
On the surface, the world looked quite peaceful.

But in the dark, an undercurrent might erupt at any time.

East China Sea City.

On the Huangpu River.

The speed of that cruise ship was very fast.

Originally, the cruise ship was going to return after driving a certain range.

But today, something was wrong.

In the cockpit of a cruise ship, the captain was drenched with sweat.

Those hands quickly tapped the densely packed buttons on the console.

At the same time, he continued to shout into a distress microphone, "Headquarters, headquarters, please answer if you hear me! Huangpu No. 8 cruise ship, out of control, is moving towards the entrance of the East China Sea at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour, and this speed is still increasing."


In the microphone, there was just a rustling busy tone.


The captain scolded.