Chapter 17

Early that next morning Jana headed off to work while Angel got prepared to leave again, she had to head to Indiana for some book marketing by another Author to teach her the ropes of the Industry. Jana still couldn't believe that she got engaged but unfortunately their wedding had to be held off due to funds and Angel's book tour for the next several years. Work came and gone so fast that Jana couldn't wait to get home to see her new puppy Briar, she couldn't help name it unique and no one has ever used that name. Jana walked into their house with a greeting of both Angel and Briar which surprised her since Angel was supposed to have left hours ago for Indiana.

"Good evening babe, how was work?" Angel said.

"Good, aren't you supposed to be on your way to Indiana to meet with another Author for Marketing purposes?" Jana replied raising an eyebrow.

"About that, it got cancelled due to severe weather. So, I am stuck at home until sometime next week. Have you come up with a name for this baby? I hate just calling her puppy." Angel responded with a smile.

"Sorry about that love, and her name is Briar, it is unique." Jana responded smiling herself.

"It's fine, darling. I love her new name, now I can go get her a collar, leash, name tag, toys, and everything else." Angel replied handing Briar to Jana as she went and got the keys to head out the door with kissing Jana on the way out.

Jana shook her head putting Briar down as she said,

"Momma Angel is crazy when it comes to making sure everything is set."

Briar barked a few times than scampered off to go play with something as Jana headed down to the basement to find a good book to read in the meantime whenever Angel does get back. Jana found a book on marriage that was stored in the far back of the basement assuming Angel wanted it hidden because of her family flaws. Jana sat down on the couch in the basement beginning to read the book being consumed with so much information that she knew somethings but learned new things in the process of what could make their relationship so much better. Several hours Jana didn't care about anything around her, she would finish one book and move on to the next until she found a old copy of Angel's book as the title read Jasmine & Ashton A Rose Gold Series: Book 1 it shook her to the core with every detail in each chapter describing their love. It's a wonder it isn't Published by the current company she's working for. She knew it was lesbian, pure love, romance, and more. Jana cried reading some of the pieces that made her want more after finishing book one.


After awhile Angel came home searching for Jana. The last place in the whole house she found Jana asleep with her book that she'd written years ago. It was one of her favorites but didn't dare Publish it for many reasons. It made her stomach queasy seeing Jana reading her book, one thing she didn't want anyone to find including Jana a book that is old and should be tossed out more than anything. Angel grabbed her book from Jana gently not wanting to wake her as she looked over her book to see what made Jana read it to begin with than as she opened it up in her own book she found meaningful words circled in red that she used to follow her editing for newer books.

"This book is very good, my love." Jana said in a whisper.

"It is old work, dear, it is of no use to me or anyone else." Angel replied.

"With editing and good eyes, it can be. Babe, you have written a book about love and I am dying to know more about Jasmine and Ashton, this book has big potential that could lead to millions of sales especially if you Publish it to your company this could be worth some deals. A novel would make it a bestseller calling it A Rose Gold or something unique for these character's. Jasmine reminds me of myself with more life than I can handle and Ashton is so you. You gotta make this a Novel or two. Just think about it." Jana explained through a tired yawn.

"We will see. I am going to put this back on the shelf, and go get ready for my next book release of She's My Golden Harp. Such a weird title but could be on my next bestseller list if I keep at it." Angel replied in a yawn herself.

Jana wanted Angel to know what happened next in that book but there was only one copy of it. Jana could write book two herself though she didn't want Angel mad at her for taking over or even making a Novel then placing it out there for Angel. She needed to help Angel that is a fact to face though she knew nothing about writing a book, she could do research and see where it would lead. One thing is for sure if Angel gets success off of this one, it would be a hit and then some. They would make better income than they are now with being able to reopen Frostfire plus have a wedding sooner than later. Jana remembered that she still has the Bakery to go work for and Angel still has her newspaper to work for too in between this Author success to bring in extra money. On weekends though she always has down time and could write up something that would give Angel a boost to write it up though she could write out the book once she learns too and then make it her own with Angel's name on the cover and everything.

