To be Young(1)

2 days ago.

I looked at Yume as if she was talking something wrong.

"I'm working for the Agency, you can always contact me from the Agency."

"But... I want your private number, so I can..."

Her voice got lower everytime she added a new word. She even trailed off her last word so I couldn't hear her.

Private number, huh? I have only three contacts inside my phone. It might be a good chance for me to fill up my contact list. But...

I looked at Yume who was fidgeting with her feet like a maiden falling in love. I extended my hand and put it on top of her head. I stroke it gently and spoke.

"Don't worry. We'll eventually meet again someday in the future. You can keep my jacket as a guarantee."

Yume widened her eyes in surprise. She looked at me as if she was looking at Santa Claus.

Please don't give me that 'You can make my wish come true, can't you?' look.

In the end she tightened her grip on my jacket and nodded silently.

"I'll keep your words, Seo-san."

"Un. You can keep my word."

"Well then, good... night, Seo...san."

Hm? She seems hesitant for a certain reason.

I looked at her confusedly and was about to speak when she suddenly hugged me. I was caught off guard so I still didn't return the hug. I snapped out of my daze when I noticed that she was trembling. I quickly wrapped my hands on her back, enveloping her entirely.

Fragile. Her body is as fragile as a bulletproof glass. It could withstand a barrage of bullets, but in truth it is doing its best to not break.


"Un. Your welcome."

Don't ever refuse a gratitude. If someone says 'Thank you', reply them with 'Your welcome'. It's the only way for them to show how much they respect your help.

If you just brush it off, it's the same as saying that helping them is insignificant for you. Which in the other words, even they alone are insignificant for you. That's an indirect way of insulting them.

I unwrapped her body from my hand and she also separated from my body. With a polite bow, she left and went inside her house. I looked at her for another second before decided to get in the car.


My phone rang in my pocket. I took it out and looked at the time.

9.10 a.m.

I didn't need to look at the caller because I didn't keep the number. But I knew who was calling me. I picked up the phone and put it on the dashboard.

"Oii, Seo. Where are you right now?"


"I know that already! I need the exact position."

"I'm on my way to the hospital."

"Which one?"

"Haranoshiro Hospital."

"I see... You are going to visit her, aren't you?"


"Alright, I'mma see you there. It's in Jōto-ku, right?"


"Okay, then."


The call ended unexpectedly quick. If it was usual, he would crack some joke that would make me cry in a different way. But still, I don't mind hearing his cringy joke. He had taught me many things and I wanted to repay him, at least by hearing his joke.

I drove my Chevy to the hospital slowly —60 mph. The street was quiet as there weren't too many people wandering at that time. So, I speed up a little and drove my car on 110 mph constantly. Luckily there wasn't any cops, so I arrived at the hospital in the next 20 minutes.

I parked the car and went inside the hospital. Then, I quickly moved my way to the elevator. But before I managed to enter, I was stopped by a young female nurse.

"I'm sorry, sir. But the visiting hour is over. You may come back here tomorrow."

Hm? Is she new? I don't like wasting time, let's ignore her.

I didn't pay any attention to her and pressed the number on the elevator. She quickly cancelled it and looked at me solemnly.

"Sir, I have told you that the visiting hour is over. This is your last chance. You may go home or I'll call the police for the inconvenience you've caused."

I took out my phone and called someone while looking at her.

"Hello? Nozaki-san, can you meet me at the lobby right now?"

"Ah, of course I can. Please wait for me a little."


The female nurse looked at me strangely and intended to speak. But she was interrupted before she could do so.


A figure emerged from the elevator, and she looked at me with a smile.

"Nice to see you, Mr. Seo!"

Nozaki-san approached me and extended her hand. I grabbed her hand and shook it right after.


The female nurse was flustered. She didn't know what happened as she started to look at us back and forth. Nozaki-san noticed her and turned her head at her.

"Ara? Izumi-chan? What's the matter?"

"Eh, wait a minute! Phew... Director Nozaki, do you know this man?"

"Of course I do. He's my friend and one of the VIPs here."


The female nurse named Izumi widened her eyes in surprise. She looked at me and backed away in fear.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't know that you're one of the VIPs."

She bowed her head deeply while saying those words while trembling.


Nozaki-san put her index finger on her cheek and tilted her head to the side while looking at me. Very soon, she went 'Aha!' and nodded in understanding.

"Izumi-chan! Do you know what you have to do for him to forgive you?"

Nozaki-san spoke solemnly while looking down on her. Izumi lifted her head and her trembling got worse.

"I... I don't know."

"Hmm... You have to..."

Nozaki-san came closer and whispered something to Izumi. I couldn't hear them but judging from how she was trembling while looking at me, I could somehow guess.

"And that's all for you to do."

"S-Seo-sama. I will... try my best.. to entertain you."

Izumi looked at me with glassy eyes. Undoubtedly, tears would fall at any time. I looked at Nozaki-san who turned away her head while whistling. I moved forward and put my hand on Izumi's shoulder making her flinched.

"How do you want me to handle her?"

I pointed my thumb to Nozaki who backed away in surprise.

"Wh-what? I didn't do anything wrong, did I?"

"So... What's your answer, Izumi?"

"Ehh? I don't understand a thing."

Izumi looked at me confusedly and started fidgeting.

"You were just got bullied by your Director. Everything she said about what you have to do, is all nonsense. If I ever found someone like that in this hospital..." I stopped and looked at her solemnly, "I'll end them with my own hands."


She must be surprised by how cold my voice was. Even Nozaki-san straightened up her pose while looking at me seriously. I let go my hand of her shoulder and asked her once again.


"I... I think I'll forgive her. I believe Nozaki-san didn't really mean it. So, please! Forgive her."

