Never Cry For The Unsaid Words


Both Janet and Juliet jumped up in sheer surprise. They couldn't believe the stone-faced man would be taken by Emmy so soon. Emmy then told her friends what happened with her family and her relation with the great master which included Jordan's identity also. So eventually now, Jordan was given the task of protecting Emmy on the campus and she was being treated like the pretty princess by the Esbertrazians.

"Emmy, can do me a big favor, please? I want you to ask that pompous guy about Miran's interests. I really want to confess my feeling to him because within two years, we will get married but before that I want him to fall in love with me." Juliet was now desperate as there were so many girls in their college fantasizing about him.

"Finally, the cat is ready to come out of the basket. Emmy, I have seen this girl roaming wherever that fellow goes and if he also turns to be like his brother, then she will be mentally broken."Janet patted Juliet's head and requested with Emmy. Just as Emmy nodded her head it was welcomed by a bear hug by the other two.

At the cafeteria, when the trio reached for their breakfast, the scene which greeted them was Alex's cold, impassive face talking with the guard boy, Jordan whereas Juliet's hero was missing from the whole scenario. After fetching their meals, they sat at their corner seats. Janet and Emmy were paying attention to Jordan's table but after a while, they were surprised to hear Juliet's quiet sobs. Feeling flustered, they looked into her line of sight to find Mike chatting intimately with a girl whose back was facing the trio.

"Julie, why are you crying? it may be his friend or any family acquaintance. Without any confirmation, do not summarise the situation." Janet comforted Juliet but even she felt that those two were not simply friends. "Well, thanks to my sharp hearing, they are not friends, she is courting him and whether he has the same reciprocating feel that I don't know." as Emmy was looking at the table, the next thing she saw was a glass of water being splashed over the girl and her attire got drenched completely with that little water. Emmy gazed at her friend who sitting in front of her sipping her coffee innocently.

"That dress didn't suit her well" Juliet laughed it off however Emmy could feel someone else's gaze at her. She focused her attention on Jordan's table, then she heard Alex saying"When I had a chance to end it, I didn't do it but now I am living dead." She couldn't help to look at Alex as she was seeing him after that slap episode. As she was sitting there in a daze, Alex looked at her simultaneously and when their eyes met, it felt like a Deja Vu, like these all happened before. The clattering of cups, the noisy atmosphere, two people sitting with two tables separating them, Emmy started to have a headache and closed her eyes to stop her brain contemplating further.

After meals, Jordan came to find Emmy as he found her looking over his table before. Emmy took the chance to enquire about Mike to which Jordan sarcastically mentioned Mike an engaged guy who is trying to locate his childhood bride. From his view, it was clear that Mike knew about his bride coming to study here and he was trying to find her to make something clear. Today a girl introduced herself as the Posei family's fourth miss. Although the date was met with a splash of water, he seemed to be interested in that girl.

Juliet was heartbroken when she heard the news from Emmy. First, she seemed to be okay but then started crying and her two friends quietly stood aside from her. Losing all the patience, Janet screamed at her top voice" Enough, never cry for unsaid words, the deep love for him which is inside you, he doesn't know it yet. Here some imposter is having all his attention and the real mistress is sitting here bawling her lungs out uselessly. He is trying to find you, so why are you hiding from him? Go confront him and confess your feelings, whether he reciprocates it or not, we shall see later."

Hearing to Janet's reasoning, Juliet came to her senses. She built up her courage and decided to end this one-sided chapter once in forever. Janet scripted everything and Emmy asked Jordan to bring Mike near the Lakeside after the class.

After settling Juliet's confession plot, Emmy went to attend her first class of the great Rotrigues. and was surprised to see Alex, who was usually absent from the classes, sitting in the last row. Hence, in a month's time, it was their second time attending class together and she also took her usual seat beside him. Two people sitting together but complete silences shrouded them. In their front, Mike was grinning thinking of his iceberg brother but Jordan was worried, his lord would be taking his first-class and these two were sitting together.

The great master Rotrigues entered the class and was welcomed with warm smiles of all students except one. Alex's golden brown eyes had a cold chill and even his aura was surprisingly cold. Emmy could feel some animosity between the master and Alex but she chose to be quiet. She wanted to pry into this love story complex but Jordan had warned her not to cross master's limits.

" Greetings to all, today lets start with a small task. Everyone knows that Life comes with the power of feelings and each emotion must be counted. So, in the parchment before you, you can express the feeling hidden inside you. It can be a portrait or a write-up, anything which conveys your feeling to others. All can start. " Master engaged in small talks with each student and finally reached the last two rows. Mike and Jordan acted as if they were busy in the given task but their ears were perked to the last bench.

"So what is your innermost feeling Alexander? Betrayal?" Master scoffed at Alex. Alex retaliated with the same expression by burning the parchment in his hands. "My feeling is the same as before, to KILL HER."