Travel Far

During the video...

Ralph pushed open the door of Private Room No. 1.

But it was empty inside, not even a soul was found.

Immediately after that, Ralph talked about a lot of questions to the empty room No. 1, and finally left indifferently.

Regardless of the angle of view, this Ralph was like a split personality lunatic.

At the corner, the old man's eyes widened, and when he looked up at the dull Ralph again, there was a touch of fear in his eyes.

"Mr. Ralph, didn't you hang up the lantern in Private Room No. 1 yourself? In this antique auction, do you want to buy all of them by yourself, and not give one to those guys downstairs?" Aside from horror, the old man only had some sense. He couldn't help asking when thinking of the lantern in the first room.

"Yes!" Ralph answered.