Rooftop Boy

Like any other day, school went down fast and Julie was tired. Julie knew she flunked her chemistry test, and all the pity coming from her friends was meaningless. All she had to do know is just be terrified later on, or probably just try to hide in the bathroom.

Fortunately, she's getting a hang of the mind-reading thing. Julie, for the rest of the day, had no ringing in her head. Legit. The meditation thing Phil said worked.

Her mind went back towards the giant and the kid back in the cafeteria, she swears that she did not tell the kid her name, and the kid said it just went inside his mind? Julie's probably going to have to ask Phil about this. (Honestly as annoying as that man is, Julie, gotta admit that his training regime somehow works)

Now Julie's just sat on the 3rd floor of the stairs towards the rooftop, staring blankly at the wall, clearly not knowing what to do. Why was she doing this? The only answer was Ethan aka Water boy.

Ethan had told her Noah Reed, was on the rooftop. Told her to make a conversation and make friends. Obviously, Ethan doesn't know how to make friends, no person would just come up to someone and be like "hey I get you, let's be friends." (and if someone ever just walks up to her, she would sucker punch the hell out of them)

Sighing, she pulls out her phone. She scrolls down Twitter (where most dramas happen) or just goes through memes. It was 3.15 p.m. and there were none of her friends besides her. Not that she wants to meet Noah Reed, but for some reason, she just didn't want to go home yet.

'Maybe it was quiet for once here', she thought, as she chuckled at an Asian parent meme. Julie finds it relatable on these kinds of memes, especially since her mom is Asian. She's bound to have strict rules in her house back in the days. Before she had moved here with her aunt and uncle, she lived in Indonesia with her parents. Never knew how her parents met though, it was always kept hidden by her parents.

But she suddenly felt sad, no it wasn't sad. She slumped as she ran her hand through her hair. For once she had it out of a ponytail, and Julie kept messing around with it.

'I should get a haircut soon.' She thought, maybe if Aunt Jude isn't busy she can cut it. She had pocketed her phone back inside, as she rested her chin on both of her palms.

[God damn it, where the hell is he!?]

Julie jerked back her head at the new thought. She glances up the stairs and stares at the door. Was there another person on the rooftop? But she was sure there was only Noah Reed up there, and the sound of that thought doesn't sound like Noah.

She slowly stood up, and walk up the stairs. She suddenly could hear a bang on the roof. Must be the other entryway to the roof. Their school was big enough to have two entrances on the rooftop. Julie can hear muffled yells behind the door. But the thoughts that were running behind there were louder. There were so many curse words that Julie wasn't even allowed to say those.

Maybe it was a bad time to investigate Noah, she thought as she turned backward ready to just leave everything and run. But unfortunately the bag she was shouldering accidentally banged the door. She stared at her bag in betrayal, as the yelling stopped.

'shit' she thought when she heard Noah yell at the door, "who's there!"

Should she go inside? That would be suicide, especially dealing with a magneto dude and a stranger that could possibly have awakened abilities. With her powers only being passive, she was at a disadvantage.

Julie clenched her hand and gripped her hand at the door handle. If worst comes to worst, she'll just jump off the roof rather than dealing with two angry awakened, surely Celine would understand why she jumped off. Gulping, she slapped her left cheek and she slammed open the door.

What left her wide-eyed was Noah Reed was getting punched by the same giant dude from the cafeteria.

'what the hell is he doing here!' she thought as she gapped at both angry teenagers. When suddenly Noah had made some of the sharp poles on the roof levitate (what kind of an adult just puts sharp poles on the roof!) and sent them right at giant dude, who let Julie remind you, was just right in front of the door.

Julie yelped as she closed the door back, as a sharp pole stabbed through the door just missing her head by an inch.

Shaking, she fell on her butt. As she tries to calm herself down. Great, she thought. First, she had to deal with a murderer, now she has to deal with two strong angry awakened. The mission would be easy, THEY SAID.

Trembling, she pulled the sharp pole from the door. Which took at least more than a minute, but she managed to pull out the pole which had her stumble backward.

"This thing is hella heavy." She grumbled as she held it up as a weapon. From the broken door, she saw the fight over the two teenagers. Noah had been levitating the sharp metal poles at the giant dude. But suddenly giant dude had materialized something with his arm and disappeared.


All of a sudden, the Giant dude was suddenly behind Noah and punched Noah's right ear which had made Noah stagger. Giant dude was suddenly away from Noah, not even a minute he was on different spots every minute. What the hell, she thought. But her eyes widened as she realizes what Giant dude has been doing.


She recalled what Phil had explained during one of her meditations. He explained the big families. The Reeds, Birro, Sage, Coulson, and finally Gray. Phil didn't explain much of the big families for some reason, but he had explained their main abilities.

The Reeds, specifically always had gravitational or magnetic ability control. While the Birro family had shadow manipulation, The Sages were elemental professionals, The Coulson, Phil's family, which was telekinesis, and finally the Grays. They specialize in teleportation and barriers.

Julie slaps her forehead. Of course, it was one of the big families, from all the schools in the world. It just happens to be this school to be the base for awakened teenagers.

