Nothing was better than waking up knowing you have a chemistry test first thing in the morning. Either the school is the reincarnation of hell itself or the universe seems to hate her. Julie believes the former more, as she had experienced what school was like, and they're not kind to students.
"Why didn't you tell me that we had a chemistry test!" Julie barked at the blonde, who looked at her offended. It was finally Monday, and Julie had completely forgotten about school during the week.
"What do you mean!? You're the one with a schedule!! How can I know you have a test after homeroom." Celine argued back as they ran to school. Both Celine and Julie have been so caught up with the awakened training that they didn't even touch their school textbooks.
"ME!? YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THIS- ARGH COME ONE WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" Julie runs like she's never been before (except the chase with the crazed man that is, that was a world record for her). Only ten more minutes before they get their asses whooped and detention. Julie is not having detention in her well-perfected report card.
They finally crash into homeroom, five minutes before the bell. Celine, who looked slightly tired went towards her chair. While Julie, who is not as athletic or the fittest girl in the world, was left wheezing at the door trying to catch her breath.
The bell suddenly rang, as Julie staggered towards her seat. Luckily their homeroom teacher, Mr. Hendrik takes his sweet time to get into class. Meaning Julie has time to calm down from the constant wheezing and gasping.
Julie frowns as her head began ringing again. It wasn't as bad as it usually is, but you put 20 teenagers in a room, it's bound to have chaos.
[So the outermost electrons of atoms is]
[nah I'll just wing it, I'll probably get a C]
[I wanna eat a burger]
Mr. Hendrik finally came into class, as Julie blinded out the chatter in her head. There's nothing big in homeroom, just Mr. Hendrik calling out students, or evaluating the class. Like any other day, homeroom goes on normally.
Julie slips in her earphones, trying hard so she won't get caught. Surprisingly, she managed to do it. Opening up youtube under the table, she listened to the dude who teaches chemistry better than her teacher. Julie had her foot tapping up and down, nonstop. She kept fidgeting and clicking her pen. Somehow it's all silent for a while.
"Julie? Would you stop the pen clicking?" Julie jumped as she glances towards the front of the room. Mr. Hendrik's gaze was on her, as he looked devoid of emotions.
"Ah- Yeah, sorry." She puts down her pen, embarrassed with the spotlight on her. Mr. Hendrik nodded satisfied as he went back on talking. Julie slumps down to her seat, reviewing her chemistry notes.
Not every day she was running for the bell, she had thought. She had always been on time, at least 30 minutes before the bell. But today has broken that normality. Almost every day, she tries to concentrate on the sea of thoughts, and try to pinpoint just one. To her it's wasting her time, she had to graduate high school. Especially with the scholarship, she had to at least use it to her potential. Like what her parents expect her to be, some kind of successful woman with a good reputation.
But ever since Celine got her powers, things were so out of order that she felt confused for the first time. The only time she was this confused was when she begins listening to thoughts. A few years later, she accepted the troublesome life and use it to her advantage. However, learning there were more of her and another whole world? Having to adapt again is a hard thing. Took her almost five years to not cry every night, because of how loud the ringing in her head was.
"Julie? We got to go to chemistry now." Julie snapping out her train of thoughts, looked to her right. Amelia was tapping her shoulders as almost everybody was gone already. Amelia had the same look she had, the timid shy girl of the class. This was the first time Amelia had initiated a conversation with Julie.
"Yeah- yeah I'm fine, where's Celine and Ethan?" Julie stood up with her bag on her shoulder, they walked out of homeroom to chemistry.
"Well, Celine told me to call you out, saying she had English with Ethan." Amelia explained, Julie raised an eyebrow at her statement. "together?"
Amelia giggled, "yeah together, to be honest, both of them are dense aren't they?" They both chuckled at the two idiots. Celine and Ethan for the past week had gotten closer, especially with the small glances the two made, Julie almost believed she was living in their romance as a side character.
