Chapter 16

Angel felt relieved to be away from Kansas for the time being it is best for her and Jana before marriage comes into play being in Michigan felt like a whole new world of view but her favorite place was being around Shauna though she knew that she better call Jana before heading to check in on Shauna and Lucia. After speaking with Jana she felt regret knowing that Jana would be in tears this evening though she sensed Jana wanted this as well to figure out where they belong as a couple. It wasn't like Angel would be in love with anyone else it's just their work life and barely any time together caused their relationship to fall apart. She figures this separation would link them back together for marriage to come in the future.

Walking to the cafe she found herself with a bounce in her step though she should be dragging since she is without Jana again but she couldn't keep thinking about Jana knowing they had to do this, they can do this, and it will be better. Reaching the cafe she opened the door to once again everyone looking at her, you'd think they would be used to seeing her pop in by now.

"Angel, what are you doing here this time? You should be with Jana and not keep coming back." Shauna said shaking her head.

"We are separated for the time being, work life caused us to separate until we are for sure on getting married." Angel explained.

Shauna turned Angel around out the store door then replied,

"Enough of this! You two need each other and this is the third trip in two years. I am not going to take it that you can't stand being away from your old store, no, you are running from commitment. Go back to Kansas and don't come back until you two are wed, I am done rescuing your relationship. Lucia has already told me if either one of you keep coming back then you two will cause this town to be torn apart. Enough!"

Angel shook her head then headed back into the cafe to order a pumpkin spice coffee and then headed to the fountain to reminisce everything, she wasn't going home until she knew it was time too.


Two years later, Angel finally decided to head back to Kansas she missed Jana enough even though they talked every day because Angel couldn't stay to far from Jana and she hopes this will make Jana endure their love more than what it was before. Two years together and two years apart can make a difference for anyone in love. Angel is hoping that her love didn't settle down with anyone else. Angel geared herself up to being home with Jana with high hopes for everything to go correctly because while they were separated she bought an engagement ring with a beautiful golden retriever puppy as an addition to this new light.

Arriving back in Kansas, Angel found that somethings have changed around but not much and that their some new restaurants to check out in due time but she needed to get Jana closer to her more than ever. Jana doesn't even know that she is arriving home, so this is going to be a bigger surprise. Finally making her way into the driveway, she got out of the car with the puppy in a box, and knocked on the door. She heard Jana cursing over something then fumbles with the doorway, opening her eyes wide.

"Angel! Angel, you are home." Jana said excitedly.

"I am home, baby." Angel replies smiling.

"Two years apart, I love you more than I have ever realized this distance made such a gap but an amazing experience. This prepared me for your next move as an Author, am I correct?" Jana responded with unable to contain herself.

"My love, that is correct, and more so than anything, I have this puppy for you, she isn't named but she is a wonderful little girl." Angel handed over the puppy to Jana.

Jana snuggled the puppy then found a heart shaped box that took her by surprised around the pups collar, she opened it to find an engagement ring that moment Angel got down on one knee holding Jana's hand.

"Jana, I know I just got home but this is better than never. I love you, will you marry me?" Angel asked in anticipation.

"Yes, yes, yes, YES!!" Jana replied kissing Angel with the puppy squeezed between them.

Jana rushed both Angel and the puppy inside as she got the puppy some water and food than rushed back to Angel kissing her more than ever as they took it upstairs making love for the first time in ages it felt like to them both. They ended up cleaning up in a nice fresh hot shower then got dressed in some nice cleaned outfits that suit for the evening at a fancy restaurant since Angel made reservations before coming back to Kansas.

At the restaurant they ordered their favorites and enjoyed a glass of wine to celebrate their engagement it had made them both so happy to be able to settle down once and for all. Agreement is to hold off on marriage until at least another three years just to be sure they can handle Angel's long tours around the United States to meet her fellow readers.

"This is a pleasant way to end our evening, I must say. You have really outdone yourself my wonderful fiance. We are officially engaged, you're book will be on store shelves soon, and we get to decide a wedding date in a few years." Jana said looking at her ring over and over.

"I can't believe you waited around for me including answering my calls day in and day out. My book kept my mind occupied while you went to work but I never imagined you would wait for me out of all the men and women around here." Angel replied.

"I couldn't imagine myself loving anyone else, and you are the only woman for me. I did tell my mom that I am lesbian even though you are bisexual though attracted to women more than men, she did understand and wishes us the best. So, all in all, mom has finally understood why we separated and for the better." Jana explained.

"After your mom came to Michigan to force me back, I wasn't ready to budge no matter what anyone else said, my book began here but expanded to Michigan. I needed the scenery to take in and such to get my mind wrapped around my character's, plots, and so forth. I didn't want to leave us like that but I had no choice." Angel replied biting her lip.

"It's alright, love, our love has expanded so much more now that I have realized why you left and the book will bring an extended over look of what is to come with book two of whatever it is you are set to release next year or year after depending on your tour dates. I am just happy to have you home, and hope your Publishers aren't too tough on you." Jana explained with a grin.

"You are the whole reason for my book to be brought out. It means everything to me to have my own book set out for the world to see and with you by my side to support my career. I love you for that Jana." Angel responded.

"I love you too, Angel." Jana replied.

It went silent between them as their food finally got served to them and they are savoring the food. After finishing eating and paying the bill, Angel took Jana for a ride down toward a local park to star gaze on a blanket as they cuddled each other, they didn't want to leave one another's arms that evening. Angel lifted Jana's head as their lips collided and they enjoyed making out right underneath the stars, it gave them so much pleasure to be close to one another after what felt like forever being so far apart and a whole night of one another is their world together to be bonded again.