The Devil's Plans


"Sir Nicholas, the clock is ticking. There is no assurance that some of those men wouldn't attack this place again. You knew how everyone couldn't handle everything by themselves, right?" Eunwoo responded. "What do you want to point out, Eunwoo?" I responded with a tone that would let him know I didn't like how he was talking with me. 

"Not to be rude, Sir. However, without you that day. The temple had already fallen deep in the hands of those men. Although, I regret that you couldn't head back to your country," He added to his response. "Because of the guilt, you felt the need to remain in here. We dont have the freedom to be arrogant now. What we need of you is the Don of the Lombardo Family, considered the strongest mafia in the world to train us," He added to his response.