"Give up Christian, you know who has the upper hand." She heard Noah said to Giant dude or perhaps Christian. Peaking from the door, she saw Christian being trapped over several metal poles.

"You know what your father has done right." Christian spatted at Noah and glared at him. So Noah's father, Amos, has done something. So that clears Phil's suspicion over Amos, well she means, Amos definitely has something to do with the recent claw man.

She could see Noah's facial expression faltered, at the mention of his father. Julie saw the metal poles rise (sadly her pole as well) and thrown on the other side of the roof. "Let's talk this out later, especially we have an audience with us." [damn it, she saw didn't she]

Julie ducked her head, as to avoid Noah's gaze. Christian grunted at Noah, and materialize a portal behind him. "Don't think this is over Reed, I will get my revenge on you." That was when Christian disappeared into the portal, leaving only Julie and Noah on the rooftop.

'well that was anticlimactic' she thought about Christian's departure. Really reminds her of the villains in pokemon.

"I know you're there."

She almost forgot about Noah. She slowly walked onto the rooftop, but had her head ducked, she doesn't want to look at Noah's facial expression.

"what- Julie right?" Noah questioned as Julie nodded at him. 'okay, keep it cool. Just act normal' she thought to herself.

"Yeah, uh I was just hanging around the stairs uhm playing pokemon go on my phone when I heard yelling, so I thought maybe it was a couple fighting, then uh-"

Crap, she messed up.

She stopped her rambling when Noah sighed. "well you know anyways, considering you're friends with Jackson and the blonde girl, you know what I am."

What, that's it? No, lies about what had happened. Is this dude really chill about almost killing someone?

"I know what you are too." She saw his purple eyes gleamed, "But I don't know your ability yet, so why would Phil Wilson assign you to me? Should've known the moment you bumped into me. Now which would method would you want, you come with me without making any struggles, or I force you to come with me."

Okay, this dude is not joking. Are all awakeners like that? Just psychotic humans with powers? Deciding that following him, would be better than her getting impaled. She looks straight at him and said, "sure, but mind you, I'm not easy to drag, and I do not want to be dragged poorly on the stairs."

She did not know where that sentence came from, but she was too high on adrenaline to even notice what she had said. For some reason, her mouth decided to babble on some more.

"Ya know, I had a bad day. Would you mind just leave me be, pretend I'm just a potato you happened to pass by? Like legit, the kid who ditched me shows up with a giant, and I forgot there was a chemistry test- urgh like, god damn it, I totally flunk it. Not to mention water boy, and outlet girl they're both terrible with their dense brains. Like- uh- yeah would you just let me go, and pretend this whole thing never happened in the first place?" Julie looked at him, with a pleading gaze.


"Understandable, uhm- what time do I get out, If I go with you?"

"…you speak too much." Julie felt a spear went through her heart (not physically, like mentally hurting her), did he just compared her to her loud friends? Nobody in the world has told her, that she spoke too much. That was Celine's role, not her.

"I beg you're pardon. That role sir is for my stupid friend."

"Whatever, what is your ability." Noah had walked towards her demanding what her ability is. Julie felt cold sweat dripping down her neck. What should she tell him? She can't say that she can read minds. Especially his mind is going a hundred miles per hour.

"Well, it's not very fancy" Come on think of something, there must be a lie that she can come up with. Then suddenly the image of Phil flashed through her mind, grinning like a madman.

'Don't think about it, just do it'

Not the best advice. But as long as she doesn't say mind-reading, maybe something else would work. Then suddenly she remembered what Celine had said to her.

'Man, wish I can speak to you with my mind.'

That's it. Julie looks straight at Noah, still nervous but she managed to get it out. "Telepathy, I can speak with my mind. Other than that nothing else."

"How do I know you're not lying." Noah rolled his eyes. [Telepathy, is she telling the truth? Or is she hiding something]

Damn it, she didn't think of that. Okay, remember your training Julie. Don't mess this up. Julie finally lets out a big breath as she talked.

*𝘋𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘸?*

Noah blinked, staring at her in disbelief. "you're not lying." [Damn, I didn't think this through]

*𝘞𝘦𝘭𝘭? 𝘐𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘦𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘵𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶?*

"Yeah, yeah stop it, it's weird." Noah waved his hand at her, to stop. Julie only laughed internally, she finally made someone suffer the same thing she had for the past eight years.

"So Julie, what do you want from me," Noah asked, with his stare rather skeptical. Based on his posture, he still sees her as a threat.

"Did Ethan Jackson sent you? Or was it that blonde friend of yours?" Noah had crossed his arms. "or was it the association?"

"You know Celine?"

"Obviously, so what are you doing here." His green eyes gleamed, as she glances behind him, she saw the same metal poles levitating. [she saw too much, gotta get rid of her.]

"Hey, hey, no- why don't we just talk it out?!" Julie said nervously, at this point she wanted to go home. Ignore when she said she didn't want to go home yet, she wanted to run home.

With the metal poles levitating closer to her, she staggered backward. What is she supposed to do? Create a distraction? Or try to be friends with him. The latter seems impossible. Whatever, she'll do what she does best, being completely random.

"LOOK, there's Mary Poppins!"

The only thing in her mind was RUN.