A Day With Her

What the hell is happening? How come Augustine doesn't know Gizelle? The pain of the scars that the countless battles. Had inflicted on my body was still vivid. So how could that misery suddenly disappear without even leaving a trace? 

"How about Stacey? It would be nearly impossible for you to forget about her," Augustine was left with a curious expression as he looked at me, slightly scared. "Bro, for real, what happened to you? Did you happen to wake up on the wrong side of the bed or something?" Wait, if all of that was really a dream, then the scars in my body wouldn't be here.

If those were just dreams, then it was a really vivid nightmare. I almost died too many times. I couldn't even remember some of it happening. Stuck in awe, as I gazed into space, both my mother and Augustine tried to get my attention. However, it seemed I couldn't focus because I still couldn't believe that it was all just a fantasy.