Sudden Exchange of Personality

'Xavier, control yourself. His appearance doesn't change the fact that you're stronger than all of them combined. Losing your composure would only doom yourself in the end. There is a proper time for everything. We just have to wait a little longer.'

"Hello, Brother," My half-brother John appeared right in front of my eyes. Allying with our rival family.

"Having nothing to use against me anymore, I guess. Associating with an opposing mafia, how pathetic. As if joining them would ever do anything to me," Although it's hard to refrain myself from beating everyone to a pulp. Because of my alternate's advice, I can still conceal my madness. However, I won't be able to promise to hold it much longer.

"Still cocky as usual, you should've just died, but you refused to accept your death. You're nothing but an illegitimate child, and you dare bare your fangs against me!" I'm slowly losing my patience.

"I could absolutely tell you the same thing. Just because you were born earlier than me. That doesn't mean that I am an illegitimate child. You're undeniably forgetting something important. In the hands of the law, I... AM... THE... LEGAL... CHILD...!" Thankfully, I was still able to remain calm and composed.

"This is the reason why I dont like working with those who have a relation with the other party. How irritating! So how about it, Nicholas Kim, would you be generous enough to accompany us to our headquarters?" The lady who is dressed in a long black dress offered me to accompany them to their headquarters.

Trusting the words of this woman would be like taking my own life. Who in their right mind would enter the tiger's den without having any backup. Plus, they have already proved me right that they cannot be trusted. Reason being that they used my half-brother just to try on getting on my nerves.

However, belittling me would only harm them than being beneficial. I'm not like my half-siblings, who don't use their brains. Being clever and intelligent is something that I've always had, even before I became like this. Observing and being attentive are some of the skills I earned because of my fear of my siblings.

"Legal Child, dont make me laugh! Your mother was just a slut or what do you call that, a hoe, seducing someone who already has a family! Your mother ruined a family, and you think you have the right to tell that right in front of my face! YOU... ARE... NOTHING..."

The moment John said those words right in front of me. My mind went blank, and I slowly walked towards him without any expression shown on my face. Everyone started to become wary of my actions, even with my steps. Within ten seconds, I was already in front of John. Looking down at him, face to face.

While the woman who was near him pointed a gun at my abdomen. But that doesn't stop me from looking down at John. He stepped backward to evade me. However, he was met with a car blocking his way. Although he acts as if he wasn't scared. I can feel his body trembling from fear.

I grabbed hold of the car's door only to see that I squeezed it hard, forming a dent in the shape of my hands. Each and every one of these men witnessed how terrifying I could be if provoked. Some of them slowly lost the will to fight, while some started to assault me while petrified.

When I raised my right hand and held John in his neck, everyone stopped in their current position. The woman behind us asked me nicely to let go of John if I refused to have my head blown into pieces. But because the woman was all talk and no work, I grabbed the gun that she was using and again compressed the barrel to cease her chances of firing the firearm.

At that moment, I was able to clear my mind of all the thoughts covering my head. But because of my hatred, I couldn't let go of this opportunity to slaughter this lowly degenerate.

"You could have just shut your mouth and stopped talking. But you chose to provoke me with your stupidity. Even if you join this family, you and your younger brother are still nothing compared to me. Don't you dare to badmouth my mother right in front of me again! Understood!" He couldn't escape my grip, and because of that, John is starting to slowly choke from my grasp.

John tried to answer, but I couldn't hear what he was saying. So I slowly grew impatient with his attitude that I lifted him up while my hands were choking his neck.

"What was that! Say it loud and clear! I'm going easy on you just because I still have a bit of conscience left, but the moment I lose my patience! Remember that I could snap your neck with just the use of my right hand," His movements are starting to get sluggish as he grasps for air. Then I decided to let him go.

Their reinforcements have started to shortly arrive after I released John from being captive.

"Who would've thought that you already called for help, right, Miss?" She was stunned at how sharp-minded I was.

"Not only are you stunningly handsome but also sharp-minded. What a complete package! But sadly, we're both on the opposing side of each other. Everyone has witnessed it now. And because of that, my men have grown terrified of you with just that simple stunt of yours. Another half a hundred would be coming on to the scene, so again, I offer that you come with us. And we will try to keep things nonaggressive," Any minute now, the old man's gang would also be arriving shortly. Better buy them some time, or I could just take them all by myself.

However, because of the current condition of my body, things would unlikely turn the way I envision them to be. Probably suffer more hits than I could ever imagine. Besides, in this state, my alternate would probably be ready to have a quarrel with me.

'I know what you're thinking, Xavier. Better stop that plan of yours early rather than catch sight of you again in a hospital bed. Just try to buy some time for the others to arrive. Bear in mind that your body is still not in the condition to confront a hundred men.'

(Alright, alright. I'll just stay inside the car and only exit after they have arrived to assist me. Would that be okay?)

'Yeah, also try calling the old man. It's been twenty minutes since he called. They should have appeared any minute now, and it's not like we're far from the mansion.'

I decided to return to my car and try to follow what my alternate said. However, if they start to assault me while I am inside. Then they should be prepared to face the worst. The opposing family took the time to review their plan, as I can see them from the side mirror. It seems that John also recovered from what happened earlier.

The current time is about a quarter to ten in the morning which means that only two hours left before its noon. The pressure on their side to bring me to their headquarters would probably be increased tenfold. While inside the car, I saw a message pop-up on my smartphone, and it was a message from the old man. His men have already arrived at their position and are now on standby. If ever the Cassiano goons start to attack me, then his men would assist me.

However, because they still try to prevent making the issue blow up and getting the police involved.

"Nicholas Kim! Where do you think your friends are right now?" The woman in black suddenly shouted.

'Well, that's something that I dont have any privilege with.'

I angrily exited the car and shouted.

"What the hell did you just say! Better keep that mouth shut, or I'll rip it apart! You've crossed a boundary that you never should've cross! I just let you do what you want since earlier, but I gave you the benefit because I wouldn't want to hurt a woman! Nevertheless, try to get my friends involved in this mess, and I'll swear you'll be nothing but a corpse this instant," Again, I can feel it. If this goes on, I'll lose myself again and start violently assault everyone around me.

Suddenly, one of the men handed a phone ringing to the woman. As soon as the woman answered the phone call, I could hear who it was. The person on that phone call is Augustine. The woman put the phone on speaker to let me hear Augustine's voice.

"Augustine! Where are you! Who are you with!" I released a worried shriek because Augustine and the other might get involved in this business.

"Oh, hey, Bro! We are at a restaurant near Nagai Park, it's a famous curry restaurant, someone approached us that they are having a promo. So we went out of our way and decided to try it. Come here, bro! They serve a handsome amount of curry, and I also remembered that it was your favorite! So if you have free time today, just come here," From how they answered the phone call, it seems that they are safe.

However, when the woman ended the call, she mentioned something that she didn't have.

"Right now, your friends are under our custody. They are now inside one of our partner's shops with the thought of enjoying a promo. Now, what do you want to happen? Come with us, and we'll let your friends enjoy their meal, or I'll leave it for you to imagine what we would do to them if you dont comply? Those words struck a trigger that awoken something inside me.

The inner demon.