To be Young(2)

"Nice to see you again... Seo-san."

In our way to the class, Yume speaks quietly. Maybe it is because our awkward reunion or maybe she doesn't want to disturb the class that has already started.

"I didn't know that you're a teacher at Namino High."

"Un. It's my first day working here as a teacher."

Right. I already know that she'll be a teacher from my interview with her. But, I didn't ask where she would be teaching. If only I asked back then, I might not be as surprised as now.

"Which reminds me, I have the report regarding your matter. When should I deliver it?"

"Hmm... I got time when the school ended. It'll be around 5 in the afternoon."

"I see. I'll meet you at that time."

Before we know it, we've arrived at my classroom. Judging by the noise the class makes, it seems they haven't started the class yet.

Hm? The teacher is inside. Maybe they have just finished introducing each other's selves.

"Um.. wait here, Seo—Kiyotaka-kun."

I let out a faint smile and nod my head at the quick-witted Yume. I have realized it since the first time I saw her back then. It was one of the reason why I decided to follow and help her.


"Excuse me," said Yume after she knocked the door.

"You may come in."

An answer can be heard immediately, the noise inside quickly dies down. Yume slides the door open and enters the classroom.


"New teacher?"

"How young!"

"More than that, she's beautiful!"

FYI, Yume is considered young but I believe there's ten years gap between you guys. Welp, I guess they won't be high schoolers if they didn't say anything about Yume's appearance.

She wears blue teacher's coat with white T-shirts underneath, blue professional skirt and high heels. She doesn't tie her hair, she merely tucked the right part of her hair behind her ear. It's a normal appearance for a young teacher, only if...

"Psst.. look at how tight her uniform. Is it E or maybe F?"

"Shush! She'll hear you!"

Well, even I can hear both of you. There's no need to whisper.

I pay no more attention to the class and check my appearance instead. I wear piercings on my left ear, which is magnet type, so I don't have to literally pierce my ear.

I tattooed five of my right hand fingers with D-E-A-T-H with one letter on each finger starting from thumb respectively. I purposely chose DEATH because it's Chuunibyou-ish[1], and it isn't permanent. I also wear two rings, one on my thumb and one on my index finger.

I hope it's enough to make them put a bad boy label on their mind. I don't want to be surrounded by a bunch of high schoolers who have just entered puberty.

"Some of you might have already seen me at the opening ceremony, I'm the new counseling teacher. But, I'm not here to introduce myself. I'm here to tell you guys that you have a new friend."

"Eh? Transfer student? At this time?"

"Sensei! Is it a boy or girl?"

"If it's a boy, it would be great if he's handsome."

"If it's a girl, I hope she has big ti—"

"Hamada! Watch your mouth!"

"Oopss.. Sorry. Hehe..."

Hmm... It's the same guy who talked about Yume's chest. So, he's called Hamada. And the one who reminded him is also the same person from earlier. I guess these two are friends.

Is Hamada quite well-known amongst his friends? Why there was no one paid any attention to his words other than that guy?

"I know it's sudden, but please treat him well," Yume stops and looks at me who is in front of the door. She nods at me and says, "You may come in, Kiyotaka-kun."

Given the permission, I enter the classroom slowly. The class turned silent immediately. I stand beside Yume and look around. It's strange. I feel nostalgic.

And what's this feeling? It feels like... I finally.. come back. Regardless, I slick back my bang because some of it obstructing my vision.

Hm? Why are they turned agape?

I look at them confusedly and tilt my head slightly.

"It's a... boy."

"More than that, isn't he cool!?"

"Yes, look at that appearance! He's so handsome!"

"But... He doesn't look like a Japanese."

"Ah, now that you mention it. He looks like that Korean Boyband personnel, doesn't he?"

"Un! I agree."

I unconsciously back away a little. This isn't the reaction I had expected. What happened to the society? Shouldn't I look like a thug? Ah! Maybe I should've colored my hair.


"Silence, please," Yume clapped her hand and gained the attention from the class. She looks at me and says, "Please introduce yourself, Kiyotaka-kun."

