the name of the visitor who requested my presence. It was my bestfriend, Augustine. Before the guard even finished his sentence, I immediately answered and told him that I'll accept his request.

Never did I expect that Augustine would risk his life for our friendship. I already warned him that being close to me would only harm him and others who are close to me. Seeing me suffer is what makes my half-siblings a way of entertainment.

It's been three days after the incident that happened on the east wing, and I'm pretty sure that they dont know what number I am. So I'll just act as nothing happened and hurriedly head to the visiting room. As I walked past the hallway, I remembered the last conversation I had with my father.

It must be nice to reconcile with everyone who once gave you a hard time. Maybe by doing that, I would find the peace that I have always wanted. Slowly entering the visitation room, the cubicle that was assigned for me was the same to that day I last talked with my father.

When I opened the door of the cubicle, on the other side of the glass, I saw Augustine wearing a school uniform. When I looked at the clock beside me, it's already seven o'clock in the morning. The first thing that comes out of my mouth was the words you're late.

"Hey damn bastard, you're late for school. The hell are you doing here?" I angrily told him and asked.

"Well, is it wrong to visit a long term friend of mine?" He responded.

As I observe him, I saw some bruises on his face, plus multiple bandages on his arms.

"What the hell happened to your face? And what's with those bandages on your arms?" I thundered inside the cubicle.

"Chill, dude, this is nothing. Just having a hard time cooking meals alone. Using those knives really is dangerous if you dont know what their purpose," he responded to my question while trying to calm me.

"Those arent normal cuts from cooking, Augustine. I'm not that stupid to not notice the difference between cuts from a knife and bruises from punches. They are completely different, so now tell me, what happened outside after I was brought here? Did my brothers bother you?" I calmly asked Augustine so that he'll answer with the truth.

"Im telling you the truth, and these bruises are nothing. Just had a few fights with some of our schoolmates. Some of them started to bully me ever since you left, but it's alright since I can finally learn how to fight back. So dont worry about me and just focus on resting there," he responded, trying to change the topic.

"It might take you a long time before you can be free again, so in the meantime, focus on healing your wounds and stay away from trouble. I'll keep on visiting you every day, so dont worry too much about me," he added to his response.

Somehow, hearing Augustine saying those things even though he is obviously lying gave comfort to me. But when I asked him something that would prove how he got those bruises, he accidentally answered that it was because of my brothers.

"What! Those bastards didn't leave you alone? I cant believe that I let myself be fooled by those assholes. How about boss, is she alright?" I angrily replied with a question.

"Sorry, Xavier gotta go. It has already been thirty minutes, and I still need to head to school. I'll see you later, bye," He responded, then hurriedly left escaping my questions to him without answers.