Dig Out That Hawk’s Eyes

Early morning, Emmy returned to her room to freshen up her body but her mind was fully refreshed. Now she got two friends who understand her totally and indirectly came to know her mom's family. She was feeling blessed that she was not born into the Dagardian family, but the thing she forgot was, a ferocious man had laid his eyes on her awaiting an opportunity for an instant kill.

Today as Emmy had no classes to attend, she thought of having a meal with her friends at the evening. She took her family photo," Dad, I always thought you were the optimistic one compared with mom. Yesterday, I came to know about mom's family and I am proud of you, Mom. You broke their family norm and set an example. Now I have two friends, Julie and Jane. Julie is from Posei family and Jane is from yours. I have met two Salian members here and currently not on good terms with them. I don't know whether Salian family is our foe or not, but surely I get a negative feeling while seeing them."

A sudden knock on the door woke Emmy from her family time. Opening the door, she saw Janet's blooming smile with a small pot of cactus in her hands."Hoping I wasn't disturbing you! My classes got over, so thought of checking out your room. This is a small present for you." Janet gave the plant to Emmy and sternly looked at the opposite door.

"Hey Jane, come inside!" Emmy could feel a sudden change in Janet's aura but she couldn't think of any possible reason for it. After pulling Emmy inside, it was Janet who shut the door close and sat there on the chair scanning the whole room.

"What happened? Your face looked so cold right now."Emmy asked feeling a bit confused. Janet stood up and opened the window which when opened welcomed the site of the eerie graveyard. From the back of the window sill, she took a small bug and crushed it within her hands. "Now let's talk, these kinds of bugs are common in our area but not here. Our campus has strictly forbidden these tricks. Girl, you have really pissed off those punks huh! That bug can actually make hallucinating effects on people for a long time. It is good that you are okay till now, the discharge from that bug makes the air toxic and the person inhaling that air starts to have hallucinations and you will be a soulless puppet for half an hour." Janet explained while washing her hands.

"How can he do such a cheap trick on me? He destroyed the impression which I had for him though, he should have played more savage one for yesterday's slap." While Emmy was outlining Alex's deed, Janet looked at her feeling amazed."Oh boy, you slapped him? I didn't expect that this soon. I haven't seen him mingle with any girl before. You are the first, now let's hit the dining area, I am famished."

The two girls got their plates and reserved a seat for the third musketeer. Soon Juliet joined them," Do you know what was announced in the class in the afternoon? The great Rotrigues will be joining here as a faculty."

"Rotrigues? Who is that?" Emmy shot a question to see her two friends looking at her as they had seen a ghost."My dear, He is the master of all elders of the great Esbertraz" Juliet and Janet were really excited to hear the news.

"Can you tell me more about the so-called great Esbertraz?" Emmy asked nonchalantly.

"The clan of dark forces is named – The Esbertraz. They are so powerful and their existence is unknown to the outer world. Only the elders of the dominant families know them directly. All of us have only heard their great stories. It is said that this college was found by the Rotrigues for their only heir. But they were in seclusion for the past three years, now suddenly with his arrival; Salian family shall hit their heads on the walls." Janet said with glee over her face.

"So are you saying that when dark clan went under seclusion, Salian family took over this college and made it as their territory?" Emmy was delighted for the misfortune of the arrogant fellow.

"You hit the nail, with Rotrigues here; no member of the Salian family shall boss around" Janet was also happy but they both didn't notice a slight sadness which flashed in Juliet's eyes.

Finishing the dinner, the three friends were walking back to their rooms when suddenly someone tripped Emmy with his leg. Even Emmy was not prepared for it, and she lost her balance to fall on to the rock surface but a pair of steady hands grasped Emmy and pulled backward.

"This chap looks frail but has a good reflex, isn't it right Jordon?" Mike was slightly disappointed to miss the chance to ridicule Emmy. Jordan was looking at Emmy in a stiff way. He couldn't understand whenever this lass comes in front of him; he feels powerless and a sense of fear arises inside him.

"Do you want me to dig your hawk eyes out? Stop harassing Emmy." Janet couldn't control her temper but Emmy put her hands over Janet's shoulder to calm her down.

"You little girl, don't meddle in our business. She started it so she has to know its consequences." Mike and Jordan went away but after taking a few steps Jordon turned to look at the three girls and said –"Girl, our lives are fated to be together. "

One statement from Jordon confused the three musketeers, who was the one he addressed?; only he knows.

"I really wanted to dig out those perverted eyes; I hated those kinds of lecherous looks" Janet was fuming and it was the first time even Juliet saw this face of Janet.

"His eyes are not of a pervert. He is on guard around me, wishing to know about my family and my whereabouts. Don't worry Jane; I know how to handle this. No one will ever bully my friends or me." Emmy's assurance worked and it calmed down Janet. Then they both looked at Juliet who was silent all through the scene but had now her cheeks flushed pink.

"Sorry Emmy, I couldn't react when it all happened. My reflexes are a bit slow I guess." Juliet was perspiring in this cool climate. However, both Emmy and Janet looked at each other; and said "Spill it out."

" Yes, I love him."