Things seemed to have quieted down a bit. Xavier doesn't need to fight too much because of his growing reputation. So I could finally leave him be. Xavier has a lot of hidden potentials that are being blocked by my existence. I'll be lying if I say that I won't feel sad about what's about to happen.
"What business do you have from me, Hal?" Mr. Salvatore didn't seem to be himself, eventhough I can't read the atmosphere as much as Xavier.
Mr. Salvatore is releasing this vibe that clearly tells his sadness.
"Mr. Salvatore, I'll be straightforward with you. I've heard from Xavier or Nicholas about your argument," His face slowly frowned as he listened to what I was talking about.
"Although it wasn't your intention, what you told him really scarred his heart. That was quite an insensitive move from you," Suddenly, Mr. Salvatore began to tear up as he remembered the things he said to Xavier.