Transfer Student(5)

I heard that human's cruelty has no boundaries. I believe that human can do cruel things, but I don't think it has no boundaries. After all, everything has limit.


'I lost my hard earned six million to buy the house. I didn't know that it was a fraud.'

'I was called to the office and accused at money laundering, which I had never thought once in my life.'

'He told me to be his mistress if I wanted to continue working there.'

'That pig, Yūji harassed me whenever I got drunk at the bar. And later I found out that another pig was also there.'

'I tried to run away when they brought me here, but I ended up getting ra*ed by them on the alley.'

My interview with a girl, no, a woman named Nishino Yume in a love hotel where she supposed to be raped, proved that human's cruelty is not something that anyone can bear. Only a glint of people could bear it, some even got broken even before the real torture begins.

Prior to this interview, I had been following her for nearly an hour. The two men named Yūji and Yasaka who set her up had planned it well. The place they chose was well hidden. I even lost their track when I looked away to pick up a call for a minute or so.

By the time I got their track back, I found them at a love hotel named Inraku. The location was unbelievable as I had never thought that there would be this kind of place in Osaka. I started to wonder why was this hotel build at the very first place.

So, I called one of my acquaintance and told them to come here. Unfortunately, it would take some time for them to come. So, I continued to follow Nishino Yume and waited for the best time to come out. And at this moment, I had just done interviewing her.

"So... You're an agent from an agency called Messiah?"

"Yes, I am."

"So, that's why you helped me," Nishino Yume muttered to herself. She must believe that I saved her out of obligation.

"Let me get this straight. We, Agents have a right to decide which person we should help. Me helping you means that I help you because I want."

"Eh... Ah! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," Nishino Yume answered me while being flustered. She must had never thought that I would hear her muttering.

"You're not at the wrong here. I'm sorry for hearing your thoughts out of your concern."

"It's okay, I don't mind at all. It was also my mistake to make it so obvious."

She went silent as she trailed off her words. Maybe the thing she had just experienced still shocked her. Even though she acted like nothing happened, I knew that she wasn't okay.

"Now, let's get back to business."


"Are you willing to let us handle this matter for you?"


"Are you willing to cooperate with us by reaching us out whenever you see anyone who got into a problem that they can't disclose?"


"Do you promise to keep the agency and your agent identity as a secret?"



"I do!"

"Last but not least, how do you want us to handle the offender?"

Nishino Yume went silent again and seemed in a deep thought. She must be hated them so much, but she knew that her request had to be reasonable. After a couple of minutes, she finally decided to talk.

"Frankly speaking, I don't know what I want to do. I hate them for doing those things to me, but I hate myself more. If only I fought them even a little, things might be better than this. But... if you were to ask me what I want to do to them, given the power to do so, I'll kill them."

I see. Given the situation, it's normal for her to think that. I thought that she only wanted to say that, but she cut me before I opened my mouth.

"But, I know it is unreasonable. So, I think that it is better to let you guys handle the matter."

I was surprised for her answer. It was the most selfless answer I have ever heard from a victim. This girl, I mean woman, was different. She was strong. It wouldn't be the case if she was just a girl that you can find anywhere.

"That's a wise choice."

For a reason I didn't know, Nishino Yume was stunned. I had a hunch that she was surprised by me suddenly offering my hand. But, it seemed that it wasn't the case.

Is my smiling way weird? I am pretty sure that my smile is genuine

I looked at her while waiting her response. But, just in case...

"Are you okay?"

"Eh? Y-yes I'm okay."

—it seemed that she was okay. She grabbed my hand and shook it gently.

"You can call me Seo."

"Yes, Agent Seo. You can also call me Yume."

"No need to call me Agent. Just call me Seo. Can you do it Yume?"

"Ye-yeah, Seo-san."

"Okay, then."

I stood up and took out a headphone. I plugged in the jack to my MP3 Player and put the headphone on her head.

"Wh-what is this?"

Flustered, she asked me while stuttering. Maybe she caught a cold, because I could see her cheeks turned red.

"It's for a relaxation. You've just experienced something that is incomparable to nightmare. The beat I'm about to play will ease your mind to a certain extent."


I played the beat and adjusted the volume so it would be comfortable for her to hear.

"This is?"

"It's called binaural beats. The beat you're hearing is a Delta Wave, set at 432 Hz with 3.2 Hz of Frequency Difference."

"I... don't understand a thing."

"It's fine. You just need to lay down and let your brain process the beat. I'll be guarding outside."

I quickly moved my way to the door so I wouldn't bother her rest. That was my plan, but... I was stopped by someone's hand. I looked down and found that it was Yume's hand holding my hand.

"Ah! I'm sorry," Yume quickly let go of my hand and looked down.

"It's okay. Just tell me whatever you have in your mind, I'll help as much as I can."

"No... It's just, if you don't mind... Can you stay..."

She didn't finish her sentence as she trailed off some of her words. Not only that, her voice was also lowered, but it wasn't to the point that I couldn't hear her.

"I'm sorry... Just forget about it."

"Are you fine with it?"


This girl... She doesn't deserve to be called woman! Huh...

