Situation in Some Countries

When that cruise ship swiftly rode the wind and waves in the Huangpu River, the whole world was completely undercurrent.

U.S. Congress.

In a luxuriously decorated lobby.

The high-levels of the entire U.S. all gathered here.

"Are you sure you are not kidding? This world will soon be destroyed? Do you know what this news means?"

The highest authority in the United States was a blond man. At this moment, he was standing on the stage, shouting at a man in a suit in front of him. His expression was extremely unnatural, deep in the pupil, there was a faint fear.

"Sir, I got this news from Mr. Ye Bei. Presumably, he is magical, and you should also know it, and when he speaks, I have been paying attention to him, not like lying."

The man who was yelled at had cold sweat on his forehead.

There was a burst of clattering noise in the entire lobby.

That group of high-level Americans began to whisper.

"The end of the world?"