Transfer Student(2)

"Something unexpected? What do you mean by that, Sir?"

I tried my best to suppress my beating heart, resulting in my unusual way of speaking. My boss looked at me silently. He didn't say anything until he heaved a sigh.

"Hah... We found some evidence."

"What evidence, Sir?"

"At first, the one who took your job only found some traces. He reported it to me and I didn't believe it. So, I opened your office account to—"


I quickly cut him before he finished his word. My voice went slightly louder and more emotional than before. But before I could continue my word, he raised his hand and spoke.

"I know it's a privacy violation. But, I was left with no choice! I treat my subordinates fairly, so I couldn't let myself being seen as someone who favored you more than the other. So, I asked the staff to open your account and we found the evidence of money laundering."



The chair where I was sitting in was pushed back by my sudden move. It then lost its balance and fell to the ground. My eyes were full of disbelief as I looked at my boss who returned the look calmly.

"Calm down let us—"


"There's no way I would do something like that! The office has already paid me enough to save a fairly big sum of money. I can swear on my family name that I, Nishino Yume am not the one who did it!"

I was so heated up to the point that I couldn't handle my emotion rightly. I hit his desk, but I didn't feel pain. I spoke loudly, but I didn't hear my own voice. And for some reason, whenever I saw his calm expression my anger got worse.

"I know. I know that you would never do that. But who says that white couldn't turned black? Listen! This is the best option you got. The office won't pursue this matter any further."

"But... I didn't do it!"

"Even so, do you think I can do something about it? The evidence has been found on your side. Even if it was someone's scheme against you, it would take a long time to find the culprit.

"While the evidence is clear, I can't just let you work here like nothing happened. I'll give you a recommendation letter, so you could work at somewhere else. This is the best I can do for you. Don't make this matter any bigger."

I guess he finally lost his patience too. His tone was louder than before. Every word he said was like a cruel reality for me. He was right, he was left with no choice. Even if he knew that it wasn't me, the others wouldn't think so.

There's a reason why he recalled my achievement before declaring my 'death sentence'.

You're in a dangerous position!

He tried to let me know my position. I knew that I am envied by many of my colleagues, but I had never thought that someone would scheme against me. My feet turned jelly as my body dropped to the floor.

My vision which has just been cleared not long ago started to fog once again. Before I knew it, I had already wet my skirt with my tears. I weeped silently with my hands covering my eyes.

It was when he tapped my shoulder did I snap out of my stupor.

"Nishino-kun. I'm sorry to say it, but this is how society works. One wrong step might completely changed your life. You have to stay strong!"

I looked upward but I still couldn't see his face clearly. But, one thing I noticed was that his mouth was slightly curled up.

Is he ridiculing me?

I couldn't help but think so. When I was about to get mad, I couldn't say anything. After all, I didn't have the right to do so. I made a mistake so it was my fault.

"I'm sorry, I'll sign the letter right away."

"Wait! Tell me, what do you think of this job?"

When I was about to open the letter that I had dropped before, I was stopped by his out of nowhere question. I looked at him and answered while sobbing.

"I.. I love.. this job!"

"I see, you love it right? Then, I have a suggestion to you if you want to keep working at here."

He was smiling but strangely I shivered upon seeing his smile. But still, I was tempted to hear his suggestion. It was just like spider's thread amidst the torturing pit of hell.

"I... I'll hear it."

I was hesitated but I still chose to grab the thread.

"I can keep you working here, if you promised me one thing."

"What is it, Sir?"

"Be my mistress! I'll also raise your salary."

When I finally decided to hang on the thread, I was met with another harsh reality. Even if I escaped from the hell, I would have to live with the spider.

'...I couldn't let myself being seen as someone who favored you more than the other.'

Suddenly I remembered the word he had uttered to me earlier. I stopped sobbing and looked at him right in the eyes. Now with my cleared up vision, I could finally see his face clearly.


I couldn't help but laugh.


So it was your scheme. No wonder it would take some time to figure out the culprit. It was you after all!

His smirk faded in the next moment and he looked at me strangely. I returned the look with a sneer and passed by him. I opened the letter and picked up a pen from his desk. I signed the letter and threw it at him.

"There's no need to give me my recommendation letter! I can find a better job even without it!"

"Look at you! How rude you are to your boss!"

"Don't get me wrong, you're no longer my boss."

I walked to the door and proceeded to open it. But before I could

"My offer is always open for you!"

—he exclaimed confidently. I stopped and glanced at him. He was still smirking as he looked at me.

"Who wants to be your mistress, you pig!"



I slam down my glass on the bar table and look at the person in front of me. Whenever I come to this bar, he is always there to accompany me.

"And that was my last word to him. Keuuhh! I was so cool back then. He thought that I would do what he wants. No, I don't! And you need to know it!"

"Hahaha. Yume-chan I heard this story many times."

"So what? Are you bored?!"

Probably because I am drunk, I speak more often than before.

