
It felt like the day passed by in the blink of an eye. Is it because she was thinking of the two new transfers all day? Yes. Yes, she did. Here she was now, waiting for Celine to get out of her class.

[Julie?] Celine looked straight at her from the door, Julie waved at her, mouthing "are you done yet?".

Celine frowned and shooked her head, and slightly pointing towards the front of the class. Julie glance from outside, it was their biology teacher, Ms. Sharon. Julie winces in sympathy, Ms. Sharon was the "the bell doesn't dismiss you, I do" type of teacher.

While she did have Biology right after Math, Ms. Sharon is much more annoying in the last period, which was Celine's class.

Julie couldn't help but giggle at the miserable thoughts that were coming from the room. Nothing wrong with laughing at someone's misery she thoughts as she left, giving a small text to Celine, and head towards the school gate.

Again she continues her way home, humming the song she's listening through her earphone. Nothing was too exciting for today, well except some thoughts she read. One of the jocks has a crush over a nerd, or how the popular girls are hating on each other. It's like a weird fan-fiction she read two days ago.

Whistling back home, she arrives on her doorstep, not wasting a minute to fetch out keys. It was unusually quiet, which probably means no one is home, and the loud neighbors were out.

"Finally some peace and quiet," she muttered as she laid on the couch, not before tossing her bag.

Taking a shut-eye she goes back thinking of the two new weird transferees. There was something that was nagging behind her head, but she doesn't know what.


She opened her eyes, and she glanced towards her phone. It was Uncle Rudy, opening messenger she reads his text.

'I'm going to be late, eat dinner first'

Groaning, she threw her phone on the couch. She blankly stares at the ceiling. Even though she felt school passed by in a flash, but the afternoon felt like it was moving like a sloth.

She starts questioning herself, like what any other teenager would do. When did she get this bothersome ability of hers? She never really found an answer to why. The first time she read someone's thought was in 2nd grade. She thought someone was talking bad at her. But when it continued, she realized the 'talking' she's hearing wasn't even spoken out loud. The very few times she told her parents, all they said it was her funny 'imagination'. So she never brings it up again to them.

She blinks and yawns. What time is it?

Glancing towards the clock in the living room, it was just 4 o'clock plenty of time to take the nap she needs. Especially when Uncle Rudy wasn't home, she cackled at the thought.

Julie got up and picked up her bag, as she walks up the stairs. Heading towards her room, and jumps onto her bed.

Finally shutting her eyes, she completely forgets about her phone in the living room. Well, nothing important should happen in this slow afternoon.


It was seven when she woke up. The sky from her window was already dark. But it was quiet. Her uncle wasn't home yet, and Aunt Jude has a night shift.

She got up from her bed, whilst patting down the bed to find her phone. Julie jerked awake when she couldn't find her phone anywhere. She scrambles to look around, running downstairs towards the living room.

Sighing in relief when she spotted her phone on the couch. She picked it up, as she saw a few text messages from Aunt Jude and Uncle Rudd. And between those messages, there were Celine's spam messages.

She turns on the TV, as she went to the kitchen to find if there were any snacks left. Inspecting every cupboard, she couldn't even find a piece of candy. Where are all the snacks in the house? She thought annoyed how snacks magically disappear. Sighing she glanced towards the clock in the living room.

Seven past ten, she noted. The Convenience store should still be open right? She thought it through, whether if it's a good idea to go out alone in the dark.

"Meh, it's alright," she muttered as she puts on her shoes. She tied her hair to a messy ponytail and wore her hoodie. It might be cold at the night. Left a note on the table so her aunt or uncle won't be hysterical when she's not home. Ready with her purse and phone, she went on a journey to buy snacks

Walking down the streets, Julie can't help but think it was unusually quiet. She wasn't reading a lot of thoughts, or maybe because it was blocked with the music in her ears, she doesn't mind the silence. Not every day she can be this calm.

Julie walked out of her house complex, and straight into the main road, and to an intersection. Her school was just around the corner of the right intersection. While the store was at the very end of the left.

The convenience store is just a few meters away, the store was bright at the end of the streets, next to it was an open field.

Julie walked in, looking around to find the snack aisle. There weren't a lot of people it was just her, and the guy behind the cashier.

[when is this shift ending] Julie heard the man sigh, she ignored him as she ventures inside.

"Finally, found it." She brightens at the sight of snacks, there was plenty and stacked neatly. She took a handful of snacks, going back to the front store to get a basket. Julie was stocking up the snacks in her house, maybe hiding them in her room from her uncle is the best choice.

Dragging her feet towards the drink aisle, she picks up a few energy drinks and canned coffee. Energy drinks were water to her, as much as it could kill her by getting a heart attack, it's the only thing that could keep her awake for school, with all those sleepless nights.

Julie glanced at her basket. She got all she needed, and if she added more she probably wouldn't have enough cash on her.

Strutting down towards the cashier, she placed down her stuff, as she saw the guy flinched at the sound. Julie sighed, the dude was on his phone the whole time.

