
"So what have you been up to these past few days?" I turned my gaze to Dili as he drove.

Presently I and Dili were heading to the hospital. At first he was supposed to take me home but I asked him if we could go see his mom in the hospital. He was a little surprised at first when I told him I have been regularly visiting his mother.

"Are you sure that's the only thing you're curious to know?" Dili asked.

I pondered over his question for a while before I replied "You're right, I do have other questions but I'm not sure if you'll answer them" I honestly spoke.

"Don't worry" He removed his eyes from the road and smiled at me briefly before he turned back "I will"

"Alright then" I heaved out.

"I'll start with my first question again. What have you been doing through out this week that you didn't once come to school"

"I was working" he grinned.

Confused I asked "Working?"

"Yeah I was running my family business, that's why I couldn't come to school" Wow, I wasn't expecting this.

I wanted to ask all sorts of questions like 'What's your family business' 'Why are you the one running it?' or 'Aren't you too young to be stressing yourself to be running a business?' and all that, but I didn't want to dig any deeper as he had already given me an answer.

Instead I said "Next question, Why don't you usually come to class? No that's not even the right question" I paused then continued "Why does the principal allow you to skip class anytime you want. I mean I know you get good grades and all, but I'm still trying to make sense of it"

"Oh that?" he chuckled "Xenos academy is owned by my family. I guess that's why I am given some kind of privileges. But trust me I skip class for a good reason" I was shocked by the next revelation.

"Your family owns Xenos academy?" I was still trying to wrap my head around this recently acquired information.

"Yeah.But I won't say 'my family' per say, but my Mom that owns it"

"Totally wasn't expecting that" I mumbled still trying to let all the information sink in.

Nobody really knew who the founder of Xenos academy was, well at least I knew we student didn't. But I can just imagine when people find out that Dili was the son of the founder of us school. You know before how I said that Dili was treated as the golden boy of our school? Well this time they 'would' start treating him as pure gold itself.

"So is Xenos academy the 'family business' you were speaking of?" I just had to ask.

Shaking his head he said "No, it's a different one"

"Oh" I mumbled.

I guess most of our teachers knew about it. That's why they love kissing up to him, well figuratively speaking of course.

"Just so you know" Dili told me "Apart from Tobi, Favour, Victoria and Chimdi, you're the fifth person I'm telling this"

I frowned a little "I'm not going to tell anyone Dili, don't worry" it kinda hurt that he thought I was going to easily tell others about this. I didn't really have other people I could talk about it to.

Dili frowned also "No don't get me wrong, that wasn't the reason I said that, I know you won't tell anyone. I trust you far too much to think that" My heart stupidly skipped a beat at his words. That one word 'Trust' got me.

He continued "I told you because I wanted you to know that you're important to me. that's all" Forget my heart skipping a beat, this time it skipped twice. I don't know if Dili was doing a it purposely or not, but my heart senselessly raced every single time he said things like this.

I smiled happy that Dili saw me as someone important in his life.

"So do you have any other question for me? Ask now, or forever hold your peace" He joked with a pretend deep voice. I chuckled softly.

I actually did have another question to ask him, it's one that I have been extremely curious about since the very first day we met in the library. But I have asked him before and he said when the right time comes he'd tell me. So I decided to wait and not ask.

I gave him a brazen smile "No I do not"

He too grinned "Well that's good, cause we are here" I turned my gaze and saw that we were indeed in front of the hospital building.