Your room

It can't be only me that found gowns tiring to put on. I mean they were honestly stressful, especially when they had a zip at the back. To be bending your hands to different angels just to zip it up was honestly one of the most frustrating things on planet Earth.

My mother had chosen a formal gown for me to wear for the dinner. Sadly it was a short hand dress. My scars were showing and I didn't like that, it just reminded me of my stupid younger self. I really didn't want to recall my dark days by seeing it. So instead I wore a long sleeve turtle neck top inside and then wore the gown on top it. It actually looked quite nice together.

After that I packed my full thick natural hair in a bun. Did minimal requested, well more like ordered by my mother...and then I was all set. Till now I don't still know who the mystery guests were.


As I made my way down the stairs I could hear chattering and laughing? I guess the guests were already here.

I stilled a little when I heard an all too familiar voice.

"When will Rica be joining us?" l heard the familiar male voice ask.

"She should be here any minute now" was my mother's reply.

Finally I step into the dinning room, I noticed that the entire decor of the dinning room had been changed. Probably my mother's hand work. When did she even have the time to call the interior designer. She was such a show off I tell you.

I immediately spotted two familiar faces sitting down talking to my parents. I knew I recognized that voice. Dili and his mother were both sitting down leisurely on the chair. I was surprised by Dili's presence but the one that surprised me more was Mrs Uzora presence. What in God's name was she doing out of the hospital bed. She should be resting.

Dili was the first to spot me, such a cliche I know. Our eyes instantly connected and I swear to God that his eyes widened a fraction on seeing me. I smiled a little as he openly stared at me unwavering.

After that the adults then also noticed my presence. I walked to the table and grabbed a sit and sat down. Unknowingly I sat down opposite Dili.

My mother turned to me smiling and spoke "Oh Rica darling, your dear fiance here was just asking about you" Again with that word 'darling'. Can she be anymore fake.

"Goodevening, I'm sorry for being late" I mumbled.

"That's okay my dear. We just came few minutes ago ourselves" Dili's mom tried to reassure me. Although she still looked somewhat pale, Mrs Uzora was still a sight to see. She still looked beautiful. The make up she did also helped in hiding the fact that she was a sick woman. If a person didn't have any idea about her condition they would think she wasn't a person suffering from cancer. But I knew so I could see it clearly.

I gave her a smile in return. I didn't still know the reason for this dinner that I apparently wasn't told about untill few hours ago, but I guess I will just have to go with it until I get to know.

"Right let's get to the main reason for this dinner" My mother began talking again. As usual my father was just quiet and silently eating.

"Yes we should" Mrs Uzora smiled in agreement.

"Alright then, we are having this dinner to mark the official engagement of Dili and Rica. I and my husband had an important business to attend urgently overseas that's why we couldn't have this dinner earlier, so sorry about that" My mom said in an apologetic tone. And trust me my mother was anything but an apologetic person. I'm sure she was doing all this because her and my father will gain greatly from this engagement.

"It's quite okay Mrs Okafor" Dili's mom smiled. I had noticed that when my mother had used the word 'husband' a far away look had come upon her face. Making me to sadly recall once more that Dili's father had passed away. In that instance I felt empathy for her. She was truly a strong woman.

"Seeing as this is a joyous occasion let's all raise our glass for a toast shall we?" Mrs Uzora added. Following her words we all rose our glasses up for a toast.

It's funny how my parents still hasn't asked me on how I felt about this engagement. Not that I'm complaining bitterly about being engaged to Dili or anything, I really liked him afterall. It's just that so what if I didn't want this engagement thing, shouldn't they as parents had sort out for their daughters take on the matter. Right almost forgot, they didn't care to ask such.

After the toast we began to eat. Although as soon as I looked at the food I began to calculate the calories of the food on my plate. But as soon as I realized that Dili was infact there I immediately stopped and I began to eat. Didn't want to disappoint him. I stared but I was only eating a little though, I haven't gotten use to normally eating like that.

As I ate I felt a tap on my leg. Looking up I saw Dili grinning carelessly at me. The adults didn't notice our interaction as they were in their own world discussing.

I mouthed to him 'What?'

He only pouted a little and also mouthed to me 'I'm freakin bored, let's get out of here'

I was in support of his idea because I too was already tired of staying there. 'To where?' I asked him.

Almost immediately I asked the question an evil grin covered his face 'Your room' he mouthed. When I read his lips my eyes went wide. He was joking right? He just had to be.

Before I could shut down what he said he was already talking but not to me.

"Ma I was wondering if I and Rica could leave you adults to yourselves and go to her room?" I swear my jaw dropped wide open at the boldness he had asking my mother such a thing.

Dili's mom looked like she was about caution her son but my mother instantly told Dili "Of course my dear, you can both leave us old people to discuss old people things" I'm not even kidding again, my jaw dropped even more at what my mother had said. She even smiled all through while saying all this.

I could spot Dili with his infamous smirk from the corner of my eyes. He seriously had no fear.

Whereas Dili's mother looked at mine like she crazy. Really couldn't blame her.

A normal mother would surely keep boys out of her daughter's room. That was what a 'Normal' mother would have done, but who ever said my own mother was normal?