Your Brother Is Really Strange Today

Alex was startled as he heard Emmy shouting instead of replying "I love you too". He slowly opened his eyes to find his head embedded to some soft mass, he then lifted his head and saw his fuming wife who was trying her best to wriggle out of his leg lock.

" Alex, wake up, what are you doing? Oh, how heavy are his legs? Alexxxx….." Emmy started screaming on top of her lungs. The muddle-headed guy was still pondering upon the surroundings when Emmy sensed his movements, she could feel the heat from his body even though there were two layers of clothing in between them. Her mind started to create images of this toned body and chiseled muscles.

Alex could not believe what was happening for quite some time, then he understood that everything was just a dream, him seeing that old man, Mia and his fated one, each instance was carved into his brain and he wanted it to be true. Slowly, he lifted his legs to free Emmy but tightened his grip pulling the petite girl closer to his chest.