Important guests

Dili didn't come back as he had said he would in the note. Mr Seye was the one who came to take me home. I'll have to say me sleeping until school was over wasn't what I was expecting. No not at all. But who am I to complain, that was practically one of the best sleep I have had in years so to say. Insomnia is a really bad thing I tell you.

Still I was in a really good mood at the moment. What Dili told me this morning was very much still lingering in my mind. A small smile adorned my face as I recalled exactly what he said, word for word. Knowing that the person you like equally shares the same feeling as you do was truly bliss I tell you.

When I finally reached home I was surprised to see that my parents were back. That immediately dampened my mood a little. I honestly wasn't expecting them to be back so soon. I don't know what I was expecting but just as they didn't tell me when they were traveling they also didn't see the need to tell me when they were coming back. Very typical of them.

"Dad you're back" I said in a rhetorical manner. You see unlike my mother that always wanted me to call her in a proper manner 'Mother' and never 'Mom', my father usually didn't care if I did or didn't. He was a sucker for rules and discipline but not as much as my mother was.

He released a grunt, his gaze looking as hard as ever "As you can see" He said it in a somewhat sarcastic manner and then immediately left to the direction of his study after that. Beautiful, he didn't even care to ask how I have been.

Next thing I saw was my mother coming down the stairs, looking as elegant as ever. Although I didn't really like the woman that carried me in his stomach for 9months, I couldn't deny the fact that she was extraordinarily beautiful. I'm sure that's the first thing my father saw in her, too bad he couldn't see beyond her other traits. Infact they were both quite similar so they deserved themselves.

I was expecting her to pass me by like I wasn't even there but instead she surprised and came to me with a full blown smile. Did you hear that 'a smile!' for heavens sake. That surely meant she either wanted something from me or she sadly hit her head somewhere.

I greeted her "Good evening Mother"

I'll have to say, it was almost cringe-like calling her properly like that. Normally in most Nigerian homes children refer to their mothers as 'mommy'. It was widely used and adapted. In the Nigerian books I've read and Movies I've watched that was how it usually was. My mother was just too stuck up to accept that.

"Oh Rica, how are you darling?" My eyes almost fell out of their sockets when I heard her use the word 'darling'. I'm serious did she hit her head somewhere or what?

I was soo shocked that I didn't say a word so she spoke once again. "You look so gloom dear, is everything okay?" This caring side of my mother was beyond scary. Why was she being Soo.....I don't know, nice? Something was definitely up. I mean the woman didn't even bat an eyelash the time I tired to commit suicide. So what exactly makes now special.

"Everything is okay" I finally got my voice back and said. I said this all in a skeptical tone.

"Hmm, well that's good to hear" She broadly smiled. "Because I don't need any sort of gloominess from you today. Afterall we are having guests today" This was new information to my ears. I wasn't told of us having any guests today.

"They are very important guests, and I want you in your best behavior today, dress adequately also. I don't want you disgracing me in any way. Am I clear?" And here I thought Mrs Okafor had turned an usually new leave. I guess that wasn't the case in the slightest.

"Yes mother" I mumbled in a dull tone.

By then I didn't known that I knew our supposedly guests all too well. But I was sure to find out later.