Jana just knew in her mind that Jasmine and Ashton will live on their lives even as she helps progress it. Jana saw that Angel went upstairs, she grabbed the book off the shelf, and told Angel she would be back that she had to go do something. Going to buy notebooks, notepads, and pens just to get a start on correcting the book then adding more detail. She is determined to help her fiance with making it to the top. Jana went onto a high end store that had everything for writing and it made her more curious as to what she could use future wise. She loves books as much as Angel but writing would give her a full view of what her fiance does. When she found what she needed, she headed back home to find Briar whimpering at her, she knew Angel is going to be busy and she has to take care of their dog too. So, she placed her notebooks and such in a drawer in their room then headed downstairs to find Angel at the kitchen table focused on her work.

"Hey babe, how did it go for where you went too?" Angel asked.

"Oh, it is wonderful, I had to get notebooks for work to keep track of sales, you know my boss very high end on everything." Jana explained with a smile.

"I know it, love. Any plans for dinner? I am thinking we can go have Chinese or do you need to go check on your mom before we decide that? I haven't seen her out of the house since last time you checked on her." Angel replied shrugging her shoulders.

"I will go check on her and bring her along for dinner, she needs time out of the house. I know this divorce has been rough on her." Jana responded heading for the door again with Briar at her side.

"Great idea, looks like Briar is ready to see Grandma herself." Angel responded with a laugh.

Jana laughed too as she took Briar with her and walked over to her mom's with hopes everything is fine. Reaching the front door, she heard her mom calling for help, and Jana rushed in to find her mom on the upstairs with her face and elbows banged up.

"Mom, are you okay?" Jana said in a panic.

"I am hurting, baby girl, I have fallen down the flight of stairs a few hours ago. I couldn't get to the phone to call you. I think Angel is right, I need to go to a nursing home, my health has declined more of my ability to handle this house. I wish you're dad would've stayed around long enough to get me into one. You will still come see me, right? I know I have refused it but I want you and Angel to still come see me. I love that woman, she has become such a success with her career." Mary replied with a smirk and giggle.

"Mom, I will only be able to come see you. Angel, will be busy touring but I will tell her to make time for you. Let's get you into a stable nursing home, and sort out everything that we need too." Jana responded helping her mom up from the floor, then making their way to the couch.

"Thank you, my sweet baby girl. What made you come over? Everything alright with you two?" Mary replied in a worried voice.

"You're welcome, mom. We are fine, mom. We are wondering if you wanted to get dinner with us? How about Chinese?" Jana responded smiling at her mom.

"Oh no, honey, I couldn't do that. I need to be in that nursing home out in Kansas City. I don't want to be in the way of a good evening. So, go get Angel and we will get me to that nursing home." Mary insisted.

"We can take you tomorrow, mom. You need to eat something and I am not leaving your side. You can stay at our place in the meantime." Jana responded calmly.

Mary shook her head as she grabbed her daughter by the hand.

"Let's go clean up, my scratches and bruises to look pretty for tonight. I want to look wonderful for meeting my new friends at the nursing home, maybe meet a handsome man or woman to spend my life with." Mary said with a wink.

"Mom, are you bisexual?" Jana asked.

"Baby girl, I have always liked women but a man is just as pleasant never keep a closed mind. Now, come on let's go." Mary replied urgently making Jana take her up the stairs to clean up her mom.

Getting up the stairs Jana realized she was supposed to go back and check on Angel then she heard the front door open with Briar yelping with excitement.

"Jana, Mary, are you two okay?" Angel spoke loudly.

"We are fine, my mom fell just getting her cleaned up. We are in the bathroom upstairs." Jana replied back loudly.

Jana heard Angel climbing up the stairs quickly then walked toward the first bathroom.

"Oh, Mary glad you are okay." Angel said.

"Dear, I am perfectly fine. I will take you up on that consideration to send me to nursing home in Kansas City tonight. I will be cleaned up shortly and be ready to meet my new friends." Mary explained.

"Mary, it is late. We can take you tomorrow just come to dinner with us and stay the night in our home." Angel replied concern in her voice.

"You two must be hard of hearing tonight, I want to go to the nursing home and that is final. If I have to I will call a cab and have them take me because I am not staying in this house any longer." Mary responded in frustration as she pushed her daughter away and shoved Angel too hearing the door slam to her bedroom.

"Well, looks like we aren't getting out of this tonight babe." Angel said to Jana.

"Definitely not, go get the truck gassed up and meet us downstairs. I will get mom all pretty up and looking great for her friends in the meantime." Jana replied to Angel with tears forming around her eyes.

Jana went to her mom's room as Angel went downstairs to get everything ready. They weren't ready for a long night out of town but it is happening.