
The rain was majestic.

The entire Confucian Temple, whether it was the streets or the eaves, was completely washed out on this day.

Moreover, a fresh smell of soil and plants was quietly spreading in the air.

If it was in the past, even if there were heavy rain and big storms, in most cases, there would be more people in major antique shops, and the owner would also happily explain the origin of antiques to those guests.

But today, the whole street was very silent.

Only Dai Jianming's roar was resounding constantly in this street.

"Uh... it seems that we have been discovered this time," after Ying Tian heard this, his body shook promptly.

Ye Bei stopped.

Lu Wensheng also stopped.

Immediately after, the two slowly turned around with their peaceful expressions.

As for the Law Enforcement officers and the people from the Anti-Riot Department, they were not so polite.