Ch. 44

(A/N: Shorter chapter, but I really like this cliff I left at the end.)

--Zach POV--

Taking the lead in the Time Chamber I showed the three stooges around. Show them the rooms, bathrooms/showers, recreation rooms, a training area, and finally the kitchen. Walking into the kitchen I placed down my laptop and took a seat. Jiraiya sat down in front of me and Shima and Fukasaku ran off like a new teenage couple.

Jiraiya was staring at me as I opened the laptop.

Jiraiya: "What is so important that you're going to get your shit handed to you when you get out?"

With a sigh, I looked at him.

Zach: "I'm gonna perfect the Impure World Summoning."

Jiraiya shot out of his chair, knocking it to the ground with a loud clatter, and slammed the table. We heard in the distance from one of the toads, "Quiet down tadpoles you're ruining our mood!"

But that didn't break the tense atmosphere that was created.

We were staring at each other and I let my bloodlust expand over him.

Zach: "Sit down and let me finish."

I could see Jiraiya shaking a bit from the onslaught of pressure I was giving off. Once he started to move I released the atmosphere around him I was creating and he shakily righted his chair and sat back down, never taking his eyes off me.

Zach: "What I mean by perfecting it means more than just bringing them back at full power. I'm talking about literal resurrection, full strength, no control, and can live the rest of their life."

Jiraiya: "You'll still need to sacrifice people for them to come back! There is no crime to justify that torture!"

Zach: "Oh? What about high treason and the genocide of two clans? Because I know 4 people who I would gladly sacrifice for this. Hell, we have three of them in custody."

Jiraiya just stared at me with a lost look in his eyes. When he came to whatever thought process he was on, gave me an evil grin.

Jiraiya: "I like it! So who do you plan on bringing back? Minato and Kushina? The First and Second Hokage? How about Mito?"

Zach: "None of them."

Jiraiya: "Why not?! Those are some strong allies! What about Naruto, he should have his parents back!"

Zach: "He will get his parents back, it just takes time. But we have someone else we have to think about."

Jiraiya: "Who could possibly be more important?"

Zach: "The Uchihas."

Jiraiya looked at me like I was crazy.

Zach: "Hear me out here. We're going to recall Itachi back to the village. But what is he going to come back to?"

Jiraiya: "A brother that hates him for killing all the Uchihas."

Zach: "Exactly, so there is nothing to keep Itachi here. We use the useless elders to bring back 3 Uchihas. What better way for them to repent, bring back people from the clan that they had destroyed."

Jiraiya: "But who will you bring back? You have to have body parts or blood from the person you have to summon."

Zach: "Well knowing Danzo the sadistic fuck he is, he'll have the 3 different eyes I would need."

Jiraiya: "You're leaving me in suspense here."

Zach: "Mikoto."

Jiraiya: "The boy's mom? Good start, that'll also reign in Sasuke."

Zach: "Shisui."

Jiraiya: "The best friend, but probably won't cement it since he knows that Shisui is a good defender of the village and could take care of things for Itachi."

Zach: "The nail in the coffin will be Izumi."

Jiraiya: "...Fuck… You evil bastard."

We sat there for a couple of minutes to digest my plan.

Jiraiya: "Who are you going to bring back with Orochimaru?"

Zach: "That will be a surprise. Now go grab the horny couple and get to work on"

I let out an award-winning grin at Jiraiya's flustered face. He just got up with a huff and started his training. With that, I focused on my laptop and the mountains of work I had to do in order to make Impure World into a Pure World.

--4 Months Later--

Letting out a long await breath of relief I had finished perfecting the Pure World. Over the months me and Jiraiya have gotten closer and farmed a bromance. He kept asking for details about me and Tsunade, but each time I took him out to the training area for some "unarmed combat training." which entailed me beating the shit out of him. Jiraiya had obtained sage mode a couple of months ago without the help from Shima and Fukasaku, which made them very happy. It meant that the couple could spend more time together and Shima had already laid a cluster of eggs which made one of the bathrooms taken for the foreseeable future.

Jiraiya came walking into the kitchen where I was and sat down in front of me, hair still wet from the shower he took. He's been in his Sage mode whenever he could so he could build up duration. Kind of like how Goku and Gohan stayed in the Super Saiyan forms in the cell saga.

Jiraiya: "So Z, looks like you got everything completed."

Zach: "Yup, just mapped out the last bit and double-checked my work. It feels good not having that lord over me now."

Jiraiya: "You do know any day now Tsunade is going to come home and figure out where you went to."

I just held my head in my hands.

Zach: "Don't remind me, I've been regretting that decision for 3 months now after I came off my impulsiveness."

Jiraiya: "Na, you regretted it the first night, don't lie. You miss the sex."

Zach: "I miss my wife."

Jiraiya: "Same thing."

Zach: "In other news. Now that I'm done, and you're pretty much done, guess what we get to do?"

Jiraiya: "Uhh, leave early?"

Zach: "Hell no, it's time for us to spar for the next 8 months! I can't help you with jutsus but I can help you have combat skills that will make Guy look like a civi."

Jiraiya: "Oh come on! You're just making up excuses to beat the shit out of me since you found out that the latest Icha Icha book is based on you and Tsunade!"

I smirked at that and couldn't deny him, but I could redirect that and guilt-trip him. God, I love my wife, making me of all people a bit manipulative.

Zach: "Jiraiya, you and Shizune are all the family Tsunade has left in this world. I don't want you dying in the Village of the Mist. I will make you the best so that you will always come home to your nieces and nephews. Uncle Jiraiya."

You could see the critical hits I landed on him with the nieces and nephews. The KO was the Uncle Jiraiya part, which made him resign to his fate. Like that 3 months passed by in a flash, we only got breaks to eat, sleep for a couple of hours, and use the restroom. The rest of the time me and Jiraiya fought it out with every weapon we could think of. Once he became above average in one weapon we moved onto the next. Turning Jiraiya into a jack of all trades, but master of none. But what slipped our minds was that hell hath no fury like a woman ignored.