Hm? Another naive girl?

She was bowing at me and spoke politely. I was amused at her reaction. I met too many naive people lately. Meeting another one here, made me me doubt whether I am the one who was being too cautious.

"Raise your head! I don't need an apology. I was just trying to say that your right is protected here. If you ever find someone who forced you to do something against your will, feel free to tell her."

I pointed my thumb at Nozaki-san.

"And if she pretended to be blind. I'll come and spank her ass immediately."

"Hey! What are you saying in front of my subordinates?!"

"Shut it, useless Director!"

"What did you say? Useless Director... Fine! Don't ever come here, again!"

Nozaki-san turned her away sulkily, she tried to leave but I stopped her by pulling her coat.

"Let... Me... Go!"

She tried her best to let go of my grip. Unsurprisingly, she tired herself in the next moment and surrendered. If she were to succeed, she wouldn't be a doctor.

I looked at Izumi who was watching us since then. She tried her best to suppress her laugh and looked away when she noticed my gaze.


"Wha—? Ehemm... Izumi-san, I think we need to talk later," Nozaki-san straightened up her posture and spoke solemnly.

"Ah! I'm sorry, Director Nozaki."

"Fumu. I'll forgive you this time," Nozaki-san nodded her head in satisfaction.

Karate chop!

"It hurts! What are you doing so suddenly?!!!"

"Izumi, you can go back to your work. Don't bother to pay any attention to this woman."

"Ah, yes!"

Izumi bowed politely and left us alone. Nozaki-san still holding her head while saying how hurt it was. I didn't hit her hard, it was just her habit to exaggerate things.

I looked down and noticed that my hand was still holding her coat. I let go of it and looked at her solemnly. When she finally noticed the mood, only then I spoke.

"How is she, Hanae?"

Nozaki Hanae is Haranoshiro Hospital Director. I met her 2 years ago and got acquainted since then. Whenever we are alone, we will call each other's first name and speak informally.

"Hm? She's doing fine. I told you not to worry. You'll be labeled as a siscon[1] if you acted like that."

"It's not her. I mean, the other one."


Hanae went silent as soon as we entered the elevator. She pressed the 'Top' button and we went up in the next second. When we finally arrived at our destination floor, only then she spoke.

"Nothing... That's all I can say."

"I see. So it's impossible."

"No, it's not. This type of problem won't be healed by medicine, only time could heal it. We've done our best, and you just have to wait. That's it."

We stopped in front of the door of a VIP room. Hanae patted my back and didn't say a word. She left after saying that she had to deal with some matters.

Room Number 007.

A three digit room that not everyone could afford. She is behind this door, someone that I can never forget, but too hard to face. My hand was already on the door knob, but I hesitated.

In the end, I took my hand away from the door knob and sat in a bench nearby. Maybe it was just a reason to justify my cowardice, but I was indeed waiting for someone else to come.


The long awaited man finally came. A man in his late fifties but more fit than most of young athletes. He looked at me with the same old smile and joined me in the bench.

"Seo! Long time no see."

"Yes, long time no see, Colonel."

"Oii, oii. What happened? Has the cat washed its ear recently?[2] I'm afraid rain will fall," Colonel replied me jokingly while hitting my back continuously.

"The cat has even bathed, you know."

"Ah! Too bad, I wasn't there when it was bathing."

Colonel laughed heartily and I also chuckled a little.

Really, this man is dependable at this time.

He must had noticed my expression. Therefore he tried his best to raise my mood up. To be honest, I wasn't so distressed back then. But I wouldn't deny that I was indeed needed a little mood booster.

"Seo, today I got the approvement from Miko. The project would start on two days at the beginning of school day. You're one of our Young Agent, so you should prepare yourself."

"Why should I prepare myself?"

"You're going to Namino Senior High School."

"Senior High? I thought I was going to be sent to a college."

"You didn't go to any high school, did you? It's your time to enjoy your youth!"

"I understand. I'm sorry for bothering you to come here only for telling me this."

"What are you saying? I'm just looking at my grandson here. Why are you acting so politely out of the blue?"

Colonel hit my back again and grinned stupidly. We chatted for a bit, and soon he stood up from his seat and bade me a farewell.

"Seo. I'm not kidding when I said that it would be your time to enjoy your youth. Mission is important, but enjoying your life is priority. There will be another 4 Young Agents there, so don't excess yourself too much!"

"I... Understand, Colonel."

"Hm? Colonel?"

"I understand, Grandpa."

"Fumu. Good night then."

Colonel, I mean Grandpa left me without asking anything. He didn't ask why didn't I enter the room, or why did I protest when he said I was going to high school.

He knew it, so he decided to keep silent. When he was already at the end of the floor, I could see that many bodyguards were waiting for him. He must had told his bodyguards to not disturb his talk with me.

He's the best Grandpa I had never had.



"Eh? Seo...San?"

I look at the bewildered Yume in front of me with a calm gaze. She is about to say something, so I put my index finger on my mouth. Quickly enough, there's a look of understanding on her face. I bet she already figured out what happened.

So this is what the management team said as a surprise?

Indeed, I am surprised. Even I still haven't forgotten the talk I had with someone from the Agency Management Team.

'Our client is surprisingly at Namino Senior High School. It's not about the school I'm talking about, but the client. I believe you would also be surprised.'

I treated it as nothing back then, but now I finally understand. I move my body to Yume's side and say, "Come on, we'll talk while walking."

She nods her head and doesn't say a word. We move our way to my supposed to be class.


[1] sister complex, unnatural attachment to one's sister.

[2] originally a Japanese proverb, ‎‎‎‎if a cat washes its ears, rain is coming‎‎, which means things that rarely or even impossible to happen.