I Found The Key To Open It

Emmy could see her reflection in Alex's eyes clearly. Unknowingly though, he had planted a strange feeling in her, which she knew, was impossible to happen. After her parent's demise, she never believed in love or even having a family of her own. However, with Alex beside her, Emmy wished to cease the time because she knew, once his Mia returns, the one spending time with him will be her always.

Seeing Emmy in trance, Alex nudged her only to see her eyes tearing up. He quickly made her sit on the chair and gave a glass of water.

" Are you thinking about your parents? Don't cry…. seeing you like this, I….. master Rotrigues will blame me again thinking that I made his other daughter cry. Please cheer up dear Emmy."

As much as Alex tried to cheer Emmy up, her tears were pouring down in a frenzy. After trying his best, Alex knelt down in front of her and wiped her tears away. His small action created ripples on Emmy's heart. It fluttered out various butterflies inside her and a cute smile was spread across her lips.

" You may think that your daughter is alone in this world. In fact, she was…for three years, searching for her enemies alone. But I, the crown prince of the Envoy Salian clan, hereby gives you the promise to accompany your daughter until my last breath. "

Alex kept his left hand over Emmy's head and right hand on his chest, kneeling down and facing the family photo on the wall, he promised to her parents that Emmy won't be alone anymore. Unfortunately, his well-wishing behavior sprouted the seeds of love inside Emmy. It was the first time someone acknowledged her parents and this made Emmy fall head over heels for Alex. Although she knew that Alex could never love her, her tiny heart wished to make him hers forever. Keeping her selfish thoughts aside, Emmy beamed at Alex hiding the sorrow in her eyes.

Alex held her hands and looked straight to Emmy's eyes.

" These are not just words, I feel natural peace when I am with you. You are my friend … no, even more than a friend… I am not getting correct words to describe what you are to me .. from this day onwards, you won't be alone."

Emmy looked at his hands which were resting on top of her hands, she suddenly stood up jerking off Alex who was kneeling in front of her.

" Come with me now… I have found the key to open the basement door. Come, quick "

Emmy pulled Alex and ran towards the dingy basement. They reached there within no time, and both were panting to catch their breaths. Alex could not figure out what was running through Emmy's brain. He watched her closely, afraid to see her brown eyes changing into the green one.

" Lady Vilmon had it difficult to control her emotions, but her feelings never fluctuated when you were mentioned. You once easily broke the barriers of the dark region because she loved you to such an extreme that she gave you the access to the whole dark clan, so it is easy for you to break any seals of the dark clan. Let us see whether my theory is correct or not. Put your right hand on the door panel, and wait for a few seconds."

Alex did like what Emmy had instructed, and her theory turned to prove true. The latch twisted and the door was wide opened. A strong smell of blood hit them in the next second, it was really unbearable. The eerie basement was like a dungeon where the insane people were held captive. The rusted iron grid had blood dyed on it. It was clear that no one had entered this basement for a long time.

Both of them didn't enter the basement just like that, Alex was feeling extremely guilty towards the girl who he pushed inside the infinity well. His head was muddled with revenge thoughts against the pampered princess who separated his lover from him. However, now he understood that this girl was the one who loved him unconditionally and the ones who stabbed him were his close confidants.

Emmy was feeling chaotic in her mind, strange yet familiar figures flashed in her memories. The pair of golden-brown eyes, the pitch-black graveyard, a small beam of light, and the cold touch on her waist bombarded into her brain in fragments. She could not hold the pain anymore and her eyesight became blurred.

"Alex, take me back to the room please..."

Emmy could not complete her sentence before fainting into Alex's arm. Alex didn't waste any second, he carried her to the room and placed her on the bed. He opened all the windows to allow the sea breeze to freshen up the airstream, then with a wet towel, he wiped her face and feet which had started to sweat profusely. As Emmy had told him before that her condition will be fine after taking rest, he didn't alert others about the whole matter.

The next morning, Emmy woke up smelling freshly baked bacon with sausages and beans. She opened her eyes to see Alex sleeping on the sofa. The faint dark circles around his eyes clearly gave Emmy the idea of what must have happened yesterday after she fainted. She simpered, looking pleased with him taking care of her like this.

After everyone finished their breakfast, Alex still didn't show up which made Rotrigues frown but he was helpless in front of Emmy.

" That lad considers this trip as a vacation, how can he enjoy himself after doing such a heinous crime. Once I reach Vilmonark, then I will make sure to make him pay for his sin."

" Master, shhhhh….. Emmy is watching you. If she hears what you said, the one who will be returning first will surely be you."

Hearing Jordan teasing him, master Rotrigues slapped his disciple's head and smiled smugly looking at Janet. Jordan, who got his master's silent warning, shut his mouth and got ready for today's key hunt.

" Actually, the basement had been opened by Alex yesterday night, so it saves us from racking our brains to find the key."

" Emmy, what did you say? How can that lad open the Esbertrazian seal? It's impossible."

Emmy grinned, revealing how Alex really did open the powerful seal of the great Esbertrazian clan. He just needed to calm down his mind and give a gentle push to break the seal; opening the door.

" Still thinking it is impossible… don't underestimate him…. even your princess has already surrendered the power of love to him."