"Get ready. What you heard might probably be one of the mafias. See that person just a few meters away. That man is a part of a low-tiered mafia," Mushashi-san pointed at someone as he turned off the engine. The only light we had to illuminate the forest was the moon. "What do you suggest we should do, Mushashi-san? It doesn't seem like he has reinforcements," I asked.
"No, he has some of his allies surrounding the forest, but with a low-tier mafia, there would only be at least a hundred of man, and that's all of them combined. They will not risk losing everyone, so consider their number as thirty mafiosos armed with pistols," Mushashi-san responded, which scared the four of us. "Then we are clearly on a disadvantage here, Mushashi-san. We cannot fight them when we know they're armed," Gizelle responded, and the three of us agreed.