Prey to Wreak Vengeance

All the students were shocked by Alex's behavior and concomitantly looked at the great master Rotrigues, who flicked his white robe and gave a wicked smile. His cold eyes gazed at the students which made them shiver in fright and to resume their work. Emmy gave Jordan a perplexed look to which he shook his head but then she silently took the burning parchment before it could burn Alex's fingers and after putting out the fire, she went to continue portraying her feelings.

The two bewildered people were staring at Emmy. Her action surprisingly mollified the surging tempest between them. Jordan looked at Emmy appalled, then found his master's warning gaze at him. Rotrigues chuckled, with a small snap, he gave Alex another parchment and said in a voice that could be heard between them only " I lost my daughter because of you and this time the one on the losing side shall not be me."

Alex looked at the lambskin in front of him aloofly instead he was more interested to look at the lamb sitting beside him. This lamb finally showed him the target for wreaking vengeance on those who killed his beloved. When he heard the news of his beloved's demise, first he was sure that it cannot be her as there was no reason for her to go to earth but when the Esbertrazian elite guards gave him the jade pendant which belonged to his beloved; he felt as if he was betrayed by the entire world. The lies which he had told to save her backfired him. He wanted to avenge her death and started a fight with the elders of his family, but then his father made him gravely injured and got him shut inside the Salian castle.

As Alex was on the verge of committing suicide with all the hatred inside him, the last memory of his beloved, the same jade pendant started to shine and an illusion of words was lighted in front of him showing "Go to the Envoy Salian College". He felt the arrival of spring in his life, the lost hope was awakened in his heart. But he got scared of her safety, so he asked his father to send him along with his brother to study in this particular college and as this place was under their authority, his father as well as other elders agreed quickly. Hence, the brothers reached here but he had no clue what to do next, where to search for her. However, now Alex got a chance for his revenge.

Emmy was sitting in a daze looking at her parchment when asked to submit she was a little confused but still mustered up her courage to present it to the master. Rortigues received it and smiled at her "All your doubts shall be cleared one day, just be patient." With that, he handed over the parchment containing a big black-colored question mark back to Emmy.

After class, Emmy went with Jordan to meet Janet who was waiting for them under the tree beside the lake. From there, they will have a perfect view on the bench where Juliet was supposed to meet Mike. After a while, the one to arrive first was Mike, he looked at the mentioned bench near the lake and sat on it while throwing pebbles in the lake. Finally, Juliet appeared beside him in her disguise. Mike was a little excited to see this girl here as he had noted her appearance wherever he went.

"Hi Miran, I am Juliet of the Posei family. I wanted to meet you before but had no confidence but then someone came and met you in my name; I cannot accept that." Juliet spoke to him with her head lowered all the time.

"Dumb girl, she is not looking at his face. Look, by seeing Mike's reaction, he is going to mock her. She might run away in tears." Jordan looked at the couple while delivering his opinion. "If he does that, I will make sure that he is going to cry for a lifetime." Jordan got astonished, feeling the rage bubbling up in Janet's face but he found it cute and his lips got curved up a bit giving his face a shade of red; however within seconds, he reverted back to his stern look. He thought no one saw the change in his expression, but Emmy had already seen it. She smiled wickedly, thinking of two couples in their initial stages of love; whether it will bloom or cut off in its budding stage is yet to know.

Finding no response from Mike, Juliet slowly looked at him to see that he was actually looking at the lake. She didn't know how to continue the conversation further, so she also kept quiet. After some time, Juliet broke the silence "Look the betrothal between us can be ended, you don't have to carry any guilt. I will ask my grandfather to terminate it. You might not be able to like to marry an odd-looking girl. It can be understood, so relax. I just wanted to meet you up because I started to feel for you from the first time I saw you here. The other girl you met yesterday, even though she introduced herself as me, she pursued you for your status. Anyways, I won't pester you in the future. Thank you for coming here." Although Juliet was heartbroken, she still had the dignity not to demean herself. She forced out a smile and turned to leave but Mike stopped her.

"Yes, I had an interest in the girl whom I met yesterday only because she introduced herself as my fiance, the fourth miss of the Posei family. I don't judge a person with his or her appearance. When the water got splashed at her, I saw the disgust in her eyes which she was trying to hide. I actually wanted to find you only to say that our marriage is not possible."

Even if Juliet was mentally prepared for it, yet hearing it directly from Mike's mouth, she felt her heart flinching and the pain was so excruciating that her eyes started to tear up.