

"I thought you said next week was when we will be going. But it's barely been a week and we are already going back?" I rose a questioning eyebrow to direction.

We were on his private plane on our way back to Nigeria. He was sitting opposite me with a really sad look on his face. I frowned a little. Why did he seem so down.

I was about to ask him when he said. "By the way you aren't still looking directly at me"

"I am" I mumbled a little embrassed as I remembered what had happened some couple of hours ago.

He smirked leaning away from his seat "No, even now sef you're not. Is your mind still in that place, ehn Rica?" Chai, I was trying to forget what I had seen but it was still well imbedded in my head. I my cheeks warmed recalling what happened.

Couple of hours ago....