
Nathan came to my ward late at night, around 9 in the evening. My mom is still at work and my sister is watching television peacefully.

My cheeks became as red as the potato when Nathan came with a bouquet of Daisies and Justine, who was quietly watching Nathan, keeps giving me a look of 'Go-ask-him-right-now'.

I shrugged off my shoulder and watched Nathan as he preparing the foods he bought on the way here.

"Nathan." I called him.

He didn't turned around to face me and is still busy in arranging the foods at the refrigerator, but responded with, "Hmm?"

"Can we go out and talk?"

This time, he faced me and gave me a confused look.

"About what?"

I fixed my hospital gown and stood up from the bed.

There's nothing wrong about asking the things that includes the story between him and my older sister, right?

"That's why we had to talk outside, right? I can't tell it in here."

He paused for a moment and then nodded. I left the room first, leaving my sister and Justine alone.

I can see how my sister acted when I asked Nat to talk about something outside. I knew her and there's nothing she could hide. Even Nat.

We walked up to the rooftop, and he just followed me.

"What are we going to talk about?"

I sat down and looked far away.

I shouldn't go in any ways but to ask directly right?

"What's between you and my sister?"

He just shrugged off his shoulder and responded me with, "Are you jealous?" And chuckled.

"I'm not kidding!"

"I'm asking!"

"Why are you asking that?"

"I'm just curious!"

"Do you trust me?"

"Why are you shifting the questions to another topic?"

"You are hell out of your mind." He shook his head.

If he did that, then he wouldn't want to talk about her. If he didn't want to talk about her, then he must be just playing with me. Of course! How can you date someone whom you just met and get feelings faster than an internet right?

"Never mind." I turned around. I felt a little ache in my heart. I mean, of course, by his action I can tell that he still like my sister.

Who wouldn't be? She's intelligent and beautiful like a beauty queen. Compared to someone who got weaker immune system and is about to die. Right?

I understand him.

I get him.

"She's my first love." He said without even stammering.

I stop at the half way of opening the door to get out of this rooftop.

But before I could even walked out, I turned around. I saw a face of no regrets in spilling that. That he is in love with my sister.

I knew it.

I gave him a quick smile and walked away out of the rooftop.

I'm not mad.

I'm not angry because he said it just like I was expecting him to respond.

But, I am kind of..


Because he said it without any hesitation. Like he waited for me to ask this question or is expecting me to be this way. And I hate I'm being this way!

Why of all the people is it to be my sister?

"Wait, Herra!"


He walked after me and held my wrists to make him face me. He did, but I looked away. I frowned in front of him and pouted like a baby. I don't know why I'm definitely acting this disgusting way, but I wanna do it!

He held my face, "Herra. Look at me."

But still I looked away.

His soft hand gives me chills to my spine and all I can feel right now is my beating heart that beats faster. I felt the butterflies in my stomach and wanted to smile like an idiot right now but I forced myself not to.


I looked at him, directly in his eyes.

I wanted to read his eyes. Just like any other couple.

"Your sister is all in the past. You are my present."

"But you are awkward when she's around. Don't even try to lie to me, Nat."

"Of course."


"I don't want to make mistakes that you'll misunderstand."

At that point, I am speechless.

If he keeps on being this way, leaving the world would be the hardest thing for me. And for him. If he really likes me.


He laughed so adorably and hugged me. He's caressing my head and he placed my head in his chest. I smiled from imagining our position in the stairs alone. I mean, this would definitely one of kind scenario that ever happened to me.

He's really sweet!

"Don't think too much." He said with his soft voice. "but don't hang out a lot with Justine." He added that made me removed his hands that was wrapped around me.

I glared at him. "Justine is my best friend."

He mocked me and also glared at me. But I didn't let him win so I gave him a death glare which made him just smile at me.

After that, I decided to walked away where he walked after me and when he caught up to me, he held my eyes and confidently walked up to my wards.

We get in in the elevator that swung open, few nurses who get in is looking at him like he's some kind of treasure that they keep on wanting him. So I thought of naughty things and smiled like an evil.

"Babe." I called him.

He hurriedly faced me. "Hmm? Why?"

The nurses whisper to each other as if they are talking about something regarding the hospital. I wanted to stick out my tongue to them and tell them, "look away!" But I can't.

"Can you kiss me?"

"What? Are you out of your mind?" He laughed and held my hand tightly.

When the nurses heard that, they secretly laughed.

Which made me pissed and removed his hands that holding mine harshly and crossed my arms.

I don't know if he did that on purpose but I am so embarrassed like hell right now!

I stormed out of the elevator, marching up to my room while still pissed. I heard him laughing like a madman that even get on my nerves.

I was about to open to door of my ward when he held my shoulders, faced him and kissed me on my lips quickly and left me whilst dumbfounded of what he just did.

The nurses who came with us, saw that too and their eyes widened after that.

When I realized I just won, I smiled from ear to ear and waved at them as a good bye before entering my room where Justine and my sister saw that too.
