Chapter 21

Jana and Angel avoided each other soon after that discussion. Jana would go hide in their bedroom while Angel would work in the living room. They're bonding went away soon after it looks like another downfall has hit them. Angel placed her laptop down then made her way upstairs to peek in on Jana to find that she isn't even in the room. She walked around the room to find Jana in the bath and hearing her cry with the water flowing. Angel sat by the bathroom door listening to Jana cry. Angel wanted to cry too for whatever reason is bothering Jana but she knew that she couldn't as she went to move to the toilet silently without disturbing Jana. They both sat silently in their spots without a word knowing that they've fallen apart again for no reason in particular.

"I can't stand this quiet, Jana. What is going on? Ever since I brought up about you becoming an author, you have faded from the whole idea. I know you are still working on it but we haven't touched each other in nights and I know we miss each other that is a fact." Angel said through gritted teeth.

"This book is so difficult, I ended up in a plot that I can't get out of, and the thought of Publishing this book has been a scarce to my reality of what I really want to do. No wonder you said not to worry about it, it is a failure." Jana replied through tears.

"Wait, what? No, Jana don't give up. Let me see what you have and I will help you through it. Don't worry about Publishing whatsoever at this point. We got to get you to finish this book, somehow even if it takes days or months. It isn't a failure because you have put your heart into it like a real writer has done in many of their books." Angel responded with confidence.

"I can't do this Angel. We are already struggling with day to day life as it is and we haven't planned our wedding for next Spring that is coming up really soon. We have no song, no priest, no nothing, we are in the woods of this whole thing. Plus two books going out by the same time this is unreal." Jana replied with tears just flowing constantly.

"We're getting married next Spring? I didn't know it was that soon. We will get married by April of next year, we will go to the Courthouse and get our date set to be married because everyone is still waiting on it. I am thinking it is best to Elope since we have no one here and everyone else is in Michigan." Angel explained to the best of her ability to make it serious enough for Jana.

"Elope? Elope? Angel, are you serious? We can't Elope no, I want an actual wedding with everything from music to family, friends, and more. I want us to slow dance to our song. I want this to be important Angel. Please, let us have a real wedding it would mean so much to me." Jana pleaded with more tears.

"We will try, I will make sure to get a hold of Shauna and Lucia, Scarlett and her wife, and whoever else. We will need your mom and dad. I have no one, so I will be the man in this wedding. We would need to find a DJ, and good lord find us a priest that isn't going to freak out over two women being together as one." Angel responded going down by the bathtub brushing Jana's hair with her fingers.

"So, you're okay with us having a wedding?" Jana asked leaning against the tub.

"Yes, even though it is going to be a struggle. We can do this." Angel replied smiling.

Jana kissed Angel then Angel climbed in with her clothes on as they made out. Angel laughed between kisses though she undressed herself the same time though they ended up making deep love in the bathtub to where Jana moaned so loud it made Angel smile ear to ear. Angel drained the bathtub as both of them were led to their bed soaking wet from top to bottom with bubbles all over. Jana kissed Angel then grinded herself against Angel making her moan until she screamed and then Angel did it to Jana it was a night that they couldn't resist of one another again.

After making love they finally crashed and woke up refreshed for work the next morning. Jana hurried herself out the door for the bakery and Angel headed to her desktop to see any updates for the local paper also from her Publishers on her last book which ended up disappointing them. Angel threw her laptop across the floor and screamed, she knew her book had everything they needed but this one wasn't as good as book one, it pissed her off so badly. Angel called up Jana explaining what went down that she broke her laptop in the process of what went down with her Publishing company because they didn't accept her recent book. Angel took a huge sigh of relief when Jana said that she can always Self-Publish her work without dealing with contractors that keep messing up her plans since they would be doing that with Jana's book in the end feeling it would bring in extra money. Angel grabbed her laptop off the floor seeing the screen shatter hurt her as she went to her office in the basement with Briar behind her to work on her desktop computer to get someone to look over her current book and edit it.

Jana came home to find Angel working in her office in the basement with a smile on her face after the big fiasco this morning with the Publishers. They went on about their wedding plans that established beyond words when Jana called to tell her mom everything going on and that she would like it if her dad can give her away. Unfortunately, Mary didn't agree to having Gabriel give her away and wanted one of their closets family friend too. Jana didn't want to leave her dad out of anything especially when it came to the wedding, he belong there as much as her mom. Every time Jana would talk to one of her parents they would argue about the other and her father would nag on and on about how his princess should be with a man, not to marry a woman that she isn't going to be happy with in the end. Jana knew that her love for Angel is everything but going beyond their power of love seems so difficult when it comes to her parents. Jana grabbed her wallet and keys then headed out the door to go for a drive she couldn't handle the conflict her parents have put on her. She wanted a happy ending but it seems so far fetch with either parent.

Jana knew that leaving Angel at home to work would be better because she is ready to knock some sense into her dad on thinking that she needs a man to be happy. She learned after Wallace became Polyamorous that she didn't want that life style, she needed happiness, love, faithful, and more. Dating other men after Wallace became a horrible choice because they weren't filling her need. Angel has filled her needs and more with love and appreciation it meant everything to her. Jana missed being around certain people that would help her with advice, no, it wasn't Destiny but a special friend she had his name was Shawn Peters he loved photography and so much more, he also understood why she didn't like Wallace's ways when they were together. Though that is the past and now she has new life to look forward to with Angel.

Jana drove around for the next hour than went downtown to find something for dinner that evening and go around looking for her next idea to plot for her new book too that Angel has helped developed too, she couldn't help by having Angel collaborate on the book also plus discuss their wedding ideas for next Spring that will fly by soon. Jana grabbed what she needed then headed back home with a fresh mind. This time she is ready for what is in store for her and Angel especially when it comes to being married. The life that will unveil after that.