Justine and Nathan

The next morning, I woke up late at 10am in the morning. I rubbed my eyes then stood up to see my face in the mirror. Wow, I look so ugly. Haha. When I walked back to my bed, I saw one red rose on the table. That comes with a pink sticky note saying; Hey lovely! Good morning~ I was late at work so I didn't wake you up. From your handsome boyfriend, Nat.

A smile from my face suddenly appeared and a feeling in my stomach became wild. I took the sticky note and paste it on the photo album my mom bought me. I took the food he bought and slowly much every bite of the pancake from McDonald's.

Why is he actually doing this?

I mean, the photo from his social media account mean he likes my eldest sister and why did he suggested to date a girl like me?

Argh! It's making my head ache so much. As well this little petty heart inside of me who's expecting much from those 1000 reasons he could've give me when I asked him.

An hours have passed and I decided to walked around the hospital and go to the garden as usual. When I arrived there, I saw Mother Amy talking to Dr. Lauren. Based on their facial expressions, I could sense that the topic of their conversation is deeper than the ocean.

I sat down on the bench far away from them but still can see them. I directed my gaze to everyone who's either laughing or talking to someone.


"Oh hi Justine!"

Justine, who has a heart failure sat beside me. He's that teenager guy who loves mathematics but isn't looked like that. He comes here every once a month to get his artificial heart a maintenance.

"How are you?"

I slap his shoulder. "Doing fine than before. How about you?" I asked.

"Well, I guess, I'm doing worse."

I immediately turned fo face him. "What the! Why?"

He shrugged off his shoulder and placed his left hand in his heart. "This one is not working that well."

"But you still can get another one." I said.

"I hope so."

Justine is an Elite son of the richest man in the country. Addition to that fact is that, his grandfather is a famous mathematician in an exclusive school for government children, the Zhao International Academy. So he basically can afford even the artificial heart from Europe. He's that rich.

"I guess I'll see you here a lot." I smiled at him.

He nodded, "I guess so."

"Wanna grab some ice cream?" I suggested.

"Of course!"

We hurriedly stood up and walked to the convenient store. Him and I loves ice cream. Both of our taste buds clicks together that's why we hang out in each other's room very often.

I took a strawberry cone ice cream and he got mango on stick. When we finally done with the payment, we sat down on the seats inside and quietly focused on eating the ice cream we had bought.

"Oh I forgot!"

He took out of his phone and clicked things on it which I don't know about.

"I bought you dress!" He exclaimed.

He put down his phone then placed it into somewhere I can see. It's was a picture of him with the few dresses. I looked at him and saw his evil smile.

"I got you innocent, sexy and bad ass clothes!" He excitedly said.

I just laughed at his cute reaction and nodded, "Well then, thanks!"

Justine is a part of LGBTQ. I understand him and nothing about him I dislike. But just like everyone, there's always one person whom we hate and who hates us. His father. He's a youngest and only son.

"I should've invited you to a movie!" He said.

"You know I can't."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

We talked and talked about stupid stuffs. We have lost track of time and realized that we've been together for quite long time. I missed him so bad, and so he.

"I'm still using that door." He pointed the room next to me and winked. "Knock on the door whenever." He said while moving his eyebrows up and down, nonstop.

I waved a good bye and so he walked up to his door. Even before he could reach his door, his eyes suddenly widened as he's looking at the direction of mine. He covered his open mouth with his hand. I scratched the back of my head and waved my hand to him. Is he attacking?


I walked up to him and check his pulse in his neck. I snapped my finger in front of his eyes which fixed at the location I've left.

"What are you doing?" I worriedly asked.

"Who is that?"

He pointed somewhere with his mouth and held both of my shoulders to forced me faced the thing he was getting drooling over. I turned my gaze slowly and coldly.

"Damn." I said out of nowhere and covered my eyes with my hands to protect my virgin eyes.

It's Nathan! Wearing a damn black pants while wearing nothing on his top. He got towel on his shoulder and is really showing the great six packed abs he got there.

"You haven't told me about him, Herra." Both of them said in chorus which made me looked at them confused.

"Wait." I looked at Justine who's looking at me also.

I gulped and took a deep breathe. "It was such a long story, Jus." I said.

And I turned to face Nathan. I pointed his belly and glared. "And why are you naked?"

From that moment, Nathan immediately went in in my room and maybe took a shirt. I shrugged off my shoulder when I turned to face Justine who looks excited and confused of what he just saw. Who wouldn't be? I'm also excited and confused! Just like him. After that, I followed Nathan.

"Why are you naked?"

"I have get a dirt from my shirt when cleaning your room."

I crossed my arm at him and raised a brow. "Why are you cleaning my room?"

He chuckled. "Of course, I'm your boyfri—"

"BOYFRIEND? You're his girlfriend, Herra?"

Justine closed the door and walked to stare at Nathan. Which also he passed by me.

"How did you get a boyfriend Herra!" He then turned to face me. I burst out laughing at his reaction. They both looked at me confused.

"Your reaction is damn cute, Jus!" I said, trying to stop laughing.

"Whom are you calling Cute? This guy? Not your own boyfriend?" Nathan suddenly said with a cute voice.

I suddenly became mad and cold. I took a pillow from the couch and threw it to Nathan that he just caught. I mean, he can't do that! It's not cute! It's annoying! Really! A hunk with a cute voice? That's big no no! Definitely!

"Why?" He shouted.

"That's not cute. That's irritating!"

"So you two are dating? Since when?"

"Since last two days." He answered.

I went to my bed and lay down. I left them greeting and doing question and answer by themselves and closed my eyes.

I'm feeling dizzy. A drop from my nose which I felt tastes blood and so I opened my eyes and touch it. It was a real blood. Few moments after confirming it was a blood, my heart suddenly start beating faster than ever and a difficulty in breathing came after. A blurry vision of two guys who ran at me starts getting more blurry.


"Damn Herra!"

"Call the nurse!"

Nathan, who leaned me in his arms, start caressing my head. He was shaking my face and keep saying, "don't close your eyes. Please."

I blinked slowly and the vision was getting more hard to see him. Few deep inhales and exhales I did and the last thing I could remember was, the nurses came with Justine who ran fast. Then everything went black.