"Staying here, means that I could do anything to you, you know."


She just noticed it? What is this? Naive? No. She's just stupid, I guess.

"Uun... I believe you wouldn't do that. You already had so many chance to do it, but you didn't. Also, I have your agency number here. I could just called them and tell them that you just harassed me."

She's... Unexpectedly smart.



Yume looked at me as if she was looking at a wrong baked cake. 'What did I do wrong?' was what her expression suggested. It was surprising to think that she could make me laugh by a mere answer.

"I'm sorry. It's just, I found that your answer is amusing. Fine, I'll stay here. But, is it okay for you?"

"You don't mind to? Of course, it's okay for me!"

Wait a sec, why is she... got excited?

I pretended to not notice it and sat back down. She also laid her body down in the bed and closed her eyes. Her face was less stiff than before, and a faint smile could be seen on it.

Maybe, it is because the beat. As I expected, binaural beats is good for solving mental problem. But...

I looked down and found that her hand still holding mine tightly. Maybe... she got too nervous and forgot to let it go. So, I let her be. Fifteen minutes later, her complexion distorted. The hand that was holding mind, started to clutching it.

"Has she entered the REM state[1]? No. It's a memory recalling. And here I am, thinking that this girl was as strong as her. How stupid!"

It was common for someone who had just experienced something bad. When they close their eyes, their brains will automatically recall the scene that they had just experienced. It is often be the case to someone who has PTSD[2].

I held her hand back, and stroke her head gently. In the next second, her complexion gradually eased up and the hand that was clutching mind loosened its grip. But... she kept holding my hand nonetheless.

"If only that time she has someone to do the same thing, things might be better. At least better than now," while looking at Yume, I mumbled some words that I didn't know the meaning.


Aaah! I wanted to scream. It is so embarrassing to know that I was holding his hand through my sleep. Even though he looks unconcerned, I believe he thought me as a weird woman.

With this thought in my mind, I am starting to clutch my head.

"Is your head hurts?"

Seo-san looked at me while putting his hand on top of my head. I am flustered and answer him immediately.

"No, no. I'm fine!"

"I see. It's good to know that you're fine."

Maybe he doubts my answer? He looks at me unusually. Ah, I see! Maybe it is because how I acted before. There's no way that a grown up woman would shake her head like a child when she answers someone!

While I'm still in a deep thought, Seo-san disheveled my hair.

"Hey! What are you doing?"


"Ouwh, it hurts!"

I clutch my forehead after he hit it with his finger. Ah! I can't act this way. He would think of me as trying to act cute! I need to stop clutching my forehead.

"Let's go get some bite. I know you're hungry."

"I-I'm not!"


"See? Don't worry, I'll treat you. The Agency won't charge you any money."

This... Why is this more stressing than being harassed by those pigs?

"That's not the case!"


We're on our way to the restaurant that Seo-san knows. This car... I think I have seen this car before. Whatever, I would stress my mind out if I try hard to remember it anyway.

But still, it must be expensive. I would have to save money for a quite long time if I wanted to buy this car. I didn't know that an Agent have a good pay. But considering their job, it is worth it.


I won't be able to be one.

"Hm? I'm sorry if it takes too long. Please, hang on! We're close already."

"Heh? No, no, no. I'm fine. I could withstand hunger better than anyone!"

"Is that so? Then, what was that sigh for?"

Oh crap! Did I unconsciously sigh? Baka! Baka! Baka!

"No, it was nothing. I was just practicing Yoga breathing technique!"

"You do Yoga?"

"Yes, a little. Ahahaha..."

"I see."

Seo-san went silent after that. Maybe he noticed that I was lying or he didn't want to disturb me, he didn't speak a word until we arrived at the restaurant.

Speaking about the restaurant...

"This is... No matter how you look at it, isn't it too much?"

"Let's go. I will have my favorite chef to cook for us."

"But... This is too much. I can just eat at a cheap ramen restaurant. No need to go this far."

"It's okay. I won't get poor just with this. It doesn't affect me anyway."

I, Nishino Yume am having an urge to hit someone right now. This is unfair! Why rich people don't have to concern about money? Because they have too much money! Haha. Clumsy me.

"Let's go."

I am snapped out of my daze when someone grabs my hand. I look down and find that it belongs to Seo-san. He pulls me to his side and escorts me inside.


A woman attendant greeted us by the time we enter the restaurant. Even by just looking at her attitude, I know that this restaurant isn't your average restaurant.

I instantly look at my outfit, a simple cream colored sleeveless shirt and black skirt. I also wear Seo-san's jacket which look like a coat due to its size. My clothes is not dry enough, he told me to wear it so I wouldn't catch a cold.

I should've wore something better.

Well, I didn't expect that something like this would happen, so it can't be helped. I look at my side and see that Seo-san's outfit is also simple. He wears a black sweater to replace the jacket that I wear. But still, his demeanor gives off an otherworldly feeling. He stands up by just wearing it.

"Don't worry. You look good."

"Eh? I-is it?"

"Yeah. You look concerned, so I reminded you."

"Thank you."

