Ch. 43

--Zach's POV--

After about 10 minutes of Shima beating the ever-loving shit out of Fukasaku, everything ended. You could hear Fukasaku croak out, "I was wrong, I'm sorry." at the end of it. With a firm nod of her head, Shima turned back to me.

Shima: "We will accept, when will this training start?"

Zach: "It will start tomorrow morning, we'll get everything set up prior to ya'll entering and meet you and set everything up."

Shima: "Oh the other toads are going to be so jealous! Fukasaku, you better keep your mouth shut! We're going to surprise them when we get back from this."

Fukasaku: "Yes dear."

Shima: "Jiraiya boy, we're heading back to let everyone know we'll be out for a day. Summon us tomorrow morning!"

Before anyone could answer the chipper old lady, and the defeated old man disappeared in a puff of smoke. Jiraiya let out a deep breath, and the girls just started giggling. I just shook my head and was thankful that was over.

Tsunade started to get up and was letting out a groan, so I hopped right up and gave her a helping hand. Which she returned with a quick kiss and a radiant smile, I was left with a goofy grin on my face. She clapped her hands together, and that brought me out of my daze.

Tsunade: "So, this will conclude our little meeting. Jiraiya, Shizune you both need to get to bed early. Big day tomorrow, sleep well and we'll talk later."

Zach: "Night ya'll."

With that everyone made their way out of the room. We were the last ones in the room and as Tsunade was about to walk away I came up behind her and swept her off her feet into a princess carry. She squeaked a little, but once she realized what was going on she just laid her head on my shoulder. I carried my wife to our room where I laid her down on our bed. Tsunade started to give me puppy dog eyes and I knew what she wanted. My little princess wanted to be pampered, so I started to undress her and threw the clothes into the dirty clothes hamper. After the toss, she raised one of her feet up to indicate that she wanted a foot rub and I complied. After all, a happy wife equals a happy life.

Seeing the mother of my unborn children in perpetual bliss my mind started to wander. 'There is so much I can do now, and so many people I can help. Hell if I thought about it I could bring people back, hell I could bring back Mikoto. That way Sasuke would have a reason to stay in the village and I won't have to deal with him when we go after the pedo...'

Tsunade: "What are you thinking about? You're hung up on something."

I started to stare into Tsunade's eyes, she locked onto mine realizing it was something serious.

Zach: "You know the impure world summoning?"

Tsunade: "Yeah…"

She didn't sound like she liked where this was going, so I had to hurry up and get it out before she put her foot down.

Zach: "What if, I go in with Jiraiya tomorrow and perfect it."

Tsunade: "NO! They will be slaves to you, and you're better than that!"

Zach: "I'm not done yet!"

Tsunade: "I said no and that's it! End of the discussion, I'm going to bed. You're lucky I love you and not kicking you out of the bed for a stupid idea like that."

I just sighed, she didn't let me finish and I sure as hell don't want to sleep in the other room. But as they say, it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission. Tsunade got under the covers and turned her back to my side of the bed. Yup, semi-doghouse for me. I crawled over to my side of the bed and got under the covers, rolled onto my side facing her, and wrapped my arms around her waist. I kissed the back of her head and held her close.

Zach: "Goodnight my love."

Tsunade: "Goodnight troublemaker."

I fell asleep not too long after that and was woken up by a kiss. Opening my eyes I stared into Tsunade's and we just smiled at each other for a couple of minutes.

Zach: "Good morning beautiful."

Tsunade: "Good morning handsome, time to get up we've got work to do."

With great willpower, I forced myself to get out of bed and started the shower. Turning to the sink I turned it on and started to brush my teeth. Tsunade followed behind me and pushed her way next to me to brush her teeth with me. After spitting out the toothpaste I took off my boxers and made my way into the shower. As I closed my eyes letting the water splash on my face I heard the shower door open and hands wrapped around me from behind.

Zach: "I thought we have work to do."

I felt kisses run along my shoulder that made me shiver.

Tsunade: "That's what I woke you up even earlier than needed."

