Two Soft Shoulders to Lean On

Emmy sat there till late night watching the reflection of the starry sky in the lake. A tiny droplet of water fell on her face while she was in her thoughts. Emmy shivered under the cold touch but she was greeted with a warm smile. That person sat beside her, viewing the mesmerizing beauty of the lake.

"Should I find you strange sitting near the graveyard at this time?" Juliet suddenly spoke up awaking the sleepy Emmy from the bench."Hey, I was roaming about the campus and sat here to feel the charming beauty of nature."Emmy happily replied.

"The fight between you and the Salian princes have long been spread all over the place; I don't know why those punks have been targeting you? Just be aware that the elder one named Alex can't be fantasized over. Come to my room and rest."Juliet was lamenting for the new girl of the college.

Emmy saw the alluring smile over Juliet's face "okay, water girl. I need a company tonight!" "You completely knock me off, how do you know my forte is water? Also, let's go inside to meet my roommate, her name is Janet, coming from the Dagardian family. She is so easy going and down to earth but like us, she is a little cold in appearance."Juliet took Emmy's hands and walked to the dormitory bickering about her roommate all along the way.

After entering the room which was contrary to Emmy's corridor, what greeted her was full freshness and fragrance of freshly bloomed flowers. A girl was sitting on the floor with a bunch of lilies in her lap."Jane, look whom I brought today with me. This is the girl who is now the hot topic of the campus. " Juliet started to water the plants as she was introducing Janet to Emmy.

"Hello Janet, you can call me Emmy. Julie told me a lot about you but it's interesting to watch you more handling these plants. " Emmy smiled a bit to Janet, who suddenly stood up with the lilies which were shaped as a headdress now. Janet placed it over Emmy's head "I was born as a frail girl in a family where more preferences are showered upon the males and females are considered as an object to be showcased. I loved plants from my childhood so this habit became my happy time because plants have its freedom restricted but never the growth."

"Evolving yourself is the best way to achieve the impossible feat in this world. One day you shall be the pride of your family and with you, the fate of women of your family shall be rewritten."Emmy assured Janet making the latter smile. "This calls in for a celebration, let me take out the special gift from the great Posei family." Juliet rummaged through her things and brought out a round bottle.

With the cork getting loose, an irresistible odor attacked their nostrils and the 3 girls started drinking the aromatic wine like there was no tomorrow. Amidst the drinking party, Janet and Juliet shared their family history. "The most interesting story is about Aunt Lilian! It was said that she was the timidest girl in our whole family but she eloped with one of the guards. The elders of my family tried their best to eradicate them but no one knows what happened to them after they eloped. That was the only love story in my family. My grandmother still wishes to see her daughter once more."Janet finished the wine in one shot.

"I have also heard about your aunt, but who was that guard? Is he from any of the other two dominant family guards? I hope those love birds had flown to find their piece of happiness. I also want to marry the person who I love other than getting betrothed to anyone on a family basis. " Juliet had the effect of wine kicked in her.

"Yes, those love birds built their heaven of dreams and even welcomed the fruit of their love. But few devious people destroyed that heaven and the small girl, lost her everything on that single day, till now remains lonely." Emmy's eyes flashed with traces of hatred while Juliet and Janet were stunned. They both looked at each other and then at Emmy, and the trio hugged each other without saying a word.

The heavy feeling inside Emmy rushed out in the form of tears which made Janet hold her more tightly. Never in the world did Juliet think that she unintentionally joined two long lost cousins together "You will be never lonely again, we promise you that for life." Both roommates made a promise to Emmy and even their eyes started to tear.

"Thank you, guys." Emmy on that day found two shoulders to lean on when she felt lonely and their lifetime friendship started from that very moment.

Little did they know that in the future, this trio will together exterminate the dominant families who ruled their worlds and become the supreme power commanding the world. All this will be in the long future, but for now, these three are cute little drunk girls.