"Yeah, they're so infuriating…How's your day??" Julie questioned, curious of the shy brunette. They're never alone together, with usually both Celine and Ethan sticking together with them. It was rare to be able to have a private talk. Especially on what she had realized the first time Julie passed out.
"Well, the school's great, hate the homework though they suck. Though I think I'm too shy to talk to anybody other than the group…" Amelia sighed avoiding Julie's gaze while having a small sad smile.
Julie being anti-social herself was eyeing everything in the hall not knowing what to do. She wasn't Celine who can be carefree with her personality, nor she was Ethan with his snarky attitude. Hell, she was the one who is usually emotionally constipated and the fact she didn't know what Amelia was thinking, made things very complicated. Never in her life, she thought she would want to be able to use her ability.
"Uhm, wanna hang out during lunch?"
Julie mentally slapped herself (if she could physically she would have banged her head to the wall). Who in the world would just ask someone to hang out, that someone just revealed that they're actually very lonely, and have the slight possibility of getting bullied. 'too far' she had thought, Julie did not want to pry into Amelia's business, there must be a reason why she had to transfer here and not socialize. Was she ruining the possibility of her and Amelia being friends? Maybe, but is she trying? Yeah, she's trying so hard not to be snappy.
Fortunately, Amelia smiled brightly as she stared at Julie with bright eyes. Julie staggered backward when Amelia suddenly walked forward. "Really!? You –you want to hang out with me?"
Julie nodded, as Amelia lurched forward to hug her. Julie already ready to avoid the hug was saved by the bell.
Both of them glanced at each other, and paled. "we gotta go, I'm not having a B for chemistry." Amelia nodded as they both rush to Chemistry, they both finally arrived when the bell ended. The two girls smiling brightly at the clutch they did.
Maybe Amelia isn't a bad friend.
The day went by fast and it was lunch break already, Julie was glad that she was able to do her chemistry test. Luckily, she had reviewed the subject during the weekend. All she can do is pray to get an A from her teacher and hope for the best.
"Julie? It's lunch already let's go." Celine popped out of nowhere as dragging Julie to the cafeteria. With Ethan and Amelia trailing behind them they had arrived in the cafeteria which was flooded with students.
Julie grimaced at the sight, everybody's thought went through her mind, plus they were talking. Julie glanced at Celine and her gro- friends, who wanted to tell them to eat outside the cafeteria. Unfortunately, the trio had already grabbed a table. With Celine waving violently calling Julie in the middle of the cafeteria. [JULES HERE, WE GOT A TABLEE]
'does that girl have no self-preservation' Julie thought and pulled up her hood. Embarrassed with some stares coming from her peers. Rushing to the table she smacked Celine's flailing hand, and hissed at her "Don't do that!"
Celine chuckled and patted the seat next to her. Julie glared at her and huffed, "I'm not walking there to get lunch, let me starve." She heard a snort to her right. Ethan had smirked and started to call her childish insults, Amelia who had also giggled had her hands up to surrender.
"I thought you were on my side, Amelia!? Didn't we agreed that these two idiots were dumb??" Julie cried in betrayal, as Ethan raised a brow at the two.
[Since when did you two get close?]
"OH MY GOD, do you want me to slap you?" Julie threatens him, standing up to run at him. Unfortunately, she couldn't slap him with Celine and Amelia restraining her from slapping the smirking idiot.
"ya know what, whatever I'm gonna get a drink." Finally out from Celine's and Amelia's grip, she stomps to the nearest vending machine, not before sending another glare towards them. [GET ME MY STRAWBERRY MILK] Celine had screamed in her mind, as Julie flinched in the middle of walking. Raising the finger at them, she continues to walk to the vending machine.
"Get a scholarship they said, it will be great. Have powers they said it would be wonderful. Get friends they said-' Julie muttered throughout the journey, as she was suddenly tugged by the sleeve. Jumping she turned to her back, as her eyes widened seeing a dude taller than her (honestly what is up with giants in this school) and a smaller kid behind the giant dude. The dude had black hair and grey eyes. While the kid behind him had dirty blonde hair and grey eyes. Reminded her of a certain character, was it a goddess? But Julie can say that both of them look attractive.
