To be Young(3)

Even though we wasted too many time on talking, we're able to secure a place in the cafeteria. We sit in our respective chair and staring at each other's food. Hamada ordered an Omurice[1] and Yukio ordered a Curry.

Then, why are you guys looking at me?

"Is there something on my face?"

"Hm? No, no, no," Hamada waves his hand in denial. He continues in a low voice, "I'm just slightly surprised that you're into it."

"Into what?"

"Well, you see... It's Oyakodon[2] after all. I'm just surprised."

As expected of Hamada?

His joke sense is in a whole different level. Colonel won't be able to surpass him. Should I let him teach Colonel?

"Ehemm... Can you keep that talk later. It's not appropriate talking about it right now."

"Hehh... Yukio has that side too."

"What do you mean?"

"You got what I mean, don't you?"

"That's...!" Yukio stops talking and seems in a deep thought. In the next moment, he continues, "I've heard someone mentioned it before."


Judging by his tone, Hamada obviously doesn't believe Yukio. Yukio turns a blind eye on him and fixes his glasses.

"So? Were you thinking about the same thing as Hamada when you were staring at me earlier?"

"Hm? Nope. I'm not the same as him. I was just surprised. Unexpectedly, your portion is bigger than I thought."

"Really? Is there no one buy Oyakodon here other than me?"

"There are some. But, at least this is my first time looking at a person who ordered a Big Portion Oyakodon."

"They have a small one?"

"No. But they have the normal one."



Hamada throws his head to the side and laughs.

No wonder this guy's trying his best to suppress his laugh since then. So, he purposely didn't tell me that there's a normal size. I've decided, next time I'll line up with Yukio. This guy is unreliable.

Yukio looks at me apologetically and I reply him by raising my chopsticks. We ignore the laughing Hamada, and eat our food quickly.

The bell rings right after we finish our food. By saying we, it means that it's only Yukio and I. Hamada is trying his best to finish his Omurice while shouting at us to wait for him.

I'm pretty sure that both of us don't hear a thing.


The lesson continues and it's time for English. The teacher enters the class and gives a brief greetings with English. Our English teacher, Kirisaki Konoe is a woman in her late-thirties.

She wears a chrome T-shirt and long grey trousers. Her hair is tied neatly at the back. Everyone would know that she's a strict person when they see her facial expression.

I believe she does some workouts. I can see that those legs are pretty trained. And also, she looks younger than her age.

People who train themselves would mostly look younger than their age. Just like Colonel, Kirisaki-sensei also looks younger than her age.


Aside from Yukio and I, everyone is surprised. They look at the door and find that it is Hamada. They quickly turn their head back at Kirisaki-sensei.

"I'm sorry Sensei! I got lost in my way here."

Yukio has been supporting his chin with his hand. When he heard Hamada's excuse, he almost fell from his desk.

It takes him longer than I thought. This guy, he must be playing around the school after he finished his food.

Kirishima-sensei looks at Hamada for a while before she starts speaking in English.

"I know our school is big enough for you to get lost. But never in my wildest dream had I thought that you would get lost in the school where your father is the chairman."

Hoh? I should've investigated this school first. If only Colonel didn't restrict me from accessing information of this school back then, I wouldn't be surprised for twice today.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am! I was in a deep thought back then, and when I realized it, I was already in the middle of nowhere."


"Just... go back to your seat."

She sighed? It must be hard for her. Hamada is a pain in the ass for a serious person like her.

More than that, Hamada's skill is up to its name. He's worthy enough to be the second rank. If he were to put more effort, I believe being the first rank is no problem for him.


It won't happen. After all, I hate being looked down.

The lesson continue and it quickly ended. I mostly paid no attention to it, because I've already known most of it. The only time I paid my attention was when the girl who sat in front of me took a quick glance at me from time to time.

She seemed hesitant for some reason. I didn't mind her at first, but it is too much to leave it as it is. And so, at the end of the class I decided to greet her.

"Good afternoon," I tapped her shoulder and spoke.

Is it too sudden? Why did she flinch?

"Go-go-good afternoon!" With hair tied in ponytail and an innocent face, she replied me in hurry.

When I look closely, she has healthy skin, a beautiful long neck, elegant eyelashes and cute small rosy lips. Different with the seductive Yume, this girl is beautiful.

