Only One Need to Sacrifice Your Love

With Emmy staring right into his eyes, Alex lost his cool and moved away from her. Emmy was finding it difficult to breathe and her ears, as well as the tip of her nose, was red like a tomato. Alex thought it to be because she got angry but never in his mind would he consider that the poor little girl had fallen badly for him.

Emmy hid in the blanket and never peeped out of it for even once throughout the night. Alex just watched Emmy becoming a turtle and smiled. For a moment, he even thought of the future where Emmy and himself would be living together.

Alex was smiling to himself when suddenly he found himself standing on a weird ground, darkness surrounded the whole place. He frantically looked at both sides, but could not see anything and then something started shining inside his pocket.

He took the shining object and found it to be Mia's pendant. The unusual luster made his heart race, was he going to finally see Mia after three years? A beam of light shot out from the pendant and then again darkness clouded over him. After a short time, his eyes could see a figure who was wearing a luminous cape, slowly that figure approached Alex.

Alex stood there dazed without blinking his eyes, his racing heartbeat calmed down when he saw it was not the one he had expected. An old man studied Alex intently and said, "My oh my, you are a good looking flower, but is desperate to find something which you lost, right young man!"

" Who are you? What is this place?"

" Hmm, just consider this old man as a soothsayer. You have come to this place because the great one wanted to help you. Heed to this advice young man, in this world, nothing is kept hidden for long and you might need to sacrifice your love to find the fated one."

" What do you mean by sacrificing my love to find the fated one? Isn't my love the fated one for me?"

" Young man, I won't disclose much but believe your heart as the one whom you seek is right near you. Open your heart instead of eyes to seek."

Alex wanted to enquire more but suddenly he got transported to another place where a huge cherry blossom tree stood alone amidst the lake and the golden rays of the setting sun bound his eyes. Then he heard a sweet chuckle from the other side of the tree, Alex slowly walked towards the source of the sound and was shocked to see Mia waiting patiently for him.

" Mia, is it really you ?"

Alex hugged her tightly and his emotions erupted through his eyes in the form of tears. He could not believe that his little girl was looking like a fairy in the emerald-colored dress and her combed wavy hair reached up to her knees. She was looking like a royal princess that even the Salian Adonis was nothing in front of her.

Alex had a lot to tell this woman, for the past three years, he was madly searching for her and even decided to end his life but finally when his beloved was standing in front of him, he couldn't even utter any words. In his mind, confessing his feelings to this astonishing woman felt as if he was cheating someone else. He subconsciously loosened his grip over Mia.

" Brother Alex, I'm your past, your present and future is someone else. So please try to forget me. The one destined for you is awaiting, here she comes…."

The little woman who had loved Alex with her whole heart once pushed him away now. Alex suddenly felt his arms empty and as he raised his head towards the direction Mia had pointed before, his brain stopped working for a couple of minutes.

This woman was giving out a wild vibe in contrast with the delicate appearance of Mia, she was wearing a sparkling black gown with emeralds studded on it. The stones on her dresses matched the color of her eyes. Yes, greenish eyes… it pricked Alex right at his heart as he was pretty familiar with the woman who had a valorous character and it was none other than, Emmetina Esbertraz aka Emmy.

Alex shook his head again and again, how can Emmy be the fated one for him? Why is she so mysterious? Alex's head started to spin thinking about it while the gorgeous woman embosomed Alex straight away. Now the one in cloud nine was Alex, the tip of his ears turned red as he blushed hard. The warmth from this woman gave him the feeling of completeness which he never felt while he hugged his long lost lover.

Even though Alex felt extremely happy as Emmy was the fated one for him, but inside, her mysteriousness was still vexing him. He decided to have a nice chat with the Esbertrazian elders the next time when they meet.

" Emmy, it is you….the one .. for.. me. "

Alex couldn't help but stutter again, but he held her tightly in his arms. He was determined to fight for his love this time and promised himself that never would he leave Emmy nor would ever hide things from her. He knew the pain of separation and now God gave him another chance for love to be bloomed in his life.

" Emmy, now my heart is clear. The ease and comfort which I always felt in your presence say it all. I have decided, whatever happens, the only one who I would ever love will be you, my dear."

" Emmetina Esbertraz, I love you."

Alex looked at the clear image of him inside her eyes, Emmy had her eyes wet by the end of his confession and she slowly nodded her head. Alex then kissed her tears away and slowly wanted to taste those cherry lips which always tempted him but then he heard Emmy saying.

" You old rogue, how dare you ?"