Squinting her eyes, she glances at the kid. The boy looked familiar. Suddenly the image of a running kid flashed through her mind. Gasping she points at the kid behind the tall dude. "You're that kid who ditched me!"
Julie was sure that the kid was the one who ran away while she was getting beaten up, and it wasn't a fun experience. Anyways, why is a kid in here, he looked like a 5th grader? They should be in the middle school building.
"You ditched her?" The tall dude asked the kid. [I thought she saved him] It looks like they were brothers, by the same eye color they had. The kid behind him nodded slowly, and flinched under her glare. "ye-yeah she helped me." [oh no she looks mad]
"You had a lot of guts coming he-
She was suddenly cut off by the sudden grip on her hand, staring at the dude, perplexed. The dude started shaking her hand. "Thank you for helping my brother!"
"He- Hey dude, people are staring!" She whispered at the stares she was getting near the vending machine. The dude shook his head, still had the grip on her hand. "I can't thank you enough for helping him." [Do I have to do this mom?]
Julie finally snatched her hand from the dude, stared at the dude. What kind of man thanks like this? Is this normal? Has mankind started to actually abandon their pride? Did their mom ask this dude to thank her? If so she really wants to meet the mom.
"Okay, calm down, I just helped him because he looked like he needed help, but I also got beaten up, so please just leave it as it be." Julie sigh as she waved them goodbye, finally in front of the vending machine to get her coffee and Celine's milk.
"Wait! What's your name?" The kid who ran towards her slams at her back, as she was thrown forward to the vending machine. "AKH!" She grunted as she peels herself off the vending machine.
"Can you stop that! I just want my coffee, God, bother someone else." Julie said trying to pry off the kid. It seems like he would not let go until he knew her name.
'argh, why would anybody even want to know meh? The normal Julie Millers?' she thought, but suddenly the kid lets her go and looked at her. "Your name is Julie?"
Her jaw drops as she stared at the kid, did the kid read her mind? Was she like him? "What do you mean Elliot, she didn't even say anything." The tall dude said still standing on the sidelines.
"No, I heard it, I swear I heard it! It just went to my mind!" Elliot, the kid started explaining how it just went to his mind.
"I-uh" Julie slips the money to the vending machine and punches the button for her drink. Bending down as she took the drinks, "GOTTA GO BYE!" Running from the vending machine, ignoring the yells from the brothers as she reaches the table.
"You're finally back, did you go to the toilet?" Celine asked, handing her a lunch tray as she took her milk from Julie's hand. Julie slumps on her seat and laid her head on both of her arms.
"Ethan, do you know a kid called Elliot?" Julie's voice was muffled, but Ethan had heard what she had said.
"Elliot? I think I know an Elliot, what's his last name?"
"I don't know, but he was the kid I helped and got beaten up for helping." Julie huffed as she opened her canned coffee.
"you met the kid?" Julie nodded as she gulped down the coffee. Which she got a slap from Celine, whipping her head towards Celine to argue but was met with a glare.
"No coffee if you haven't eaten yet."
"Fine, but yeah the kid, Elliot had a brother with him, and they were thanking me in front of the vending machine."
Ethan had a calculated look on his face, but no answers were coming out from him. Julie took it as Ethan doesn't know the kid, she sighs. "Whatever, it's probably the last time I meet them. Anyways I have a plan for Noah Reed. "
"You do?" "Really?" Both Amelia and Ethan had said simultaneously, Celine beside her was wheezing at the mention of the plan.
"Wait, Celine, you know the plan?" Celine wiped a tear from her face and grinned. "Hell yeah!" [Jules I can't believe you're actually doing this]
"Shut up." Julie groaned as she took a bite of the bland chicken. Both Celine and Julie had talked about how they would get answers from Noah. As they both found out Noah was in the newspaper club. Celine came up with a dumb plan, but it could work.
Oh, how Julie hoped she could pass the month smoothly.