Despite being this close, I haven't seen her face before. Now that I am able to see her face, she strangely feels familiar.

Where have I seen her face?

"A-ano... Do you have... something to do with me?"

"...Hm? Ah, I'm sorry. I noticed that you took a few glances at me during the lesson. I just wanted to ask do you have something to say to me?"

"Ah! Oh no! What should I do? What should I do?"

High school, third grade. Am I wrong if I said that this girl is unqualified to be a third grader?

Regardless, let's calm her down. Everyone has already looking at this way.

"For now, calm down please. It doesn't mean that I am mad at you. You can rest assured."

"Eh? You aren't mad at me? Even after what I've done?"

"Yes. I believe you must have your own reason for it. Therefore, I'm asking you about it now."

"Hmm... I don't know how to put it. Have we ever met before?"

Hm? She also feels it too. Have I realy ever met her before? Let's give it a shot first.

"I don't think so... Mind to tell me your name?"

"Ah. I'm Hiratsuka Kaede, you can just call me Kaede if you want."

Hiratsuka? I don't remember anything. Maybe it's just my imagination. Let's not think too hard about it.

"Un. You can just call me Manato too."

"Yes... Ma..Mana... Manato-kun."

Is my name really hard to spell? No. She's just too shy to say it. She must be not good at communicating. No wonder she didn't join the interrogation with the girls before.

"Ou! Nice to meet you, Kaede."



I look back and find that Hamada is the one who tapped my shoulder. He's having his stupid grin on, while patting my shoulder continuously.

What is this guy doing?

I look at Yukio and he lets out a helpless smile. It seems that Hamada is starting his one-sided situation judgement again.

"Great job, Bro! We'll wait outside. Don't forget that we'll show you around!"


"You'll get used to it... Hopefully," Yukio patted my shoulder and also left.

I turn my body towards Kaede and she looks at me awkwardly.

"I'm sorry if I take your time with your friends."

"Friends? I guess that's how you call them."

"Eh? What is that?"

"Nothing. Don't worry, you don't take any time from me. You even saved me from him."

"Did I? I don't think I've done anything though."

"By talking with me, you're saving me."


Kaede gives me an understanding nod. In the next moment, she looks at her watch and stands up. She says that she has a course to attend, so she needs to go. She bids me a farewell and leaves.

Being left with my own, I start to mumble.


What a nostalgic family name. I think I've ever heard this somewhere. Then, if my guess is true, she and I must be related in some way.

Gramps... Are you purposely doing it to me?


"So, Manato has been home schooled since Junior High?"


"Uwah. I won't be able to withstand it. Just imagining it makes me shiver."

"Is there a reason why did you take homeschooling?"

Hamada, Yukio, and I are talking while walking. They ask me about my previous school life, so I answer them with whatever I got in mind. At least about the homeschooling part isn't a lie.

"Reason? Boring I guess?"

"Boring? Your school life?"

"No. I'm talking about the lesson. I like learning things on my own. So, my knowledge is always ahead of everyone."

"Ah. Now that you mention, there is also that kind of people."

"Heh... Is this another way to tell that you're genius, Manato?" Hamada looked at me with a playfull smile and exclaimed.

"No. But I'm sure that I'm ahead of you."

Hamada is turned aback with my answer. His face distorted and he starts to talk to himself. I believe he doesn't expect my answer. Yukio is nodding his head at the side with a slight smile on his face.

Before we know it, we've already arrived at the school field. Our plan is to roam around the school, because Hamada is so adamant on showing me around. And this is our first destination.

"What do you want to show me, Hamada?"

"Hm? Even after arriving here you still don't know?"

"Looking at the Track and Field Club activity?"

"Yes. That's one of the purpose why we come here. But that's not the main purpose..." Hamada trailed off his words while glancing sideway.

Really, this guy's hard to read. But judging by his personality, I believe he's intending to show me a good-for-nothing thing. I look at Yukio on the side and he replies me with a shake of his head.

"Manato. Listen dude, you've been home schooled for a quite long time, haven't you? So, you must have never enjoyed something that is called youth."

"Youth? I have my own way to enjoy my youth."

"Whatever, just listen. You must haven't been seeing a club activity for a long time, have you? So watch closely the might of our Girl's Track and Field Club!"