I am glad that he thinks so. The attendant smiles at us and comes closer.

"Mr. Seo, like usual?"

"Yes, please."

"Certainly! I will notify Chef Terada and prepare the VIP room."

Ha-ha... It's good to be rich. Suddenly, I want to cry. It's not because I'm sad. I just want to.

We enter the VIP room which is supposedly for 6 people. Even though it is said that it is for 6 people, I think that 12 people would fit inside. Seo-san looks at the woman attendant and merely says, "Just bring the best dish you guys have. But I prefer the one that every Japanese likes."

The attendant bows politely and leaves. We spend our time talking about life to kill the time. I tell him about my life and some of the unpleasant experiences that I didn't manage to tell in the interview. Seo-san also speaks about his life, but not much. I only get to know that he's half Korean and half Japanese.

After nearly an hour later, our room is flooded by waiters that bring us many plates to the table. When they finish putting all the plates on the table, they bow down and leave quietly.


"May I come in?"

An old man voice could be heard outside. I can somehow guess who is this person, he must be...

"Of course, you may Chef Terada."

—just like I had expected.

Chef Terada enters the room and speaks heartily with Seo-san for a couple of minutes. He bids his farewell, saying that he still has to cook for some guests.



"You come to a high class restaurant and treat it as normal. You order a VIP room and treat it as normal. And now, you just talked with the chef and you still act like it is normal? What happened with this world?!"

"Just eat. You're hungry. When you fill your stomach, your mind will also clear up."

I don't know why, but I feel offended. I pick up the chopsticks and take a bite at a simple looking tempura sushi. Upon eating it, I fell in a daze.

"It's good, right? Osaka was the emperor's kitchen. Many foods come from here. So, it isn't uncommon to have the same food but tastes different here."

Indeed, what Seo-san said is right. I have ever had a tempura sushi before, but it wasn't this good. As expected, rich people is different.


Seo-san drove me home after that and left me without telling me his number. When I asked him why, he said, "I'm working for the Agency, you can always contact me from the agency."

Doesn't he understand of a concept named privacy? Why would I call the Agency only for meeting him. It's useless! Well, maybe it is an ethical code for an Agent.


It's been two days since then, and I still can't get rid of him out of my mind. He had undressed me without asking first after all. At least he has to take a responsibility!

Wait... He has. By treating me to the high class restaurant. Ahh! What am I even thinking. Taking a responsibility? He has done nothing wrong, what am I saying. I shake all off my thoughts and get out of the bed.

"A mail?"

Looking at my phone, an unread mail notification is there. I quickly open it and read through it.


It's from the agency. Hmm... How they are going to deliver the report? They don't even tell me when.

Oopss... It's 6 in the morning already. I need to hurry. School entrance ceremony is today. My debut as a teacher starts today!

After taking a bath and have breakfast, I arrive at school and greet the other teachers. To be honest, it feels strange for me to wear this kind of attire. But, I have to be professional! I will get used to it in a matter of time.

The ceremony starts and the headmaster starts to give his speech. Followed by that is the Student Council's President's and Student Representative's.

"Finally... The ceremony ended. Heuhh... so nostalgic."



I am surprised by someone who suddenly pats my shoulder, I turn my body back and find that it is Hasegawa-sensei.

"Hasegawa-sensei! You just surprised me."

"I'm sorry about that."

"Do you have something to do with me?"

"Yes! I need you to guide and introduce a transfer student to his class."

"Transfer student? At this time?"

"Yes. Can you do it?"

"Of course I can. So, where is the transfer student?"

"Follow me."

I follow Hasegawa-sensei and notice that we're heading to the teacher's office. When we are already close, I can see someone leaning against the wall near the teacher's office, with hands in his pocket.

"Ah. Here he is. Kiyotaka-kun! Nishino-sensei will lead you to your class. You can follow her."

"I see, I'll follow her."

I don't like his attitude. He seems bored for an unknown reason. He doesn't even bother to look at Hasegawa-sensei when he replied him. And that appearance...

His bangs are covering his eyes so I can't see his face clearly. Not only that, when he turns his body to us I can also see that he has piercings on his left ear.

"You are a student, aren't you? You can't wear that thing to school."

"Nishino-sensei... It's fine, he has told us that it's a part from his family tradition."

"What kind of tradition is that?"

I can't help but blurt it out. I'm a person who lives by the rule, so I'm quite strict at matters like this.

"The headmaster tells us to treat him properly. You better follow his instructions. I know you don't like it, but this is how society works."

Hasegawa-sensei whispered to me all that things and backed away. Society, huh? I guess I can't afford to pursue this matter any further. I have learned from my mistake, I won't repeat the same mistake.

"I understand. Kiyotaka-kun, please follow me. I will lead you to your class."

The transfer student, Kiyotaka-kun lets out his hand from his pocket and slicks his bangs back. I am stunned immediately, not because of how handsome he is.

"Please treat me well, Sensei!"


It is because, he is someone I know.



[1] a state of sleep where your dream starts

[2] Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

[3] Japanese for welcome. Used by restaurant attendant to welcome the guests.