Premonition for the Future

Before we even fight, it has already been decided. How does he know that we'll lose? Maybe there is something that this guy already knows that made him think otherwise. The goal for this time is to know what information does this officer hold that might lead to an advantage.

Just you wait, Mazuko. You will suffer tenfold of what your victims have experienced. This is not only my will but the will of Xavier, who you wanted to have. People who have fallen for your wrongdoings will seek the retribution that no man had the guts to achieve. And because I am here standing, the alternate of Xavier, any means will be necessary until we bring you down.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked him since his length of experience is not enough to describe his knowledge about Mazuko.

"Don't ever think that you can bring down Mazuko with just yourself. Because I am not allowed to tell you this, but there is someone who protects Mazuko in this prison. If you truly care about Xavier, you need to get your head straight and just live through the years. Wasting your time on ideals that you have will only be risky for you and Xavier. So I repeat, keep your hands to yourself," he warned me not to mess with Mazuko since he has someone powerful backing him up.

There might be something more to this idea than just plainly taking down Daku. This officer's warning says it all clearly. However, being scared of something like this wouldn't provide our freedom. Just like this famous saying that I've always heard from Xavier. "No Pain, No Gain"

I would have never proceeded with this plan if I didn't know the dangers that Xavier and I would encounter. Before I have even thought of this, I have already readied myself for this.

"You seem like a reasonable man for Xavier to keep in touch with you. Then would you still be able to prevent me from standing up against Mazuko when you hear what I have to say? A lot of inmates, around fifty to a hundred, were all sentenced for the crime that they didn't commit for the promise of having a better life in exchange and a shortened term?"

"I may just be an alternate, but after three years, I have learned what it's like to be someone important. I have learned to sympathize just by sitting in a closed space consisting only of inmates. Imagine an alternate joining someone who might be a bad influence on it. But do you see walking down the wrong road? They have shown me the right path to take, and even if it's dangerous. That is just a small price to pay for the kindness that they have showered me," I added to my response, hoping to let him understand my intentions.

"Whether I understand that your intentions are pure and just. That is not enough for you to be safe from Mazuko. Have you thought about what possibly would have happened if you fail? You are not the only one who would suffer, but those inmates will live in terror because of your failure? Xavier wouldn't move unless there is an assurance of about ninety percent. Think about it first, and if you are still willing to proceed with this nonsense, I will tell you the information that you need."

"However, there will be a time limit to this offer. Later the same time as yesterday, meet me here again," he added to his response, consistent in discouraging me from proceeding to the idea that I have in mind.

He left to resume his duties and left me hanging here in the watchtower. Wondering what he meant by those who will suffer more will be those who I want to protect. Doesn't he know that I can destroy Mazuko in a fistfight? Then, suddenly an idea struck my head. What he wanted to imply is if ever that I fail the mission I have for myself.

Anyone involved with the plan to bring him down will suffer in his hands. Not only will this make their lives harder than usual, but it may also affect Xavier's friends. However, if we won't fight for the freedom of everyone. The peace that every victim wanted to have will never be achieved by the people. We shall not let ourselves be intimidated by them if what we desire is liberty.

'Xavier, you know I still wait for your return. But why do I feel that every time I try to convince myself that you're just inside your body unconscious, it makes me wonder, will you ever come back?'

'Isn't three years enough? Please help me to free these people. Isn't that what you want? I know that you have suffered a lot more than I could think of but are you that weak to surrender that easily? Where is the Xavier that once felt the sense of justice? Where is Xavier who doesn't retreat from a fight? Where is Xavier that any people who get to be acquainted with him treat him dearly?'

'I won't wait for you to respond because if you were able to answer from the start. Then we wouldn't have this conversation from the start. However, forgive me for the decision I'll make. But this is for helping those victims of Mazuko, and if you are against the idea, then you're free to stop me anytime.'

"Hey, what are you doing there! You are not allowed to be there!" An indistinct yell near the watchtower was heard from above here.

When I took a peek to see to whom that yell was directed too. It was another inmate trying to escape from the fence behind. Which is closeby to this abandoned watchtower. I should head back to my cell first, and then from there, I shall wait for about three hours since it's already four in the afternoon.

Headed back to my cell, I heard a call from behind. It was Abe who wanted to talk with me. Although I carry on without looking back at him because Mazuko saw or one of his men saw our interaction. The scheme that I had thought of will be pointless. So I shouldn't let others notice that we know each other because this will harm him more than myself.

Abe chased and held my shoulder, calling my name or I meant Xavier's.

"Hey, Xavier, why didn't you respond when I called you?"

I whispered to him, saying that he shouldn't act close to me when we are outside the meeting place because it will harm us both. He was able to understand what I meant then went back to the place where we always meet. That reminds me, what is that place called again? Nevermind, I shouldn't bother with things like that.

As I return to my cell, I immediately dump my body on the bed for a quick afternoon nap. Tired from washing the dishes, then went towards the watchtower to talk with that old guy. My body, I meant Xavier's body cannot handle the fatigue anymore. Back when Xavier was still a student, his body was fit and athletic.

Nonstop exercise for the whole day is what he does to keep the body fit and healthy. But because of the sudden change in the personalities who control the body. The level of stamina that this body can hold decreased because my full strength cannot be used when Xavier is not present.

Because of how Xavier created me, there is a difference between the both of us in terms of physical strength. Although Xavier is still stronger than me, the only problem is that he doesn't have the courage or braveness to fight back when it's necessary.

Let's go back to the incident three years ago, remember when Xavier carried Mazuko in the neck then slammed him into the wall. That is not half of Xavier's strength but only a quarter of it because the trigger that day was anger and hatred. However, the moment that Xavier learned how to control his emotions and be matured enough to face his fears.

There will be no need for a trigger because, from that moment, he can freely control his strength from the start until the end. And if that day would come, then that is the day when I'll be erased from existence permanently. I have never had free will, to begin with. All of these emotions are coming from Xavier's heart and mind.

Forget about that, because I said that I'll take a quick nap.


After two hours of sleep, I suddenly heard Xavier talking.

'What the hell?'

'Xavier, is that you?

However, when I tried to talk to him. He was gone after saying something that doesn't give a clear meaning. What does the word soon signify? Does this mean that he'll be back soon, or is there something more to it than what I have in mind? The first time that he appeared in my dreams after three years of disappearance, what he stated was, feel my wrath, and then the word that he had stated today is, soon.

Maybe I am just overthinking, but I think that if I'll connect those phrases into a sentence. The overall result will feel my wrath, soon.