Transfer Student(3)


I look at Yasaka-san, my ex-colleague with a shamed expression. I can't help but feel that way. I have just resigned from the work badassly a week ago. And now, I encountered Yasaka-san in this state.

It's the worst day of my life!

"You seem troubled, Nishino-kun. Is this someone you know?"

I wanted to answer him immediately, but Yūji glares at me right away.

"Y-yes. I know him."

"Really? How do I feel that something's off from two of you?"

"It's just your imagination, Ossan[1]! It's what being young means. I believe you've had it before, haven't you?"

Yūji waves his hand in denial as he looks at the man nonchalantly. Really, this guy's acting skill is praiseworthy.

"So... You guys were planning on doing something naughty here?"

Yasaka-san looked at both of us and said jokingly. Yūji turned even more daring as he pulls me to his embrace. He smiles at Yasaka-san and starts to speak.

"Yeah, that's what we were going to do."

"I don't know how to put it, but it's not appropriate to do it here. I know you're young, but you have to be at least know some ethics right?"

"Ahaha. Yes, we'll be careful for the next time."

Yūji laughs awkwardly ands starts dragging me away. But we are stopped yet again by Yasaka-san.

"Wait! Let me hear your thoughts Nishino-kun. Are you really his girlfriend?"

"I... I—"

"Stop it, you sh*t! I've had enough you. Mind your own business! Leave us alone!"

Yūji seems tired of it as he couldn't hear anymore words from Yasaka-san.

"I see. So that's the case. Unexpectedly you are quite obedient, Nishino-kun."

Yasaka-san starts to look at both of us back and forth. He stays silent for a while, and after some time he nods and starts to speak.

"Actually, this matter also involves me. You know..."

He lets out his phone and shows his gallery to us.

No... Not again, please!

"This... Ossan!! How'd you get it?!"

Yūji instantly moves and tries to grab his phone, but he successfully avoids it by a thin margin.

"Oooppss.... Not so fast! At least hear me out first."

"What do you mean? How'd you get it!? I certainly have made sure that the place is always empty whenever I do that!"

His gallery is filled by Yūji's photos. To be exact, his photos when he harassed me. Yasaka-san looks at me and smirks.

Aaah... I know what it means. That smirk is familiar to me.

"Who says that no one will see you even if the place is empty? Don't you think of a possibility that someone would sneakily watching you?"

"You! You were hiding for all this time!"

"Yeah, I did. Thereupon, I have a suggestion for you. I can let this matter off if you promised me one thing."

And here we go again. I don't know why, but somehow I know what will he ask to Yūji.

"What is it!"


"Hmph... So here's the case. I've been actually had a crush on her since the day she started working in the company. I've approached her many times, but she ignored me.

"Imagine how would you feel if you have to experience it for 7 years! And suddenly, she resigned from the office. If it was before, I could see her every day work, but now I can't.

"I don't even know her address, I don't know where to find her. But one day, I found her coming to the bar. Since then on, I always come to the bar. But, I saw her got molested by someone else everyday. Do you know how I feel?"

"I know, I know. It's frustrating. But, you have to also know your age, Ossan! You're not young anymore."

You don't have the right to say it, pig!

I can't hide the disdain on my face. Luckily they are too focused on their talk, so none of them notice it. If they were to notice it, things might turned worse. I heard that men love to break tough women.

"That's why! I don't care about love anymore. I just wanted her. You're the same, aren't you? You must be dying for that body of hers. So, why not make an agreement and have fun together? It's a win-win suggestion, isn't it?"

Is he for real? Earlier he said his feelings about me passionately. And now, he said those hideous things with that serious look.

This is...

"Tskk.... Fine. Let's make an agreement. You have to delete every photos once you've done it."

"Hahaha... The situation is reversed now. I have over 30 pictures here, so how about I'll erase one of each time I do it with her."

—terrible. Now, I am completely turned into these pigs toy. They had put an eye on me since long, and I failed to notice it.