"No, no, no. I don't mean it. But, you're a teacher aren't you? It's not good to see a teacher drunk in broad daylight, and you're a woman at that."

"Hmph! What do you mean by broad daylight? It's already 5 p.m.! You could already have a lunch at this time."

"A-ha-ha. Yeah, if you say it that way, it seems that you're right."

I don't know what am I talking about. But judging from his awkward laugh, I might have said something funny.

"Oii, I know that you ridicule me!"

"No, I don't. I'm just saying the truth."



"Teacher, huh? That bastard old man, not only he schemed against me, but he also spread bad rumors about me amongst many companies higher ups. I've had interviewed here and there but none of them accepted me.

"They said that I lacked credibility? What the f*ck is that? But luckily, this school accepted me as a counseling teacher. But still, the salary is only a half of my previous salary. Aaa! It's frustrating!"

"I know, I heard that yesterday too. But, isn't it good enough? You got a job after all."

"It's not good! I deserved better than that."

"I know, sometimes life doesn't go as you want. That's the harsh reality that you have to remember."

"I got it, ba..ka[1]!"

My head hit the table and I cried silently. I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and I know it's his. Normally, I wouldn't let anyone touch me that easy, but these days have been so hard for me. I lost my money, I lost my job, and the investigation of the scam I had is progressing stagnantly.

I need someone to comfort me.


I ended up falling asleep on the table for half an hour. When I wake up he is already gone. I am still sober so my head spins a little. I get up from the seat and exit the bar. But upon reaching outside

"Oh great! I don't bring my umbrella."

—it was raining.

I pave my way toward the crowd while running amidst the rain. Luckily the rain isn't too heavy so I am not totally drenched. By the time I arrived at the junction, the light turns red. I am about to cross the road when suddenly someone pulls me to the nearby alley.

"Yume-chan. What a coincidence to meet you here."

"Wh-who are you!"

"What? You don't know me?!"


I am still sober, so I couldn't see his face clearly earlier. But now that I am able to see him clearly, I am puzzled. He is Yūji, the man who always hears my rambling at the bar.

"What do you want?"

"Wow, wow. Look at you! Even after I do this, you still don't get it?"

"What do you want to say?"

Without saying anything. He grabs my left breast with his left hand and covers my mouth with his right hand.

"Hmm.. mmm!!"

"Shhh! Don't make a sound. You don't want to see people seeing you like this, do you?"

I flinch and stop fighting after he said that. I don't want to do it, but if someone saw us the matter will get worse. He nodded and removed his hands from my breast. He also uncovered my mouth in the process.

He supported his body with his right hand and leaned himself closely to me. I don't understand why he is doing this, but my respect for him is now gone. For the past week I thought that he was a good man. It turns out that he is also a pig.

"Look at here!"

He shows me his phone and I instantly get stunned upon seeing it. He shows me his phone gallery, but what I find in the inside are my photos.

No, to be exact they are my photos with my lingeries exposed.

"How... did you.. get it?"

"Hm? You didn't know? I thought you were aware of it. I took it whenever you fall asleep at the bar. I touched you here and there and you seemed liked it. So, one day I decided to take some photos of you.

"I thought that it would be the last time, but I didn't expect that you would end up in the same state. So, I did the same thing over and over. Hahaha! I knew it! I knew that these photos would come in handy. So, you know what I want right?"

My body can't stop trembling. Thinking about the things he had done to my body, I can't help but shiver. He said that he had done it over and over. It means that he has touched my body so many times to the point that I felt familiar with the touch when he grabbed my breast. I have just noticed this fact earlier.


I am already tainted.

What should I do? If I run, my photos will be exposed in the internet. But if I don't, I have to do what this pig wants. But, at least I could still have a life. If my photos got uploaded to the internet, my life will end. I guess I have no choice.

Screw it!

My life is already fuc*ed up anyway.

"Alright, I'll do as you say. But you have to erase every photos after it."

"Oopss... Not so fast! I have over 50 photos here, so how about if I will erase two of them each time after you satisfied me?"

So, it will be 25 times in total? I have never had sex before, but maybe after 25 times I could get used to it.

"Tskk... Fine, just let me go home. My clothes is drenched and I can't afford to catch a cold. I have to be at school in two days."

I clicked my tongue in annoyance. The light has turned red for the second time. If we keep this on, we would attract people's attention.

"So what? You look sexier with your drenched clothes! Look at that curves you have, you're so erotic!"


This man is undoubtedly a pig. He's just a pig in nutshell. I want to cry, but I can't. If he saw me cry, he would think that I'm weak and do whatever he wants to me. I might be accepting his terms, but this is the far I could go. I can't afford more than this.

While I am busy with my thoughts, suddenly someone pats Yūji on the shoulder. He turns his head and looks at the man surprisingly.

"Who are you?"

"I was her colleague at work."

While pointing at me, the man speaks. I also look at him and instantly know that he is someone I know. He is someone from my old office.

God's hand?


I might just encountered another spider's thread.


[1] stupid in Japanese.