Alex - A Wolf In A Sheep’s Clothing!!!

Alex turned to the master Rotrigues, who was in return studying Alex's expression. The look on Alex's face clearly showed that he knew about the symbol on the door. Master was getting deranged thinking about how an outsider like Alex knows the secret emblem of the Esbertrazian power.

" The symbol on the panel is your clan's supreme power mark, right! You should know how to decode it then ?"

Rotrigues felt as if his last ounce of patience had snapped at the moment when Alex finished his query. He raised his hand in order to slap Alex but was stopped by Mike and Jordan.

" Master, do you remember what you promised me before we started the trip?"

"Emmy, he knows… he knows our clan's deepest secret. This guy is a wolf in a sheep's clothing. He will betray us.. he is a traitor among us. "

Seeing their master getting so enraged that he was feeling difficult to maintain his breathing, all of them turned to look at Alex.

"Brother, tell us the truth. How come you know about this symbol?"

Alex had no one apart from Emmy in his eyes, he didn't care if anyone believed him or not but he never wanted to break her trust. An air of melancholy surrounded him suddenly and he walked towards Emmy.

" Do you trust me?" He asked.

All others gasped at the strange situation, Mike couldn't understand his brother at the moment. His brother never believed in living for another person, his view changed because of one girl; however now his brother was seeking trust from another girl, that too in a short span of time. Mike wondered to how much extent, his brother was dependent on this little girl.

After a moment of silence, Emmy's voice broke the quietness.

" I do believe you."

Alex felt complete bliss in his heart, his inner emotions calmed down and he hugged Emmy like there was no tomorrow. Feeling a bit awkward by the stare of her friends and their master, Emmy patted Alex to cool his excitement down.

"Rotr.. Sorry, master Rotrigues, Pardon me because I had entered your fort one day to seek revenge on your princess. You might remember the day when I got insane and barged into the ancestral fort but was captured by the Elder Miandrake. However, before getting captured, I had heard that the elders had locked the princess in the dark region and fortunately I stumbled across that dark room and the door had the same emblem on its panel. There I saw a girl bawling out loud, and standing in front of the strange well in the middle of the room. "

"As it was pitch dark, and only a small light was coming from the well, I couldn't see her face but I concluded it was the princess. Perhaps she was in a dilemma to decide whether to jump or not to the well so, in my rage, I pushed her with all my might ."


Rotrigues shrieked like a mad person, his powerful aura pressurized everyone near him and even Jordan couldn't stop him as he charged towards Alex. With just a few millimeters between them, master Rotrigues balled his fist to punch Alex down but was stopped by a colossal force.

" I said it before, do not hurt him. If you want to start the fight, I will be your first opponent. I won't let anyone hurt him in my presence."

Emmy had a difficult time to stabilize her anger, whereas master Rotrigues calmed down fast. He couldn't understand the powerful aura emanating from Emmy could really bring inner peace to him. However, he still wanted to tear down Alex into pieces and he was staring brutally at Emmy who was speaking with Alex.

"Alex, I will support you even though what you did was wrong. You pushing that girl to the well directly gives the reason for the disappearance of the dark clan princess. We cannot account for the hatred ness from the Esbertrazian people, especially those three elders. But tell me how did you enter their heavily guarded ancestral fort?"

Alex explained the decree that was passed by Lady Vilmon, that he was allowed to enter any place in the dark clan. So he used that decree to barge inside the fort.

After listening to Alex's explanation, master Rotrigues suddenly chimed in " Alex, do you know what have you done? it is not any ordinary well, it is the infinity well. If anyone falls into it, they will be trapped in different dimensions. Unless they are super powerful to break the dimension and to return back, they will be trapped in infinite space forever.."

"Master, this infinity well was made by your elders right! So will you be able to locate the people who have gone to different dimensions?"

"Our ancestors have recorded the ways to escape from various dimensions but it is all listed in the book of Ravenic and that book is also missing."

Hearing the master's reply, the only found clue still ended up in a dead-end. They decided to call it a day and came back up. After dinner, Jordan escorted the master to his room and then came back to spend his quality time with his beloved, Janet. Mike and Juliet had decided to stay on the beachside for the rest of the night. Left was Emmy and Alex (as usual!!!)

" I consider gods have forgiven me for the sins I did because now I got a true companion in my life."

Emmy smiled but Alex could feel that she was deep in her thoughts. As it is said curiosity kills, Alex gave up the casual conversation and asked her directly the concerns which were making her frown.

"Alex, you said seeing that emblem on the door panel of the dark region but tell me how did you enter through that door?"

"I don't clearly remember, I think the doors got opened with a gentle push. Emmy, what's in your mind?"

Alex tried to remember what all things happened on that day, but his mind was totally blank. In his eyes and brain, now only one person was shining up.