Well, I am intrigued!!!

"Holy cow, you love him, really Julie? " "Couldn't you find anyone else other than that Salian punk?" Janet lost it at once after hearing Juliet uttered her feelings.

"She didn't tell who it is but you took that Salian boy's name, Am I missing something here?" Emmy shot out the question at Janet.

"Guys, I don't know how to explain it. You have to know, after my grandfather, no one in the Posei family had been born gifted till I came. One of the family Elder visited my grandfather asking him to betroth me to the third prince of the Salian family even before my first birthday. From my childhood days, my family looked down on me and I think even Miran also despises me although he hasn't seen me for once. Grandfather wanted to test him whether he was worthy of marrying me, so I concealed myself under this disguise when I came here. But as days passed, I have started to fall for him deeply." Juliet sighed.

Juliet never wanted to marry someone who was forced for marriage under family betrothal system but when she saw the frolicsome yet wholehearted prince Miran (also known as Mike), she felt love at first sight. Therefore, she decided to confess her love to him but every time, when she sees him face to face, her confidence leaks out.

"Hmm, your sisters are also here right, so won't they divulge about your appearance to him? "Emmy asked the question which Janet also had in her mind.

"As my grandfather only pampered me, my sisters are jealous. My dad never liked me and he always tried to break my betrothal to the Salian family. So here, my disguise will be a blessing to them and grandfather had given them a strict warning not to cause any troubles here."

Janet and Emmy were helpless as they also had no experience in love. They quietly heard their friend's story of one-sided love towards her future husband.

Finally, after knowing exceptional pieces of information, Emmy reached her room only to find Jordan waiting for her outside the room. Emmy knew about the Salian princes but this guy had no connections with any families of that place and he had kept a low profile always that even the pantomath Juliet couldn't retrieve any information about him.

"Can I talk with you for a bit? I won't take much of your time and neither am I here to cause trouble for you." Jordan couldn't anguish over his doubts anymore and talking with the concerned person was his last solution. He tried various ways to collect more information about this little lass, even her aura gave him goosebumps.

Emmy had felt an unfamiliar but distinct feeling towards him so she nodded her head slightly which gave Jordon some relief."I know you are Emmy, the only survivor of the clifftop manor accident. But other than that, no details can be found about you. I can feel your aura is much stronger than mine, so you cannot be an earthling. But the couple who were murdered at the clifftop belonged to the earth." Jordan stuttered while asking the questions.

Emmy smiled a bit but her eyes turned cold, and Jordon could feel the deep murderous hatred emanating from her." Well. I am intrigued. Tell me one good reason for you to pry into my life and before I answer your question spill out who you are!"

Jordan gulped as he couldn't move any muscles of his body. He felt as if a strange yet powerful force had squeezed his body, so tight that he was finding it difficult to breathe.

Emmy saw Jordan's eyes bulging out and she closed her eyes calming the whirling emotions. Soon Jordon could catch his breathes and he was shocked by his core. "I am just a guardian of the great family, that's all. I found it strange that your aura could really penetrate into the spiritual cover I made."

"Try to give these deceiving excuses to those punks inside your room. Who I am shouldn't much matter to you, I came here to achieve my goals to which you shall never be a hindrance. So stop investigating me and tell those Salian princes, that if any of their family members had a hand in the clifftop massacre, then I shall be the one to send each one of them to the door to hell." Emmy gave Jordan a message of warning to be delivered for his roommates and entered her room. Jordan didn't know any piece which connected the Salian family to the clifftop manor killings but it was a murder that shook the entire realms.

When Jordan entered his room, he could find his roommates sitting as an iceberg. They both had heard the conversation between Emmy and Jordan. "Why the little lass has this much hatred towards our family? Brother, do you think that it is possible for our elders to annihilate a family who resided here on earth? " Mike was equally getting paranoid, as he had also tried various methods to know about the mysterious girl.

Jordan looked at Alex nervously because he knew that clifftop manor murder had some connection with the incident that played havoc with Alex's life. "Alex, what do you intend to do? That girl has power to a great extent which even I cannot stand by. Her animosity towards the Salian family and preference for that room. Did it ring any bells to you?"

To both of their questions, Alex gave a cold shoulder. He could not fathom any connections of that little lass to the person whom he had been searching for a year. The last clue he received was to go and wait at the Salian Envoy College.

"I have to find you before the great Rotrigues finds you, my Lady."