'I'm sorry to say it, but this is how society works. One wrong step might completely changed your life,' was that old bastard said to me before. Even not look like it, he is surprisingly wise.


What am I thinking about? To think that the day where I would think that I should have accepted his offer will come. There must be something wrong with me.



I laughed hollowly but my laughter is covered by the honking sounds from the cars. I throw my gaze to the junction and see that there is a sport car stays unmoving even after the light turns green.

I can't see the inside as the glass has a special light protection. But, I can somehow know what the driver does. He must be busy with his phone.


He's busy looking at our way.


Here we are. In front of a love hotel[2] in the middle of nowhere. They just dragged me here without saying a thing. My clothes is all soaked and already see-through since long.

They purposely not use umbrella to be in the same state as me. I thought that it was for avoiding suspicion from people, but...

"You'll be more erotic that way!"

—they're doing it just for fun.

Yūji is standing right on front of the front door while fidgeting with his phone. He seems calling someone.

"Nishino-kun. Don't worry, I'll make you love it. This is your first time, right? I'll do it gently."

I am startled as he suddenly grabs my butt and squeezing it. I try to stop his hand but it is futile. He has more power than me. I got no choice other than letting him doing it.

"Yes, yes. That's right! Just be true to yourself, bitch."

I really want to hit him hardly, but I have to endure. Because, I have seen a 'chance' just now. Yūji gets back to us while still holding his phone.

"What were you doing?"

I asked him in curiosity.

"Oh? Just calling some friends to join the fun."


What the fu*k? Is he for real?

"I didn't know that your friends will be joining too! What is this mean?!"

"Hey, hey. Shut up, bitch! You know that you have already accepted the term. There's no turning back."

He looks at me smugly and stands right in front of me. He leans his body to me and whispers.

"You could just go back right now. But... In the next morning your life will turned upside down."

I see. He had never planned to let me go since the beginning. I believe that after this matter is done, he would blackmail me again. If so, I just have to gamble. I'll put my all into this gamble. If things gone awry, then at that time...

I shook off my thoughts and also lean my body on his, startling him. When he is about embrace me, I give my full power on my knee and strike it at his crotch.

"Aaah!!! You bitch!"

Yūji falls to the ground while holding his crotch. He has dropped his phone and I quickly take it before kicking him right on the face.

"Fu*king bitch! Oii, Ossan! What are you dazing for!? Chase her!"

I hear Yūji's shout from behind. I don't care anymore, I have to run! The place they chose is really secluded. I have to run for a quite long time. Furthermore, there are simply too many turns and alley. Luckily I remember the route a little.

As I am running with all my might, I forgot the way. There are two separated way in front of me, and I don't know which way should I take.

"Aaa! Screw it! Let's believe on my nose! Right!"

I take the right way as my guts tell me that. I keep running and after some time, I finally see it

"Are you kidding me?"

—a dead end.

"Let's go back. I will make it if I do it right now!"


I hear a faint sound of footseps. I am instantly stunned as I step back in fright. There is no more time! I take the memory of the phone and drop the phone on the ground.

I step on the phone, crushing it entirely and snap the memory in half. I look around and found somewhere to hide. Not long after, Yasaka pig arrived.

"Where the fu*k is she?! I am pretty sure that she turned this way."

Yasaka pig look around and check every nook and cranny of the place. His face turned uglier than before as he doesn't find anything. I control my breath and try my best to suppress my beating heart.

"Tch... So be it! I believe she is not that far from here."

And so, he left.


Now I can sigh in relief. I get out of my hiding place and try my best to suppress my winning laugh. When I am about to leave

"You shouldn't let the evidence remain visible."

—I hear someone's voice that is so familiar to me. I turn around and meet his smirking face. He throws his phone that I have just crushed in front of me.


"How? Do you really think that there will be only one of us chasing after you?"

"No way... But when?"

When Yasaka pig arrived here, I didn't see anyone else. But how come he is here?

