Chapter 23

Angel found herself lost in her current book that she didn't hear Jana come downstairs. Angel looked over to find Jana on the couch, hanging her head low.

"I am sorry for arguing in the Kitchen about this whole wedding thing. I am scared of the worst outcome if my parents never see me down the aisle. My dad hates me for my decisions when I still wouldn't marry Wallace, my mom has Alzheimer's and Dementia meaning her memory is fading permanently. I'm so stressed, I don't know how to handle all of this." Jana said through frustration.

"Sounds like we need another vacation but I know we can't afford it right now, especially taking care of Briar." Angel replied.

"I don't want a vacation again, I just want everything to work out." Jana responded.

Angel sat beside Jana on the couch, holding hands, and kissing Jana softly on the lips.

"Let's go do something fun for a little while. Movie, cuddle under the stars, and anything else you want." Angel said smiling.

"No, no, I think I'm going to bed since I do need sleep for work tomorrow. I will see you in the morning." Jana replied as she squeezed Angel's hand and left the room.

Angel felt herself being a let down on trying to make Jana happy on anything and everything she wanted. Angel went back to work on her book for the next several hours before finally calling it a night.


That following morning Jana went to get ready for work as she found a note by Angel stating that she had to leave for a important review with one of the Author's in Indiana that she couldn't be home tonight. Jana threw the note away knowing Angel would be extremely with getting her books on board again. Jana looked over the one that they're working on, and it still wasn't completed. She wanted nothing more than to finish this book before Angel's next tour date but writers block kept getting in her way with everything going on like her idea of a wedding that Angel didn't want.

Grabbing her purse and truck keys, she headed out the door for more inspiration like going to the library to find potential ways to get her brain flowing on this book. It meant everything to her too get inspiration back for a future bestseller. Next thing, she didn't expect her phone to go off showing that Martha is calling.

"Hello, Martha." Jana said.

"You are late for your shift, where are you?" Martha replied sternly.

"Oh, I am at the library downtown. I had to do some research on an important class assignment." Jana responded.

"You're shift started over an hour ago. Get over here now at this bakery or you are fired, Jana." Martha replied then hung up the phone.

Jana sighed as she gathered everything to head too work even though she rather spend her day working on this book that they both are excited for. Though time will come when she can get time off to work on it more but her duty is to work hard because of wanting to be married to Angel as soon as they can.

Arriving into work Martha went on a rampage of how Jana should've known better to arrive on time and not run late. It annoyed Jana so badly, she wish that she could quit but they don't have the funds for their new bookstore yet. Jana had no down time anymore it was more working than fun with Angel and getting their wedding set up by Spring though she is in thought of going with Angel's idea of going to Elope instead of trying to plan her dream wedding. Jana began working through her work day, texting Angel in between on idea of when to Elope instead of trying to figure out a budget for a big day of an wedding that they would have no time for.

Finally, Jana's day ended and she headed on home to find Angel still gone. Jana thrived to keep herself entertained though Briar would still cuddle with her and they'd fall asleep together not bothering with food or anything, Jana just felt so exhausted. Once she felt well rested again she went through her phone to see if any work had come up which thankfully their wasn't and she could get some work on the house along with the book. After several hours of housework and working on the book, Angel finally contacts Jana letting her know that she is coming home and that her official announcement for Jasmine and Ashton to be released as a full based novel within the next year. Jana didn't know how to expect such a release so soon when she still has a long ways to go with learning how to write a full blown novel without making any mistakes.


Angel felt relieved to be heading home to be with Jana after a week away, she isn't so sure on touring on being away from Jana for so long, and she admitted preparing Jana for that seemed cruel as she thought on it more. Angel missed Jana for long periods of time especially when it came to their romance. Angel missed Jana for long periods of time especially when it came to their romance. Upon arriving in Kansas she sighed a relief and knowing home wasn't too far off. Angel held her cross on the rear view mirror thinking of her wedding day with Jana that is itching any moment. Angel knew in her mind that she should do a full blown wedding with Jana they did deserve it because Eloping is just plain and boring with no thrill with anyone.

Getting into the driveway looking at her home with a smile as she saw Jana standing in the doorway with a blushing smile. It made her realize touring isn't her thing that her life is writing and staying home. So, she let her Publishing Company and Charlotte Reagan know that she couldn't do the traveling without her partner, and they both completely understood. Angel wanted to meet her readers but she couldn't see herself without Jana anymore and she knew how much everyone wants them married. Angel got out of her car then ran to Jana, grabbing Jana up and twirling her around with kisses.

"Damn, I missed you." Angel said.

"I have missed you too." Jana replied as her face still turned bright red.

"I have thought about it long and hard, I don't want to travel the world to become famous, and I want to have a full blown wedding with you instead of Eloping." Angel responded.

"What? No, Angel you can't quit your dream and if you want to Elope it is fine, I am all for it especially with our crazy schedules." Jana replied nervously backing away from Angel rushing inside the house.

Angel walked inside the house closing their front door. She didn't under why Jana freaked out like that it wasn't like Jana to freak out over scheduling and such but she knew how much Jana wanted everyone at home for their wedding or at least thought she did.