Did he say girl? What's so special from looking at some running girls? I have seen many running women in my morning run.

"Everyone! Prepare for the practice. Stretch your leg muscles and do some warm-ups first."

A girl with brown hair and a delicate feature is ordering her friends to prepare themselves. If my guess is right, this girl must be the Club President.

"Ohh! Here they come. Look closely! The might of our Girl's Track and Field Club!"

"Um... Manato, if you don't mind, I can show you around."

As expected of Yukio, he realized it too.

I nod at him and try to leave Hamada's side. In the next moment, a hand stops me in my way.

"Don't leave! You guys have left me alone back then at the cafeteria. Don't try the same thing," said Hamada with a darkened face.

Honestly I don't care even if he told me so. After all, he'd forget it right away and back to his over-familiar mode. But... I don't know where to go either, and Yukio also seems hesitate.

"Fine. We'll leave immediately when I lose my interest."

"That's what I mean!"

I'm amused. This guy's mood change is too fast. I shake my head and get back to his side while watching the girls doing warm-up with disinterested eyes.

Soon enough

"Alright girls, ready yourself in your respective track!"

—it starts, the running activity.

"Ohoho... So today we got Sakura, Airi, Chinatsu, and Himeko. Fumu. Nice combination!"

Hoh? There's also someone from our class.

The girls stand in their track and ready themselves to start running. The Club President girl raises her hand and starts to give order.


The four girls' face turned even more serious. Hamada's eyes lit up.


"Watch it closely, Manato! This is what you call springtime of life!


The girls start running. Hamada's eyes glued on them —something on their body.


I see. These girls are not suited for being in the Track and Field Club.

Yukio is on the side while trying his best to cover his face in embarrassment. Me? I don't do anything. I am observing them, while taking some distance away from Hamada.

"Hoho... They must be C, C, C, and D respectively. Un! Let's call it DC³ combination."

"Hamada, don't name it! Please, don't further embarrass yourself"

Yukio finally lost it. He can't hold himself anymore. Looking at his friend cheering on running girl's boobs must be a quite blow for him.

Right when the girls are close enough with us, one of them notices the ecstatic Hamada.

"What? What's this pervert Hamada doing here?"

She doesn't slow down her pace even a little bit. She keeps commenting while running.

I suddenly have a hunch that something is about to happen.


As I have expected, it happens. Himeko stumbles on her own foot. She isn't able to fix her posture, because her head is still facing this way. If I let her be, she would undoubtedly fall on her head.

I quickly move to the track and catch her falling body. Maybe she's far too scared, she clutches on my body tightly.

"What happened?! Himeko-chan, are you okay?"

"Eh? Something happened?"

"What is it?"

"There's a girl stumbled on her foot while running."

"What happened? Did she get hurt badly?"

"No. That cool guy saved her."

Not only the people from the trackfield, but the people from around also pay their attention on us.

"Himeko, it's fine. You don't have to clutch on me so tightly anymore."

"Eh? This voice..." Himeko looks up, "Manato-kun?"

She is turned aback. She quickly let go of my body and fiddles her hair in an awkward way.

Hmm... My uniform gets wet from her sweat.

"It's fine. As long as you're okay."

"Un... Thank you."

Hm? No wonder she got stumbled on her foot. She still has the sudden fever. I should be careful, I'm afraid I'd get it too if I don't.

"Your welcome."

"Ah! I'm sorry, Manato-kun. Because of me, your uniform is dirty," said Himeko out of the blue.

She comes to me and takes out a tissue from her running pants. I quickly stop her hand before she wipes my uniform with it.

"It's fine. You don't have to think about it. I can wash it by myself after all."


Hmm... Should I do it? Let's try it.

"It's okay. Your well-being is more important than my uniform."


Her sudden fever gets worsened. Is a mere pat on her head affects it. Regardless, she's finally able to stop talking.

I look around, and only then I notice Hamada is grinning stupidly.

I can somehow know what he's thinking about.

This is what it means to be young.


[1] ‎‎‎‎omelet with a filling of ketchup-seasoned fried rice

[2] ‎‎‎‎chicken and egg on rice. Also means parent and child donburi‎‎, feel free to Google it!