I merely nod and turn my body. I pick up a chalk and start to write.

Kiyo-taka Mana-to.

"Kiyotaka Aichi?"

A girl read my name and spelled it wrongly. I turn around and look at the girl. She's surprised and turn her head away.

"My name is Kiyotaka Manato. Ai in Love can also be read as Mana and Ichi in One can also be read as Hito or To. Therefore, you got Manato."

"Heh... What a unique name!"

"Yeah, it's rare for someone to have that kind of name."

Hmm... I guess they're pretty well educated. Should I tell the meaning of my name? No. Let's put this notion away.

I bow my head and say, "Please treat me well from now on."

"Yes! Of course, it's good to know you, Kiyotaka-kun!"

The class turned loud once again. I don't hate crowdy place, but I prefer quietness.

Hmm... I can feel some faint killing intents.

I look around and find that most of the boys' expression darkened. There are only two of them who seem fine with the situation.

"Well then, I'll excuse myself, Ryūgasaki-sensei."

"Go ahead. You can leave the rest to me."


Yume turns her body and proceed to exit the class. When she's right in front of me, she whispers, "Good luck on your first day at school." Thus, she exits the class and closed the door.

"Ehemm... Kiyotaka-kun. You may take your seat there."

Ryūgasaki-sensei points his finger at the right column and third row seat. It's exactly next to the two guys who seemed fine when the other boys' expression darkened before.

I walk to my seat and sit down. In the next moment, the lesson starts. Ryūgasaki-sensei, our homeroom teacher is a Mathematic teacher. He explains the subject well and the students quite like him.

Usually, Mathematic lesson wouldn't be interactive, but Ryūgasaki-sensei is able to make it happened. His manner and the way of speaking makes his students feel comfortable listening to his lesson. Having this kind of Mathematic teacher is rare. Even my teacher back then was stricter than a military officer.

"Psstt... Hey, new guy!"

In the midst of our lesson, the guy who sits next to me poke my body with his finger. I glance sideway and find that he's grinning stupidly.

This guy is definitely doesn't pay any attention to the lesson. Well, I'm not the one to say though.


"Heuhh... How cold. Anyway, I'm Uzaki Hamada. You can just call me Hamada!"

Wait... No wonder that his voice is familiar. He's Hamada, the one who talked about Yume's chest.

"Un. I'll call you Hamada, then."

"Yosssh. We're now friends, Manato!"

"Shut up! You're too loud."

"You're the one being loud here, Yukio!"

Oii... Both of you are loud.

I pay no more attention and look ahead. Ryūgasaki-sensei seems already noticed the commotion, but he decides to not mind it. Now it makes me wonder who are these guys. Looking around, everyone seems used to them already.

I think these guys are well-known in their own way.

My hand is supporting my chin, so I looked bored. I glance from the corner of my eyes, and see that the girl who sits right in front of me is trying her best to look at me from her shoulder.

This class... Is weird.

That's my summary for this class.


The class finally ended and it's time for the lunch break. I am about to stand from my seat when suddenly a crowd of girls flooded my surrounding.

"Ne, ne, Kiyotaka-kun. Where do you come from?"

"I come from Japan."

"That's not what I mean."


"I mean which school did you attend before?"

"I was home schooled."


The girls nod their head in understanding. I don't have to ask them, I can tell which one of them is the leader. But still, why are they so enthusiastic when they look at me? I feel like I'm in the zoo. And I'm the animal.

"Then... Why do you look like Korean Boyband personnel?"

"Korean Boyband?"

I've heard them mentioned it before, but I don't think so. Why do I have to look like them? I'm obviously superior!

"Yes. You don't look like a Japanese."

"Hoh... I'm still a Japanese though, even only a half."

"I knew it! You must be not a Japanese.... Eh? A half? What do you mean?"

I'm sorry to ruin your expectation, but even not look like it, I'm a Japanese too.

The girl look at me confusedly while tilting her head to the side. She shows me a face as if saying, "Quickly tell me! I'm dying to know."

It's gonna be a long day...

"My mother is a Korean while my father is a Japanese."