"There's a small passage there. I came from there. You know, there's a reason why I chose this place. Firstly, it's secluded. And secondly, in case you run away I will always be able to catch you. I know this place better than anyone."

"Hahaha. I knew that you were there Nishino-kun. You hid pretty well."

Yasaka pig also shows up and laughing from behind. It seems that they had planned it altogether.

"Well, I was planning on doing it in the love hotel but..."

Yūji pig moves his gaze to Yasaka pig. Yasaka pig just nodded in return and smirks. Then, he starts to speak.

"Let's do it here."

"Let's do it!!"


Yūji grabs my breasts from behind and locked my body. His power totally surpassed mine so I can't resist.

"No!! Let me go, you pig!!!"

"Shhh!! Shut it, bitch! Hey, Ossan! Shut this bitch's mouth!"

Yasaka pig moves to my way and covers my mouth with his hand. I scream loudly but no sound come out. Yūji pig starts squeezing my breast harder than before while Yasaka pig moving his hand on my thigh.

I clamp my thighs tightly so he can't do it any further. He clicks his tongue in annoyance and speaks to Yūji.

"Oii! I can't get any fun. Lay her down."

"Right away... Yosssh!!"


I scream loudly when Yasaka pig's hand uncovered my mouth. I struggle to let go of myself by kicking them here and there. And clumsy me, Yasaka got my feet. He spreads them open, while I am trying my best to fight it. But it is clear that I am not going to win.

My head is in disarray. I can't think any single thing right anymore. My face is being licked, my breasts are being groped, and my crotch is being rubbed against a pig's face.

"Ohyyoo! So this is how young woman smells. I love it!"

"Hey, hey. Don't take the fun by yourself. Let me join too!"



Both of them laugh while doing so many hideous things to my body. I try to move my body once again, but it has lost its power a while ago.

I stop struggling and let them be. Tears slowly falling from my eyes. No. Maybe I've been tearing since before. It's just that the rain makes it unnoticed to me.

"Oo? She stops struggling. Haha! Finally, she gives up. Oii, Ossan! It's our chance, let's do it!"

Yūji pig unzipped his pants and pulls out his thing. He rubs it against my cheek and forcing it against my mouth. Even if my body has lost its power, at least it is not the case with my mouth. Or so what I believed.

He grabs my jaw and squeezes my cheeks to forcibly open my mouth. The force he applies to his hand is enough to open my mouth slightly. Without wasting any more time he charges his thing inside.

"Tssskk... Open your mouth, bitch!"

His thing is got blocked by my teeth. And because of that, he got pissed. Frankly speaking I want to throw up, but I can't do that. To do that, I have to open my mouth. And if I do, his thing will rush inside.

"Ahhh... She's wet already. I'm about to penetrate her."


I forgot that there is also him. I was too focused on guarding my mouth and I forgot the most important thing. He has been licking my genital area since then!


Probably due to the constant abuse, I got more sensitive toward my surrounding to the point that I can even hear him unzipped his pants despite the falling rain that causing the surrounding gets louder then usual.

"Ohyyoo! This is good!"

He starts to rub it against my labia and only now I notice that it is so slippery. I don't think that I am aroused, so it was probably his saliva that makes it slippery.

I can feel it. I can feel that his thing is about to penetrate me. I can feel that my mouth is starting to give up. Huh... So this is my end?


I'll kill myself after this.

I stop trying to close my mouth and it makes Yūji pig ecstatic. Yasaka pig spread open my labia and I can feel his glans starts on hitting my hole. I can feel all of it, but I didn't resist anymore.

Let's end this here.

"Are you just going to give up?"

Yūji pig and Yasaka pig stops charging their things when they hear the voice. I don't know who, but I know he is talking to me. But then again, it's just another spider's thread for me.

Or so I believe.


[1] Japanese for old man or uncle.

[2] hotel that rents rooms to couples either overnight or for two hours' "rest"‎‎.