Mr Uzora

"Hey mom" Dili smiled brightly as soon as we entered his mother's hospital room.

Mrs Uzora looked up from the book that she was reading and smiled.

"Ah, Dili you're here?"

"Yup" He responded popping his 'P'. Then he added "And I also brought Rica with me" I waved a little at her as Dili mentioned me.

"Good afternoon ma" I said.

"Nonsense, don't speak which so much formality. How many times will I tell you to call me mom. I am your future mother-in-law after all" She playfully winked.

I didn't really know what to say, so I just awkwardly scratched my neck. True to what she said, she has told me a lot of times to just call her 'mom' on the different occasions I had visited her, but honestly speaking anyone else that was in my shoes will find it extremely awkward doing so.

Her features saddened a little as my silence persisted "Or you don't want to? is it because you don't see yourself getting married to Dili?" My eyes widened a little alarmed. I didn't like the sad look on her face, it hit my in the heart.

"No, no it's not that" I quickly said.

"If it's not that then, is it because you don't find my son attractive?" she asked. Once again my eyes widened at her question. How did things even get to this sef.

"No ma. Your son is very handsome, I find him attractive too" I tried to reaffirm her. it didn't even dwell on me on what I had said, and not to talk of, it was infornt of the boy himself. Now I understand clearly why people wish for the floor to open up and swallow them in situations like this.

I heard a familiar chuckle from my side. "Mummy please stop playing with her na"

Mrs Uzora surprised me by releasing an ardent laugh "Rica don't mind me joor, I was just teasing you. But I would really love it if you could call memom not Mrs Uzora. It sounds too formal" an authentic smile adorned her face.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to offend you in anyway" I looked at her strangely, why would she think I was offended?

"Ehn?" Not sure what she meant I asked. I know thoroughly sounded like a bush girl saying that.

"You're crying dear" was her response. I could see Dili staring at me with concern.

"I'm not cryi..." touching my cheeks I realized that it was wet and immediately cut my sentence short.

"Rica are you alright?" Dili asked.

"Yeah it's just that" I sniffed a little and used the back of my hand to clean my tears "You've been more of a mother to me than my actual mother has ever been to me from birth" I chuckled sadly, but with also giving her a greatful smile.

With a small smile she said "Great I could be of assistance my dear" I laughed out loud on hearing her words. See why I liked Mrs Uzora, she could easily turn the saddest or dullest of moments into something much cheerful and brighter. It's quite sad how a wonderful woman like her was fighting cancer.


"So Rica, how has school been?" Dili left few minutes ago saying he wants to check something and he won't be too long, leaving I and his mother In the hospital room.

"It's been surprisingly good" I honestly replied, it was the truth afterall. School this week has been absolutely amazing, people minded their business and didn't disturb me. Even Adaeze suprisingly hasn't tried anything yet, and this was all before Dili even did that announcement. So I wonder how tomorrow will be.

"That's good to hear" She smiled. Although she's been trying to convince her son that she's been feeling a lot better and all, I'm sure Dili could see through her lie. I mean the naked eyes could clearly see it. Mrs Uzora was getting paler and paler by the day. You could include getting a lot more thinner and weaker to. Even today although she desperately tired to hide it, the hand she was using to hold the book that she was reading was shaking slightly. You would have to be paying close attention to be able to notice it.

"How about your parents, are they back yet?" as soon as I heard the question I remembered that my parents really did travel and that they were still out of the country. Honestly how won't I forget? Even when they were around I rarely saw them so them being away didn't really change a thing.

"No not yet" A sour taste was left in my mouth as I recalled my parents. Just like I predicted, they haven't called me, not even once, to check up on me. They were most definitely parents of the year, don't you think?

Wanting to immediately change the topic I asked.

"So ma has the doctor said anything else concerning your health?"

with a sad laugh she said "Sadly no, the situation is still the same as when last I told you" I heaved out a sad sigh.

"I'm sorry but I will have to tell Dili about this. I can't keep this from his any longer" I truthfully told her.

She released a sigh of her own "If you tell him it might break him Rica"

As respectfully as I could I countered "But if he finds out much later, it will break him even more. Do you really want to take such a chance?"

With a sigh of absolute defeat she smiled "No I do not"

"Your a wonderful girl Rica" she told me next "A girl with a big heart. I knew you were the right person for my Dili" I Just smiled, wasn't too sure about the 'right person' part though.

"You look like you have another question for me, you're free to ask" She was as quick as ever in noticing things.

"Ma the question might be a little uncomfortable for you, do you still want me to ask?" she nodded her head giving me a goo ahead.

Letting out a breath I finally asked the question that has been bugging from the first day I met Dili's mom in the hospital.

"Where is Mr Uzora?"

She didn't even seem fazed by my question, instead gave me a grin "I was wondering when you would inquire about that" God knows I wasn't expecting the next thing that she said.

A melancholy look bedizened her entire face "But to answer your question Rica, your future Father-in-law is sadly not with us anymore. He past away few years back"