
"Is she going to be fine?"

"She will."

"What happened?"


I slowly opened my eyes. Seeing two guys; Justine and Nat, and two ladies; my mom and my sister. They're talking while surrounding me as if I was kind of a National Treasure, definitely a rare kind of such which everyone got nervous.

"Mom…." My voice sounds like a patient coming from death to live.

That moment, I saw my mom's eyes slowly getting at me and when she did, she hysterically shouted, "Nurse! Doctor! My daughter's awake!" while holding and caressing my numbed face.

Nat who ran to get the nurse and his dad outside came back afterwards alongside with them.

Dr. Lauren did put the small flashlight onto my eyes and using a stethoscope, he followed the rhythm of my heart, just like what he actually needed to do.

All in all, I was fine. I am definitely fine and definitely can stand up, only with my mind. I'm surrounding not only by the people whom I made very nervous but also with those medical machines.

"What the hell did you do!" My older sister came closer at me while her lips are forming like something about to cry.

I gave her a sweet death glare and grinned. I couldn't speak any words but I can think. I guess that's how every person after they woke up from a coma of three weeks.

"Mrs. Mendez, please come with me on my office." That's the words from Dr. Lauren and then he left the room.

My mom nodded at me, telling me with her eyes that she's gonna leave and I should be okay, with only her eyes which I understood right away. I just smiled as a respond and she then left the ward leaving me, my sister, Nat and Justine all alone, exchanging awkward glances from each other.

I know for sure because there's Nat and my Older Sister Feyah in the room.

"You made everyone in here cry in devastation thinking that you'll not gonna make it." Justine walked up to me and sat at the chair beside which my mom left available. "You don't need to answer me because I know you'll get yourself out in anyways." He added.

"I'm gonna get some water for Herra. Excuse me." My older sister took the pitcher on the table and left the ward excusing herself from the awkwardness between the both of them. I know, because I can feel that too.

Seeing Nat's instagram posts with my sisters are nothing but a sign that he adores or should I say, likes my sister more than he did to me. Well, I'm not expecting anything, I mean, I should not be expecting anything from this kind of set up we both agreed with, but hello! I'm his girlfriend.

"Herra!" Finally, Nat got something to say.

"You should've told me that you're feeling bad." His soft voice, that made my heart beats faster than ever again.

"Here he goes again." Justine whispered.

"Are you feeling okay?" Nat asked me, while looking at me with worried eyes that looks very much sincere.

His hazel brown eyes that made me captivated is looking at me directly. I couldn't ask for more aside from seeing those eyes looking back at me sincerely and dearly.

After few hours, my mom arrived smiling opposite to what she left with a frowning lips that the world looks like will end.

"What did the doctor say?"

She looked at me. "That's one of effects of Kymriah. And Dr. Lauren thinks that the drug is actually working for Herra."

I smiled.

Hearing those made me think that I am finally going out of this hell.

I am going to be that normal daughter again.

No cancer. No death. No lifeline.

"Guess that we're finally going to hang out outside of this hospital." Justine held my hand tightly.

But there's something inside of me that's bothering me. I mean, that's a kind of good news, a miracle news for me, but my mom's smile is kind of.. Never-mind. I should think of the best case scenarios like such.

In that night, I woke up regaining much of my strength and can finally talk. Sleeping long like that will get you very drain and weak. Your strength falls very into deep like you wouldn't feel any of your muscles working perfectly aside from the muscles in your heart that the machine is helping.

"Why aren't you leaving?" Asking Nat on my side watching me from taking off the machines I got connected with.

He took out his phone and took an ugly picture of me after laughing so hard. I gave him an emotionless kind of face and glared at him. "You're really ugly." He added.

I took the pillow on my left side an threw it very hard onto him but he just dodge it and it went on the floor, hitting only but the floor.

"Why are you still here? Huh? For teasing me?"

"For definitely look after you." He responded without looking back at me.

I rolled my eyes, "don't you ever give me that kind of excuse."

"Why not? That's the truth."

"That's bullshit."

The nurse helped me from sitting properly and left afterwards.

He laughed under his breath, I didn't look at him but it sounded amuse and good.

"You know Nathaniel, you better not try to made my sister mad or else I'm gonna smack you in the head with his bread knife I'm using." My sister threatened him.

He just copycat what she have said and made fun of the picture he took of me.

"Delete that!" I shouted, annoyingly.

"I won't." He place his phone before my eyes. Looking at it, my picture of having my eyes closed from the pain of the outgoing needle inside my hand, is on the picture and he's using that as a wallpaper. "I've got a good one in here."

My mom placed a cut watermelon, apples and peeled oranges in a plate and put it in my table.

"When did the two of you started dating?" My mom asked which made me cough out of nowhere.

I mean, what kind of question is that. Very intriguing. I looked at my sister whom Nat took a glance. She didn't look like she give a damn but she definitely is because I knew her since she's little.

"Since last month." He answered, took an apple and ate it.

"You're Feyah's batchmate. I remember you giving her a bouquet of flowers." My mom made each and everyone of us awkward by what she said.

I faked a cough and ate the watermelons.

I know that there's something between of them but I just don't want to hear from him answering my mom "yes" with that question. Because I don't know what should I feel. Jealous or I should don't care.

"Yes." It was my sister.

I looked at her then, at Nathan, who's stunned for a moment but chuckled awkwardly and nodded as if he agrees.

"Right. My memories is still as sharp."

"Oh, I didn't knew that." I said.

Nathan gave me a quick smile and a look that's telling me that "It's okay".

I don't know if anyone would believe me if I say that it comforted me a little with the jealousy I just felt right now but I really does. It made me a little of secure and meant that he would get me information about that. I just gave him an also quick of smile and looked somewhere because he's watching me. A tingling sensation which my heart felt from jealousy and happiness came after.