[what's her deal] the guy grumbled, as Julie rolled her eyes. Julie could only wait for the guy to ring her stuff up.

Her gaze was up towards the small screen on the wall, it was the news? The man who was checking her stuff out was also glancing at the screen.

"Breaking news, police-reported there was a fourth victim on the hands of the same killer, claw man. The body was found in the forest of the town, police concluded the victim bled to death. Police officers give out warnings to the citizens of Argon Hills, to be wary at the night.-"

It continued describing the murder, as Julie could only stare. A fourth victim? Was this her aunt's case?

"12.99 $," the man said, as Julie slid down the money. Well, there goes her allowance. But at least she managed to get everything she needed. The man gave her change, as he handed her the bag full of snacks and drinks.

"Have a nice day." the man muttered out. [Is she drinking all that by herself?]

Julie ignored the man, as she took the bag, and head towards the door.

Outside the store, she pulled up her phone. If she was lucky maybe her uncle can bring her home.


Her phone suddenly rang, Celine was shown on the screen. Julie answered it and was startled when the loud voice of her friend rang through the speakers.

"JULES WHERE YOU AT!" Celine's voice was loud and filled with panic. Julie alarmed by how nervous Celine's voice, answered. "I'm out, what's wrong?"

It took a while for Celine to answer but Julie heard some muffled voices and whispers. "Uhm, are you going home now?" Celine asked.

"Yeah-" "Then uh We'll wait." Celine hung up before Julie could say anything else. Julie sighs, so much for getting picked up by her uncle.

Taking the same route, but speed walking. It took 15 minutes to get back, Julie was already gasping when she arrived outside her house complex.

"it's almost 8, why would she even come here," Julie grumbled as she walks back to her house.

Not even a minute, when she froze on what she saw. There, right in front of the door. Was the familiar blonde, and two strangers. Julie squints her eyes, as she tries to remember who the two strangers were.

Thoughts came rushing into her mind, there were a lot of mixed thoughts. 'Oh my god, is she here yet?' 'who's house is this

Julie rushes towards her door, as she heard a gasp coming from the familiar blonde. "Jules, you're here!" 'thank god, she's here'

"Celine Winny Gregory," Julie could see Celine wincing at her mentioning her middle name. "Why in the world are you on my front door with these" Pointing at the two familiar transferees "guys!? Any explanations??"

"No- uh can we get inside first?" Celine stuttered out, as Julie was already fetching out keys. The door clicked open, as Julie lets them in. "get in." Her voice stern as Celine slumps down at Julie's glare.

As the three went inside her house, Julie gaze at the ruffled state they were in. Locking the door, she saw something at the corner of her eye. "the hell was that." She muttered as she trudged towards the living room.

When she dropped her bag filled with snacks and drinks, she finally takes in what the state the three were in. Julie couldn't help but feel appalled.

The two transferees, Amelia Gold, and Ethan Jackson. They had dirt on their clothes, and the state of their hair resembles a bird's nest. But both of them were avoiding her gaze, especially Amelia.

Celine, her idiot friend. Was in a much worse state, her right arm was black and blue, she looked like she was shocked by lightning. Again Celine was slumped down on her couch.

"So, any explanations, why you're with them?" Julie rubbed her forehead, the nagging headache coming back. But Julie was surprised by the sudden glare from her friend.

"Aren't you suppose to give me an explanation?" Celine answered voice filled with anger and sadness. [ I can't believe she lied to me]

Julie was taken aback by how different Celine was acting. "What do you mean? You guys are such a mess, and showing up at my house covered with bruises? Don't you think you're the one who should explain!" Julie tried hard not to be spiteful, she can't help but feel nervous as well. What was going on?

"well aren't you going to tell her?" Julie whips her head towards the blackhead, who was smirking down at her. [the truth's out already.]

The truth? What does he mean? "this is none of your business Jackson." Julie spat out, as he shrugged. Amelia, beside him, could only fidget her shirt nervously.

Suddenly something sparked at Celine's fingertips. Julie flinched at the light crackling, it was blue lightning.

Julie's eyes widen as she gapped at her friend. Celine's glare stood still at her. "what" Julie croaked out, still shocked at what's she's seeing.

"When were you going to tell me, you had powers too." Julie flinched at the cold voice. Julie still not taking this properly didn't answer her. [is she finally admitting it?]

Julie in a dilemma, couldn't answer her, as she just muttered. "You're all injured."

Celine jumped up in a fit of rage. "Why aren't you answering?!" But Julie had left the living room. Julie could hear the raging thoughts as she went to the bathroom for the first aid kit.

Julie closed her bathroom door, as she slumped down. So there were more of her? When did Celine get hers? Is that why there were two random transfers? Julie groans as she messed her hair in frustration. All she wished now was an adult, this was too much for her to handle.

Scrambling from the floor, she found the first aid kit. Julie took a deep breath, as she faced the one thing she was afraid of, which was sitting downstairs in her living room right now.

The feeling of shame.