
Ying Tian's approach made Lu Wensheng look at him again.

"This guy's courage is really big, but not bad, he has confidence, and he is a great material." During the heavy rain, Lu Wensheng squinted his eyes and spoke softly to Ying Tian.

At this moment, he slightly understood why Ye Bei agreed to accept Ying Tian before.

"Are you looking for death?" After Dai Jianming was threatened back by Ying Tian instead, his teeth creaked and his mouth cursed.

However, the group of officers unexpectedly retreated back. They had seen the surveillance video with their own eyes not long ago.

They understood that that video was definitely not fake.

The three people in front of them belonged to the unknown, and the fear caused by the unknown was naturally self-evident.

However, the people from the Anti-Riot Department were still motionless.

They hadn't watched the video, so naturally, they didn't know how strong Ye Bei and others were.