I turned around and gave her a devilish smile and grabbed her ass cheeks and kissed her hard. By the time we were finished the hot water had long run out, but the glass was still steamy. We got dressed and she sat me down on the bed and told me to stay put. Tsunade ran out and came back with 3 syringes and I figured out she was going to take my blood for the three stooges. I just sat there patiently as she took the required amount, and once she was finished with each syringe she capped it off.

Zach: "Doc, do I get a lollipop for being a good boy."

Tsunade: "You already had your treat this morning."

I just gave her a pout at that and she swatted my chest with a smile. We made our way out of the house and to the Time Chamber where we found Jiraiya, Shima, and Fukasaku waiting for us. Jiraiya was nonplussed, Fukasaku was still in the doghouse but expectant and Shima had stars in her eyes.

Tsunade: "Ok you three, are you ready to get back to your prime?"

Shima: "Tsunade hurry up! You know better to get in between a woman and her beauty!"

I just laughed at the antics and watched Tsunade walk over and administer the first syringe of my blood to Shima. Before our eyes, the years that had taken a toll on her toad body disappeared. She was left with smooth and healthy-looking skin and a radiant glow that seemed to captivate Fukasaku.

Shima: "So dear, how do I look?"

Shima did a couple of poses in front of Fukasaku until he finally snapped out of it.

Fukasaku: "You're gorgeous! I don't know who that old lady was, but this is the toad I fell in love with!"

Jiraiya and I just facepalmed, Tsunade let out an exasperated breath and Shima launched at him again. After Shima knocked him out cold Tsunade walked over to him and administered the blood to him with the same results as Shima. When Shima saw her husband she started to blush hard. It's pretty weird seeing a toad blush not gonna lie.

Shima: "Oh he's so handsome, how can I ever stay mad at him."

That done Tsunade made her way to Jiraiya.

Tsunade: "Well old friend, ready to be young again and piss off Orochimaru?"

Jiraiya let out a bellowing laugh and struck some weird pose. I sure hope Naruto doesn't try to mimic him. Tsunade injected the final syringe into Jiraiya, reverting him back to his prime.

Jiraiya: "This will make my research so much easier!"

Zach: "As long as it doesn't involve anyone in this house, otherwise I'll take this gift back!"

Jiraiya: "Oh, I've learned my lesson with Tsunade!"

Tsunade just patted his chin with a smile and turned to me.

Tsunade: "Well dear, I need to head to the hospital now and get ready for the operation. I'll be home later tonight so don't wait up for me."

I kissed her goodbye and she left us there in front of the time chamber. Fukasaku had woken up by this time, he and Shima were getting all lovey-dovey and in their own world. I looked over at Jiraiya with a weird look.

Zach: "Is this what it feels like when someone looks at me and Tsunade being all lovey-dovey?"

Jiraiya: "Pretty much."

Zach: "Wow."

Jiraiya: "Yup."

Zach: "So… I'm going in there with you."

Jiraiya looked at me in shock.

Jiraiya: "Does she know that?"

Zach: "Nope."

Jiraiya: "You know you're going to get into so much shit."

Zach: "It'll be worth it. I'll go catch Orochimaru or something to make it up to her."

Jiraiya shook his head at that and made his way into the time chamber. As he was entering he yelled out to the lovely couple.

Jiraiya: "You two love toads it's time to train."

Fukasaku: "FINE! Ungrateful brat interrupting my time with my lovely woman."

Shima: "No respect for us love birds, no wonder he eats dog food." (A/N: eating dog food is Chinese slang for single men around couples. It ain't fun, or tasty.)

I let out a bellowing laugh and told them not to start it when they got in. I had to run to the room to get my laptop and some more quartz to power the room. With a quick in and out I was back at the Time Chamber walking in and praying that I wouldn't get into too much trouble. After getting inside I engaged the locking mechanism and placed a crystal into the power slot. Turning to the trio I just grinned.

Zach: "Hold onto your butts, it's going to be a long year."

With that said I activated the formation.