Chapter 22

Angel knew this is tearing Jana up on her parents not agreeing on any part of the wedding, let alone helping with funds and such. They argued everything with her, only exception is her dad nagging about her relationship with a woman. Angel shut down her computer for the evening and went upstairs to find Briar chewing on her chew toy, Angel shook her head as she went to the couch to turn on something fun to watch on television. Angel ended up falling asleep after watching an hour of television since Jana wasn't home yet and Briar crashed beside her. It began as a hell of a day then ended that way with Jana's parents it is a win or lose situation at this point for everyone who needed something equally.

Fifteen minutes into her dream she smelled something so delicious it made her mouth water which meant Jana is home and it woke her from a deep sleep that felt good with energy afterwards. Angel rushed into the kitchen to find Jana smiling at Angel.

"I figured we both good eat a nice big meal tonight. How about some steak, mashed potatoes with gravy, and succotash for a good wholesome meal?" Jana said perky and happy.

"Sounds good, babe. I thought you would be crying after everything that went down today." Angel replied smiling herself.

"No way, no one can make me as happy as you when I recalled what Wallace became many years ago this is payback for everything he has done to me since he couldn't appreciate me. My good friend Shawn Peters was just like you full of love and support though I was never in a relationship with him, I still enjoyed his presence when he did come around." Jana went on. "I can say that he would have made sure this wedding went on with or without my parents." Jana explained.

"That is good to hear but you do realize if you want this to happen in the spring you will have to face everyone and prepare for a good or bad outcome. I know that you're parents support means everything to you but we do still have to sign paperwork and everything if we are going through this. Yes, Wallace does deserve this, you also deserve someone to love you and be happy in the end, not for revenge. Just think about Jana." Angel replied.

"I guess we will be planning more as months go on and get these books done up. I am just trying not to bite too much off on this whole wedding idea. I have been wanting to be married to you for several years now and it feels like the older we get the harder it is to prepare ourselves." Jana responded.

"We will have this wedding that isn't going anywhere and we will settle down with a wedding in the Spring just got to get everyone on board, it is going to be tough as months get closer but you just got to believe everything will go normally." Angel replied smiling.

Jana nodded in agreement then went back to taking care of dinner for the two of them making sure it is ready to serve though the steak is a longer cook on the stove which is why she did mashed potatoes and succotash first placing them in the refrigerator. Jana looked them both over then went back to the table to sit with Angel seeing her eyes shine.

"What are you dreaming about?" Jana asked.

"Our wedding day, seeing you in a beautiful white wedding dress with your gorgeous smile as you make your way toward me, and your dad giving you away with acceptance once and for all." Angel replied in a dreamy voice.

"Baby, you are something else though I can see you in a tux looking all handsome and smiling as I walk toward you in the aisle." Jana responded through giggles.

"You can still have your dream wedding my lady. Let's just Elope so that way this will all be less stressful. We can still have Shauna and Lucia give us away, they are family to us. Granted, Shauna didn't want to see us until we were married but that doesn't mean we can't have her apart of it." Angel replied.

"I don't know, I do wish to have a full wedding with everyone including my parents but that seems so far out of reach since no one wants to accept us together including my own dad." Jana responded through her gritted teeth.

Jana realized that she needed to grab the steaks and everything else off the stove as she rushed over to plate everything.

"Jana, I do want you to realize if we don't do a full scene wedding it is fine, as long as you are my wife, I love you for who you are and you know that." Angel said as she got her plate of food from Jana.

"I know you do, I have always dreamed of huge not small or hidden. My parents need to be involved not just Shauna and Lucia." Jana replied as she stuffed her face full of mashed potatoes.

Angel got up from the table not wanting to listen too Jana's denial it can't be hard to Elope but a full on wedding seems so stressful compared to the latter of the two. Angel wanted to make Jana happy on anything and everything but being a full on wedding with caters, and such is a hassle in itself. Angel went downstairs to her office to work some more on her next release while trying to stay calm for her next pursuit on Jana to Elope because there has to be a way to settle this once and for all without losing one another.