
Private Room No. 1, at the door.

Seeing the back of the white robe inside, Ralph's legs unexpectedly shook slightly.

His complexion was bright at first, but soon it turned pale.

Although some of the questions in his heart were answered, soon, Ralph only felt like he had fallen into a more terrifying abyss, a kind of greater fear started spreading in his heart.

So when the door of this private room opened, he could only stand at the door, his body was stunned and he did not dare to step in.

"Mr. Ralph…" The girl stood aside, very confused when she saw this.

Ralph did not answer, standing at the entrance, his expression unchanged.

"Come in." Quite a while later, Ye Bei's voice came, uncaring, contained the tone similar to a youth's, but very profound.

"Yes." Ralph nodded. At this moment, all the madness and heat in his heart had disappeared, replaced by fear with a mixture of peace.

Ye Bei just sat indifferently...