"Ooh... So that's what you mean."

The girls once again nod their head. In the next moment they look at each other and nod again. Then, everyone let out their phone.

This is bad. I didn't anticipate it will come. I didn't bring any spare phone. I can't let them know my number! Let's think of a way to avoid it.

While my head spins searching for a great excuse, two guys coming at my way and split the crowd of girls in two like Moses cutting the Red Sea.

"Girls. It's not good to exploit Manato for yourselves. At least let us join too!"

"Gekk.. it's Hamada."

The girl's expression distorted when she knows that it is Hamada who interferes them.

Hmm... Nice job!

I send an appreciative look toward Hamada. To my surprise, He tilts his head slightly and put a blank face.

It seems he didn't do it in purpose. He just wanted to ruin the mood! But thanks.

"O-okay then, Kiyotaka-kun. Please have a good lunch break. We won't bother you anymore. Let's go girls!"



"Your name. You haven't told me your name."

"Ah! How rude I am. I am Tachibana Himeko. You can just call me Himeko."


"I'm jealous of you, Manato. It's rare for this girl to let someone she just knew call her first name."

"Shut up, Hamada!"

"Wow, wow.. chill out girl! Don't bite!"


These two... They're close. They maybe not look like it, but they get along pretty well. Not only with her, but the other girls are also in good terms with Hamada. I guess my ability in judging a book is slightly dulled.

"Treat me well then, Himeko. You can also call me Manato."


Did I say something wrong? Why are they turned silent so suddenly?

"Wow! Manato is so bold. You even make Himeko stunned!"

"Indeed, I haven't seen any bold person other than you, Hamada," the guy named Yukio also nodded in agreement.

"I'm not bold, Yukio. I'm just straightforward!"

Bold? What do you mean? Is calling someone's first name considered bold? What are you guys? High schoolers?

Wait... They are.

"Huhh... Yes, Ma-Manato-kun. Treat me well too."

There are so many people got sudden fever lately. Himeko got it too. Is she also having an asphyxia? Why is she holding her chest.

"How about you guys? Himeko won't be the only one to tell me her name, will she?"



"You're so bold and I like it!"

I... want to go home.

In the end the rest of the girls told me each of their name and left me with Hamada and Yukio.

Hamada looks at the disappearing figures of the girls and asks, "So... Wanna go get a bite?"

"Are you asking me?"

"Not Yukio. I'm asking Manato."

"Are you inviting me?"

"Yeah. This is your first time here right? If you like, I can also show you around."

"There won't be enough time."

"Ah! You're right."

"I can't believe you ranked second in our class."

"Ahh. What's that Yukio? Do I have to prove it to you?"

I see. So this is why he's well-known amongst the class. His stunts is just his unique way to socialize. Unexpectedly, this guy is smart. Like what he said, he's just straightforward. He knows his self best.

"Alright. I'll join you guys. Please lead the way."

"Ou! Please follow us! We'll show you around."

"Oh right, I haven't introduced myself yet, I am—"

"There's no need, I'll call you Yukio."


By seeing his reaction, I can tell Yukio is a strict person. He must've never thought that I would call his first name immediately. This guy is the perfect opposite of the nonchalant Hamada. I can't believe they can get along so well.

"What are you guys waiting for? Lunch break will end soon. We won't have time to explore the school."

"There's no way we will have time, Idiot!"

"Hah! In spite of being the third you're quite dare to call me idiot."

"What? Rank has nothing to do with it, right!"

"Hmph! I'm leaving. Let's go Manato!"


I unconsciously let out a faint smile at them. They must've noticed it, because they also smile in the next second. We exit the class together and move toward the cafeteria. Hamada still insists on taking me around the school.

"Let's do it after school then."

In truth, I don't need them to show me around.

"I guess you can be logical sometimes, Hamada."

"You want to start it again, Yukio?"


"Stop it guys. We won't have much time untill the lunch break is over."

"Ah! You're right. Let's move faster!"

I've ever been here before.


Long time ago.


[1] also known as 2nd year of junior high school syndrome, behaving in a characteristic of teenagers going through puberty.